I want to smoke a cigarette right now very badly but it's cold as fuck outside. What should I do?

I want to smoke a cigarette right now very badly but it's cold as fuck outside. What should I do?

Man up and go outside

smoke inside


Try a rope instead

Grab hold of your balls and be a man.

You're obviously just a faggot pretending cigarettes are cool, fuck off.

Get a Juul

you could always put a red dot on your head and try to put it out with a bullet.

I just quit smoking a few days ago. Fuck you OP.

Put on a shirt, sweater, and coat. a hat, if you have one. go smoke. come inside, you'll be relieved because
1)You'll have your nicotine craving satiated and
2) It will seem like you're stepping into a sauna.

boof it

You chose to open this thread. Fuck yourself

>What should I do?

up the pooper it goes

Oh jee whiz, love, wat is that?

you should fuck right off

24 m here, quit. Just quit, it'll suck more sick than you ever will during your career as OP, but it'll be worth it. But smoke weed though. At least weed is fucking nice.

u should kys pussy

Don't know why I included my age, not really relevant but I did quit nicotine 2 years ago and I can definitely say it sucked balls year 1 but after that things started getting great.

Just shell out for an ad, that might get you revenue. Shilling in threads is just turning this community against you.

True, im about to go do it

I just quit smoking weed because I started school and I need to have a clear head.

Kill yourself.

Literally just went outside and sat an smoked two cigs and it's 19 degrees here Man up Jesus user

jesus Christ user, grow a pair

underage detected

How cold, faggot?

Quit smoking.

i once snorted 2 grams of very good cocaine and went out in 6 feet of snow during a blizzard to smoke a cigarette

damn, auld lang syne