Since atheists claim that there is no God, why do some have such hostility against those who do believe in God...

Since atheists claim that there is no God, why do some have such hostility against those who do believe in God? Why do some seem to have a mission in life or an axe to grind against Christians or Christianity and even against God? Why do they detest a belief in something that they themselves don’t believe in? Since there is no Santa Clause, why don’t they go up to every Santa Clause they meet and rail against them or not existing since both don’t seem to exist to them?

Nice bait mait wud r8 3/8

>why do some have such hostility against those who do believe in God?
pretty sure atheist/agnostic people could care less who thiests believe in,but hay, gotta bait those newfags somehow

If humans are simply a process of random chemical processes over millions of years then how a non-believer be so sure their atheism properly represents reality? What if they’re wrong? What hope is there after this life if life is all there is? Does that rob purpose beyond the grave? Do you believe in an after-life somewhere? The Bible declares that “what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse” (Rom 1:19-20).


Because you won't shut the fuck up. So you believe, good. Fuck off.

Fucking Atheist scum

That's gibberish, user.

it's not b8 though you're going to hell Hell HELL HELL HELL HELL

I have no animosity towards atheist because I used to be one. Christians are in no way superior to non-believers because God is no respecter of a person’s ability, social standing, or wealth (Acts 10:34; Rom 2:11). God doesn’t look at the outside as we do, rather He looks at the heart (1 Sam 16:7). We too must look, not at the outside, but at the soul of that person as someone that needs saving. They may have very good reason not to believe in God, but we all know that belief doesn’t alter what is true so ask them sincerely why they became an atheist? Show them respect but ask them what their reasons for not believing in God since they lack all knowledge of all places in the universe? Why can they not deal with a God and that exists?

>yes, I'm blindly replying this because even if you said a single letter, I didn't waste my time reading it.

Are you absolutely sure there is no God? If not, then is it not possible that there is a God? And if it is possible that God exists, then can you think of any reason that would keep you from wanting to look at the evidence?

I know but shut up shut up shut
we don't care. We really don't. If there's a god, we'll deal with it. If he's so "all loving" it won't make a difference.
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up

Don't matter if I'm sure or not
this is gibberish. You need to hide behind doctrine to say, what, exactly? Gibberish.

Would you agree that intelligently designed things call for an intelligent designer of them? If so, then would you agree that evidence for intelligent design in the universe would be evidence for a designer of the universe?

Well you could ask on Sup Forums or you could read Carl Sagan's The Demon Haunted World (or any other number of fine nonfiction books) to understand why science is so important and how religion is fighting a war against science and winning. Or you could post on Sup Forums.

Would you agree that nothing cannot produce something? If so, then if the universe did not exist but then came to exist, wouldn’t this be evidence of a cause beyond the universe?

>I'll take 'Burden of Truth', for $600, Alex.


Bait, but I'll bite

I personally do not care if you believe in god or not, nor do most atheists or even people with faith who are critical of religion. What we are against is not your faith, it's so deeply engraved religion is with politics. Literally that's the only problematic issue with religion. It's the fact that most every government in this shitty fucking planet believes that EVERYONE needs to abide by rules that they believe reflect their religious morals. Like the whole "god hates fags" bullshit. You motherfuckers literally made gay marriage illegal all over the fucking planet simply on the basis that "god has a problem with it".

I dont give a fuck if some powerless redneck in a fucking trailer praises JAYSUS CHRIST or if some Muslim fuck in Saudi Arabia prays to Allah. But the second some powerful cocksucker in office makes laws that reflect religious ideas that everyone legally has to abide to that, then yeah you can outright shove your religion up your ass and go fuck yourself.

FFS, how do people still get trolled by this?

I'm not a nihilist. But Judeo-Christianity isn't real.

Would you agree with me that just because we cannot see something with our eyes—such as our mind, gravity, magnetism, the wind—that does not mean it doesn’t exist?

all evidence ever presented for the existence of god was strictly rhetorical or circular logic. your move.

I got your back Sup Forumsrother
religious freedom=freedom from religion

>Since there is no Santa Clause

lies. i have proof there is a Santa Clause.

Because maybe OP will show nudes
like anything else

In the light of the big bang evidence for the origin of the universe, is it more reasonable to believe that no one created something out of nothing or someone created something out of nothing?

of course idiot but you are creating a logical fallacy that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence (thanks boondocks).


Would you agree everything you listed has a rational explaination backed by experimental non-biased evidence, unlike religion

I was hoping she'd have a boi body

Therefore bigfgoot exits

don't knock it, at least it's one less retarded andy sixx thread being made.

science never said that the big bang created something from nothing. science has said that we cannot understand the nature of the universe or lack thereof prior to the big bang.

look at this pathetic specimen of homo sapiens trying so hard to logic it's laughable. emphasis on homo.

If it takes an intelligent being to produce an encyclopedia, then would it not also take an intelligent being to produce the equivalent of 1000 sets of an encyclopedia full of information in the first one-celled animal? (Even atheists such as Richard Dawkins acknowledges that “amoebas have as much information in their DNA as 1000 Encyclopaedia Britannicas.” Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker (New York: WW. Norton and Co., 1996), 116.)

The only way your religion still exists is because you put people to the sword. How is this "holy?"

Because christfags shove it in your face. My roommate is a christfag and he literally won't shut up about it and attempts to bring it into every conversation little does he know I've been using the pages of his bible to wipe my cum

I am agnostic myself, but I find that many aggressive atheists are those who were raised in religion but something terrible happened in their life so they actively blame God, and deny his existence out of spite. Kind of weird to me.

I was raised in religion but its clear that organized churches are cesspools of corruption.

bigfoot drops the mic and exits its tru

By poking them with a sword

If an effect cannot be greater than its cause (since you can’t give what you do not have to give), then does it not make more sense that mind produced matter than that matter produced mind, as atheists say?

Because nobody goes to war for Santa, never has and never will.


Kek, If this "creator" was so good then why are there errors in replication caused by the proteins involved? "He" is perfect right?

show hairless crack or gtfo

it does not take an intelligent being to create an encyclopedia. given sufficient time, dirt specks would randomly form letters and spell out every word in the encyclopedia. granted this could take infinite time. the point being your logic is fail, you are fail, no one is mad, though you are getting replies by being hilariously easy to crush with grade school logic.

I would fight for that ass


Because it's more logical to believe in god, right? You do realize that the big bang theory that you're so adamently against is the exact same theory you believe in, the only difference is that our entire universe came from nothing and the other is that an all powerful all knowing being came from nothing. Literally the same shit. It's even more ludicrous when you propose that god has always existed. So if you think the big bang theory is ridiculous, the other theory isn't any less ridiculous, if not it's much more ridiculous than the big bang.

Besides, I never argued about how existence came to be. I argued the fact that religion is a detriment to society because of how deeply engraved it is in our politics. We have no freedom of religion, you simply cannot have religious freedom due to the fact that there is too much freedom to decide. There will always be conflicts, there will always be wars because of it. Some faggoty greasy atheist online hurting your wittle feelings should be the least of your concerns. You worry about the radical Muslims who will soon behead you simply because you believe in the wrong god or whatever the fuck, buddy.

Humans don't have a great track record for rational thought when it comes to the unknown. I am agnostic because I am not going to lean one way or another based on a rationalization of lack of knowledge. Its just as likely that Nyarlothep is the reason I dream.

If an effect cannot be greater than its cause (since you can’t give what you do not have to give), then does it not make more sense that mind produced matter than that matter produced mind, as atheists say?

Would you agree that if it took intelligence to make a model universe in a science lab, then it took super-intelligence to make the real universe?

I do genetic engineering as part of my job. Does that make me a god?

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are just a mediocre troll and that you're not actually this retarded.

I'll give you a 2/10 simply for making me reply. Good game, buddy.


Religion is flawled because it's an human interpretation of reality.
Science is flawled because it's an human interpretation of reality.

Both are legit ways of producing knowledge, but it's society that determines which way is more valuable.

Also I suggest you to read something about self affirmation. It's the concept that drove you into making this thread AND it's the same concept that makes some people mad at others belief.

Thanks user

In the light of the anthropic principle (that the universe was fine-tuned for the emergence of life from its very inception), wouldn’t it make sense to say there was an intelligent being who preplanned human life?

Considering the universe is mainly extremely dangerous to life as we know it, no

Would you agree that it takes a cause to make a small glass ball found in the woods? And would you agree that making the ball larger does not eliminate the need for a cause? If so, then doesn’t the biggest ball of all (the whole universe) need a cause?


Would you agree that with over 200 billion stars in the milky Galaxy and over 200 billion galaxies in the observable universe that has existed over 14.5 billion years that there has been lots of chances for life, we are not the only life in the universe and we are insignificant?

Is there anything wrong anywhere? If so, how can we know unless there is a moral law?

when was the last time religion replaced a scientific explanation with a better one?

The earth is only 6,000 years old. It says so in the bible

Simple, the bible. It is the word of god

How about you make a legitimate argument.


but i was taught that the word of god could not be recorded.

why is it then we celebrated earths 2018th birthday just like 2 weeks ago?
you yuropoor much?

Yea but my origins of the universe textbook say otherwise and I have faith in it

user,, that's the old testament. I am talking about the NEW testament


Do you agree that an open-minded person should be willing to look at all the evidence? If so, then are you willing to look at the evidence for God’s existence?


I love you so much fun and I have to be a good day to be a good time to get a new one is a good day to be a good day to day basis of the day I will be a good day to be a good day for me to be a good day to be a good time to get a new one is a good day to be

>evidence for God’s existence?

oh, did somebody find his drivers license or something?

If you don’t believe in something, does it mean it doesn’t exist? In other words, does what we believe change what is true? An example was that humanity was convinced at one time that the earth was flat but their “concrete evidence” of looking at the earth and seeing nothing but flatness didn’t make the world into a flat surface. What atheists believe and don’t believe cannot make something true or false.

Atheists may say what happens to them after death and as far as the physical body, we can know that, but what about the soul of a man or woman? Can you kill a soul? Is this all there is after life? Is it nothingness or no state of awareness? How can they be so sure that there’s no afterlife? What if they’re wrong? Won’t it be too late them to believe in God (Heb 9:27).


Who were the ones who clinged to the idea of a flat earth, punished people for finding/discussing the truth and were wrong?

God cannot be an atheist because he believes in himself since he made himself in his image

>What if they’re wrong?
What if they're right?

but what causes the cause?

how can you prove 'the soul' exists? where does it reside in the body? what's it made out of? can it accidently leak out if you are cut a certain way? can some of it be stored in a jar?



But he "created" Dolphins, fleas, ticks, viruses, skunks, rats, etc. which one was his own image?


Man is created in Gods image



Atheist my self, it makes me so mad when other atheists just can't leave other religions alone. I think the reason they do it is because it makes them feel good or they think that they know some hidden knowledge, or they think that they are smarter but in reality they are just an annoying edgy person who can't respect others.

many atheists are concerned with the damage that religion can have on humanitarian efforts. Like Muslim extremism and suicide bombings. not to mention other than most wars, the Crusades, the Inquisition, 9/11, arranged marriages to minors, blowing up girls' schools, the suppression of women and homosexuals, fatwas, ethnic cleansing, honor rape, human sacrifice, burning witches, suicide bombings, condoning slavery, and the systematic fucking of children, there's a few little things I have a problem with.

it's not a matter of 'being smarter', it's a matter of not fucking over their fellow man because their religion says it's OK.

Don't detest your belief in god. Detest your actions in the name of your God and those who force their belief on others. Your God says abortion is bad fine don't get an abortion but leave those who want to get one alone. Your God says don't be gay fine don't be gay but leave those who are gay be gay.