>you lived to see lyncthony niggerstano get exposed as alt right scum

Other urls found in this thread:


>my now defunct meme channel
just take the fucking L man lmao this shit is embarrassing

It was defunct before the article

just come clean, you're a fucking nazi

having a "meme channel" in the first place is the embarrassing part

Ok fair enough

Holy shit why is he so stupid.
>Ain't you get caught being alt right
Like this fucking faggot looked at the article title and assumed it was right without reading it.
Fucking moron. Can't think for themselves.


It amazes me people S T I L L take Vince seriously like holy shit how more obvious does he need to make it that he's clearly fucking with everyone.

>the melon makes a video poking fun at muh 5000 genders
>talked to sam hyde once a couple years ago
>suddenly he's a literal nazi

i'm mildly upset by this i wont lie

Might as well be he's veering into trump tier territory with that shit

>tfw find Fantano and music reviewing cancerous as hell but still profoundly disturbed by the fact that a literal who writing a hitpiece full of straight-up lies can cost you your career overnight

All Vince Staples does is talk shit, this is nothing new.

IKR, watch literally any interview or video with Vince and it's clear that he just does this shit to fuck around with people.

>Thanks tho
for what?

What a cuck, dude just threatened to kill him and he just says n..n..no it was a h..h.hitpiece

vince is \ourguy\

Don't fuck with Ezra. Sam Hyde threatened to kill Lena Dunham and these people stood by and accepted that. Their friends have raped women and they ignore it. Only one man has the fucking cajones to come into the den of fascism, tell these scumfucks off, and get the scoop on underground artist's affiliations with subversive neo-nazi movements. I am immune to your criticism because I am behind the cloak of anonymity blending in to collect info and educate bigot assmad virginbois.

>threatened to kill him

Sam Hyde is on the level of having David Duke on your podcast

Sam is a literal neonazi
>pic related, hyde and someone who openly calls for more right wing terrorism and supports killing children when exterminating all other races

lena dunham is literally a rapist

What's embarrassing about that is that he's talking to musicians as if they give a fuck about some YouTube wanker. Worst thing about Fantano is that he thinks he's significant with his stupid "I like this because I do" vlogs.

>Vince Staple
>a musician

>Sam Hyde threatened to kill Lena Dunham
In self-defense, as an edgy joke that was meant to make listeners uncomfortable at how detailed and sadistic it is.

haha look at him he doesn't want to be slandered and have his career ruined by a hitpiece lolol what a beta

it's an ironic joke

Rappers are musicians whether you like it or not

>look guys, semantics!
The point remains, dumbass. Vince doesn't care what some bald guy says about his music on youtube.

Giving out the full clip, he's going to empty a gun magazine into him

>Vince doesn't care what some bald guy says about his music on youtube.
Apparently he does, otherwise he wouldn't have pissed himself at the sight of being mentioned in melon's tweet.

Musicians make music. So they aren't musicians, whether you like it or not.

>That guy on the left thinks he is 'genetically superior' to anyone


musicians play an instrument.

Vince stays triggering the fuck out of people. Love it.

I sincerely hope he's not a Nazi because that's not how you Nazi salute

did fantano ever state what his political beliefs were? he's just one of those vague centrists, right?

That's like saying if I reply to your post I really really care about what you think of me. it takes 5 seconds to write a tweet, and he didn't even mention melon's review of his music. Outside of Sup Forums and reddit nobody gives a shit about melon.

And, you know, YouTube?

he was a berniebro, I've always assumed he was one of those left leaning dudes that whined about how cool socialism is

he looks jewish so maybe he is

He's an anti-Trump leftist, wants universal health care, gun control etc. He's literally one of their own

Yotubue and other sites aren't mutually exclusive. You're missing the point entirely and talking about shit that doesn't matter. The point is that no actual artist gives a shit about what melon says about their music.

>being unironically mad about this

He deleted it when Ezra contacted him.

fuck weev

People call him melon an artist got their panties in a twist over his review and called him one in the first place.

good! your days are numbered cis-scum.

Fantano wants so badly to be cool with the black people to the point where he will delete a channel with some 500k subs and more views than his regular shit just to """prove""" he's not alt right which none of them are going to suddenly change their mind about since they already believe he's a cracker. Such is the fate of a moderate leftist being eaten by his own.

no sorry, the critic is the real artist and gets to decide what is music.

nazis use memes, think about that next time you try a meme

Melon said waaaay before any of this drama that the meme channel wasn't making any money. I don't want to defend melon but you're just wrong.

>channel gets more than twice the amount of views as his regular reviews
>videos are extremely easy to make
>doesn't make any money
Are you really gonna believe him?

The channel wasn't monetized, you don't even know how Youtube works. How are you going to make money from the channel after Youtube stops giving you money for your channel?

Not really

there were zero reasons to delete the channel
that only make him suspicious of being an alt-righter sympathizer

Not it means he’s about to get paper clipped you dumbfuck

Just be honest

If you voted for trump, are white, believe whites have culture, are alt right etc, you are the modern equivilant of a nazi -- no one will take you seriously

You thinking black people care is the funniest part.

I see only two nice FBI boys working to keep America safe

No it doesn’t get twice the views you fucking moron. Did all the frog posting fry your brain?

if they dont then who does?????????????????????

clearly they do vince staples????????????

I don't think black people care, that's the point of my post. Half of the reason Fantano is such a laughable faggot is because he thinks black people unironically care about him or his reviews because he panders to them even though only 14 year old suburban white kids watch his autistic videos and like his memeshit.

>ain't you ain't ain't ain't be doin' broseph ain't

Says Ezra

i did all those things and people still take me seriously

>pander to blacks by reviewing nothing but hip hop garbage
>still get called out and made fun of by blacks

Vince Staples isn't black "people" nor does he care. He's fucking around on Twitter because people are egging him on.

>Sam Hyde is short

This thread is the most embarrassing thing Sup Forums has produced in the past few months

other whites probably

It's so funny watching Fantano crash and burn, he's like the online equivalent to when a tolerant white liberal moves to Queens, NY to try and discover true black culture.

He said that he is 5'8"

>it's an ironic joke
>sam hyde donates $5,000 to the daily stormer
>just ironic heh...

i can't believe people like you actually exist, the memes are real. you are a living meme

Wait, I thought the Fantano hate was just a joke too bait pol. You people actually think Fantano is a Nazi?

that man has the ideal male form...

Melon had no reason to delete his shitty meme chanel. It’s his oldest channel and it also contains his older videos. Melon sacrificed his channel to pander to sjw to prove that he’s not a nazi. He’s the embodiment of the kind of cucks he would make fun of in his shitty meme videos.

Stay in your basement, retard. white men are THE most cucked "men" on earth, no wonder your women are leaving you in droves lol

It's shitposting

don't get baited

why does he associate with nazis?

It's ironic when people disagree with you, but serious when they agree

>there were zero reasons to delete the channel
there were reasons as to not keep updating the channel but deleting it, yea i dont know why he did it. I think he got spooked by the allegations and used the money thing as a convenient story

Again, melon said waaaay before any of this controversy arisen that he didn't know what to do with the meme channel since Youtube demonetized it. Yes, you could argue that making it private after the article went up was a sissy move, but to be honest it doesn't really change anything. I'm not a melon fanboy, I just dislike that people are trying to make this more than it really is.

gay nazi here, feels good : )

lmaoooooooo, it's much worse than i could have ever possibly imagined. i wish i could live a day in your shoes to see how someone ends up as fucked in the head as you