This triggers the CIA shills

This triggers the CIA shills.

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You're gonna have to walk us through this one, lunatic

Very nice choice of insult


source of image:


It's proving moon walk was bullshit?

Johnny 5 getting an HJ on Mars.
Srsy, that is rather suspicious....

Los locos kick your ass

OP's referring to the moon landing being a hoax.

I do think the US is so proud and idiotic that they'd fake it.. and I can't be the only one thinking that, else this wouldn't be brought up for so many decades after..

But does it matter to me?
..NASA made velcro, and some day I will be too fat to tie my shoes; on that day, I will owe my respects to NASA, moon landing or not.

That day is coming fast.



What am I supposed to be seeing here?

Moon landing has been known as a hoax. What's new?

if it was a hoax why didn't the Soviet Union call us out on it?

They might have, but public opinion would have snubbed their objections regardless.

Because they're dumb? It was all a race and us Americans cheated. Watch the moon walk and tell me it doesn't look fake as fuck.

just look up stanley kubrick admitting it in his own words before death.

the left part of the shadow looks like a person or something, "proving" the Mars rovers are fake or something.

There is a shadow of a person on an official mars rover curiosity photo.

Such news would have been archived and pushed. Just think of how many people hate the US and how that news would have already spread like wild fire a dozen times or more already.

The soviets did send probes to the moon though.
I'm no commie, but they would have called the US out on it and even during the cold war that would have been a sensation.

>They might have, but public opinion would have snubbed their objections regardless.

the soviet union regularly attacked the U.S. and had their objections snubbed by the public, why do you think they didn't go after the moon landing if it was faked?

>because they're dumb

they could send cosmonauts into orbit, they could triangulate our radio signals, if they weren't coming from the moon you bet your ass they would have said something

exactly what capacity did Kubric have as a NASA employee?


You can see the outline of his hair. Which if you can see that, he isn't wearing a space suit which means BULLSHIT.

Supposedly, shadow can't act like that on the moon.
It has to be linear and parallel to each other in direction from the sun.
The sun is at billions of km away, but also produces high amounts of light and heat, therefore, shadows CAN'T act like that.

Oh fuuggggg

show me a photo of the shadow without a person on it.

right, absolutely couldn't have been the countless instruments casting a shadow on the ground



and you can tell by the pixels the shadow has hair!


So what youre saying is this massive cover up doesnt have a guy checking the images before they are uploaded on the website?

You believe that happened?

Blue is the wheel, green is the tool end of the arm, yellow is the arm and shoulder. Or whatever colors I used
>t. Phonefag

You morons. When the rover arm is stowed the turret is where you seem think a person is standing. Look. It's the arm not a person

Because Russia and the USA aren't that different, both have secrets both lie to their people and the world both are controlled by ologarchs and secret service who knows what goes behinde the curtine between these, they might work together on some things, also in order for the american oligarchs to stay in power there needs to be an enemy and a threat, otherwise the people will turn against the psychopathic ologarchs.

These cucks who believe this shit dont care. They are retarded

here have this:

Spelling errors galore.

why do you cover what is clearly the shadow of the hair of the person with thick green paint.

the shadow, fool. Not just a fucking picture.



No, no, you're looking at the rover. We're looking at the SHADOW!

You fucking retard, he's talking about the shadow too.
The camera is aimed almost straight down, catching an angle where the secondary camera, boom, and mounting turret shadows look like the "person".

yes and earth is flat.
people open your fucking eyes they are joking' with our brain.
Only god can judge me. Our savior is in me.
I'am the lord reincarnated as human for save you all.

it's the shadow of a person.

Why did NASA let it get uploaded then?


Wall-e getting a blow job from another robot?

yes please do it

Someone outline the person, I just see parts of a machine


because it is automated.

>look fake as fuck
Compared to what, hollywood movies? That argument is stupid as fuck



>Massive NASA conspiracy
>Lets put automated file uploader for the rover
>Send chad out to fix rover
>Oh no we forgot about the file uploader

To orchestrate these conspiracies they must be genius level sneaky but somehow forget to turn off the camera when its being fixed lol

you guys are retarded


There isn't enough time to review all the pictures, that's why most pictures are black&white cause the colored ones have to be photoshoped.


This billion dollar conspiracy cant have a guy overlooking pictures? lol


Also, what is pareidolia?

I know this is Sup Forums, but jeez, come on.


i estimate strawberry jam

what's the deal here

I never understood why Rovers never have protective plating. Is it because of weight or something?


you don't make a shit ton of money with loose lips


I figured it out, look.

Yeah. That and there's not really that much benefit for broad shielding. The servos and instruments which need dust kept out of them will be shielded or internal. Wires are already individually insulated, so it doesn't matter if they get dusty. Its not like they're going to get caught on a tree branch or something after all. And other than wires, servos and instruments/processing all that leaves is like, structural chassis components, which obviously don't need shielding either.


underrated post


You do realise there were 6 manned landings on the moon? Why go to the trouble of faking it 6 times?


trendy nasa black ops agents

Send this pic to a girl in your contacts with the text "this triggers the CIA shill" ;)

I pay to have hollywood lie to me why should i care if the government does?

Take off your tinfoil fedora

double dicking

When an agency has a budget in the billions and computers in acres that means everything you do is saved and checked, and double checked.

They stopped basing their work on "key words" in 1994. If you can understand how the agency does their work then they are not doing their job right

On the Forgery of the Alleged Donation of Constantine

Los locos kick your face

I feel like you think that there is a point here in here somewhere. I'm just letting you know that there doesn't actually seem to be one.

because hollywood doesn't have the authority to decide over your life like the government does.

Post random images with encoding on Sup Forums so my contact in NK knows when to launch the missiles.

Hurp. The agencies are so far beyond this.

You read about AI and people working together? Yeah, what you think aint even close

If you know what we are doing we aren't working hard enough

If you know who we are, some one just got fired


If you own a cell phone the location is being reported back to the cell company and the agency every five seconds with an accuracy down to three feet. Which the agency knows where you sleep, where you shit, how long you shit, where you work, etc, etc, etc.

My tactic to to bore the AI algo to death

that and send messages via typos

>be NASA
>spend billions to troll people with fake shit
>spend additional billions to cover it up
>miss a single photo on pubic-facing web gallery
>no budget to catch simple goof-ups
>What is "pareidolia" for 400, Alex?

if it's all fake explain the retroreflector thing

again with this shit? the surface of the moon already reflects electomagnetic waves back to earth, otherwise we wouldn't be able to se the moon, if you have a powerful laser all you have to do is to point it at the moon. It's the same principle as pic related.

come now you can do better than that

Kubrick, known to be a perfectionist, demanded to shoot on location

Then how can we see the moon?
but it still doesn't perfectly match

Lol if you zoom in you can clearly see it's the shadows on the rocks. You delusional fuck.

>Then how can we see the moon?
because the moon is reflecting light from the sun to the earth
the retroreflector reflects light coming from the earth back to it

oh man i am talking to zweistein here, didn't know.

The astronauts traveled back in time put a retroreflector on the moon so that our ancestors could see the moon. Genius.

but how can they land on a hologram