Sup b

sup b
which cheat code can i use to stop being depressed? im tired of living already, i just autopilot through life and im tired of it i just wanna die i hate life

Make a fetlife account.

fall in love with someone. those years were the only temporary escape from this otherwise terrible life.

drugs and friends

Research human design and follow your path

please anybody please post more pictures like this one

Stop auto-piloting. The present moment has so many different opportunities in store for you. Mushrooms or LSD can help make that easy to realize

The only cheat code for life is money.

You think your life is so bad but it's just your shitty perspective, becoming more self aware helps and once you realize you have the ability to post on Sup Forums when A shit ton of places in the world would kill you for the contents of your
food pantry.

Smoke weed erryday.
Helped me get through the worst years of my depression.
Clean and sober now 6 months with no suicidal thoughts.

Concentrate on your breathing, surrounding, tastes, smells, and tactile for as long and intensely as possible. Do that for a little while and you will be changed.


use drugs op, just be sure to do things while on drugs and not just do drugs

Start working out and jerking off less. Take walks or go hiking. Idk if you have clinical depression or first-world depression, but these helped me considerably. You need a challenge in life

>Smoke weed erryday
>Mushrooms or LSD

y'all trying to fucking kill him

Cheat code? Molly or lsd. But there could also be another reason why you feel this way, and thats what you need to find out. Do your friends suck? Does your family suck? Branch out, try new things, meet new people. Move to a new town. Whats making you depressed could easily be in front of you every day, but you just dont see it.

Are you a moron?

See a doctor. You may need professional help and/or medication. There's no shame in getting help

Molly will crash your game for a few days, LSD is the better code to enter, enter it multiple times in one day, like 4-5 times

You're ignorant if you think that using drugs like Shrooms and acid or even weed can't fuck someone up with chronic depression, especially if your advice is to just go take it. Come on.

I know two people who developed schizotypal disorder from prolonged and frequent weed use.

A friend of mine had a really bad shroom trip where he wanted to kill himself, tried LSD, which put him BACK in the shroom trip, and fucking guess what?

You're being totally irresponsible. This coming from someone who really enjoys acid.

You don't try that shit while you're already feeling low.

Thats because you've become desensitized to your monotonous routines that used to activate your reward processes within the brain.

Set small objectively good goals that build to a larger one and you'll simultaneously improve your condition while also giving yourself new meaning.

start doing steroids.

boosts your horny-ness
makes u big
gives u confidence to talk to girls
doesn't make ur balls shrink contrary to what everyone says
gives u extra testosterone (male hormone) so ur just more manlier

>he did say cheat codes before anyone judges me

a very good friend of mine who suffers of depression says psychologists are underrated. so please try them.

Shrooms have been tested in Canada as an anti depressant and are showing some of the most effective results. So yeah, you do fucking take psychotropics when you’re feeling low actually. I take lsd and mushrooms in different doses to self medicate my anxiety and bipolar feelings. I take mdma also but that can also knock you out for a few days after so it’s not always helpful

LOL steroids destroy your mental state you retard

A guy with depression doesnt need his hormones fucked up

Motorcycle is a best stress-relieveer and generator of positive energy.

Being rich is the greatest cheat code ever my dude.

Psychedelics are more rare then the holy Grail to find so that's out of the question.

Shrooms have been tested in Canada as an anti depressant and are showing some of the most effective results

Even if this is true, you're helping nobody by telling them that the cure for their depression is taking lots of shrooms and leaving it at that, you fucking dolt.

What’s your answer then?

Dark web markets, easy to order and cheaper

I do some form of psychedelics about once a week, my only hindrance being a forgetful dealer.

Riding a motorcycle is the most fun man can have in life with his pants on.

It's better than any drugs.

well then fuck no wonder I'm so depressed

How about things that may actually bring positive change in his life? How about seeking therapy?I don't know enough about OP or his exact circumstances to give any useful advice, neither are you. And when you're depressed, it's really easy to deflect advice anyway.

What helped me was finding passions and hobbies that make me feel useful, give me something to look forward to and leave my house for, and something to help it feel like I'm making progress in my life.

Recent medical developments have locked me off from most of these, but I'm not letting myself fall into old patterns. I'm finding things I love to keep me busy, and people I like and who will support me to spend time with. I'm not going to sit in a chair high out of my mind going further into my introspective and depressive thoughts questioning my whole fucking life

Acid is done hedonistically, for pleasure, amidst already good vibes. It will not bring you any answers or change your life unless you get addicted to escaping it.

This, and finding, and more importantly getting involved with or invested in, shit to do that's either out of the house or not browsing the internet.