Donald Trump

Donald Trump.
The Worst President Ever?


But have you considered...

1. Buchanan
2. Trump

I've considered a few things...

Prove it faggot

Triggered, Drumpflake?

Don't blame Trump. Worse president ever, true. The political system in the USA has been sick and dividing for about 20 years. Trump is a symptom, a symptom that's making the sickness worse. He's explosive diarrhea while vomiting. People are focussing on the really nasty symptom while not fixing the sickness.

>% of GDP

You know you're being lied on your face when they give you the deficit as % of GDP

Deficit is deficit, period. And Obama created the most deficit in the history of USA.

Good luck paying it back to China. Hope Trump fixes USA.

More jobs for America, better deals for American trade, booming economy, stronger military, support for veterans, focus on law enforcement, stronger boarders, cracking down on the corruption and pedophiles riddling the democrats?

Best president in the last 20 years, objective fact.

7. More. Years.

I think many people are becoming conscious of the issues, Bernie is planning to run independent and with his retraction from the already disilluioned democratic party, the dems will have to promote positivity rather than the same deal, republicans are leaving the GOP because of Trump embarassing the organisation. Never Trumpers are vocal about their disgust with the president, either the dems and repubs are gonna splinter or more indpendent parties are gonna rise from the ashes.

Obama's plan

1) Temporarily increase GDP by accumulating insane amounts of deficit
2) Comparing deficit to short term GDP only sustained by constant accumulation of deficit
3) ????
4) Profit

And people fall for it. Why is USA's IQ so low? Is it because of the crappy education system?

only if the zionist puppet keeps paying allowance to israel. scum.

education system

#1 thing that don't matter:
crying about politics

Lol Bernie simply got a taste of socialism.

They took all the votes that he earned, and gave them to Hillary.

I'm pretty sure the bernie bros got trump elected anyway, their rebellion against the DNC.

After silencing scientists and effectively taking away their constitutional rights to freedom of speech and press, and taking away our right to the research our tax dollars pay for, I'd say he's in the top 3 shittiest for sure.

List of things Clinton fans care about
1. Woman in office
2. The other guy is mean

List of things Trump cares about
1. Himself/other fat cats

Trumps sexism is the sexism of a rich guy in his 70s who has never been caught. If you're a porn star and you want to risk him fucking you then you might just gain access to 6 figure shush money down the road. And he keeps the perverse talk in the locker room...more or less.

Clinton, on the other hand, campaigned on an openly sexist platform. And if the cry to be 'with her' failed, she fell back on saying Trump is mean. That's literally it. And the whole time she was sick and frail.

tl;dr Anti Trump stuff just doesn't get me going because the Clinton option was worse.

>Clinton option was worse.
not if you're politically aligned with her
there's many political tests to see who you most side with
I'm a democrat, I have to accept that.


why are you on Sup Forums??

Haha fucking niggers

sure kid
stay mad

stay mad kid

sure kid
stay mad

sure kid

sure kid
stay mad

>I'm a democrat
you're mentally ill son

>Clinton option was worse.
not if you're politically aligned with her
there's many political tests to see who you most side with
I'm a narcissistic communist, I have to accept that.
-fixed that for ya