YouTube suddenly changed policy and now my channel can be demonetised in February...

YouTube suddenly changed policy and now my channel can be demonetised in February. This is my channel: How do you suggest me to achieve 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours? I'm sure that with the power of Sup Forums there is a solution. I have been here for the last months and I now about brilliant minds and brilliant people that populate here.

By now, I have 401 subscribers and 156.993 minutes in the last 365 days.What is your best advice?

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>my channel can be demonetised
get a job, you lazy nigger

I have one, I'm a freelancer :)

So what?

Also, you are asking the wrong place for that.

Is there a specific Sup Forums board for this? Wich one do you recommend?

You are asking the wrong site kinderfucker.

All the people that might have given a shit about the world problems left as soon as the site was born. And the fuckers that used to wreck havoc for the kick and giggles either got arrested, killed or simply left here.

It seems that you know because one video out of 5 is how to grow your social network... Kinda hard to take that seriously when you have 16views to be honest.

You need a more specific value proposition, this is way to broad in terms of topics, there does not seem to be any consistency.
People go to youtube for entertainment mainly, or look for people specialized in a domain. You do everything but with little depth it seems.
Also, I don't get why you put your face in some videos, it works for some people when the channel is around an entertainer but when you look for info on a topic, this does not bring any value.
Change your banner also, it looks really bad. People don't need to see the name of a website, they will find you if they want to at the bottom of every video.

If you give away some stuff like coaching or whatever, you could grow somewhat of an audience I guess but not even sure.

Your website looks OK but very slow, at least for me.

Fuck off, jewtube nigger. You want views and hours? Put up a video of your suicide.

This is good advice.

But some fucking effort in, in suck of all these half assers complaining that they can't grow.


Also, wtf is up with your videos of less than 1/2min, this is garbage you know it, everybody knows it. No valuable information can be communicated in so little time.

Very good advice, I have a video about cleanning robots that is more than 20000 views. that video accomplish what you say. I will apply it in all future videos, thank you. I will also make a better header, what style do you recommend? Do you have some example?

That sucks

What do you think is the better duration for a video?

Your channel is garbage. You dont deserve monetization.

Get memeing and making clickbait top 10 lists.

Make actually good content and keep improving.
If you are doing Youtube only for money then stop as you are going to get nowhere.

This are the analytics of last 365 days, in time per video.

I got over 1000 subscribers but the hours thing is gonna be tricky. Thinking about just changing my channel into a kids channel. Was watching my nephew watch this toy review channel and that shit had like 10+ million views with barely any editing involved

What's your channel, Can I take a look?

Look at neil patel's channel for instance, the header features his name but there is color and a value proposition. The definition is also appropriate.

10 to 12 minutes is a good duration. It also allows you to break down content in several videos and pick up on what your audience wants to see. If a specific kind of video works well and there is demand for follow up, you can continue with that and give up other videos that do not do as well.

I haven't watched your vids but there are ways to make them longer without adding to much content (even though you should).

If you manage to be more focused, youtube will also reward you because what they want is for people to use the site like TV, watching several videos from the recommended section. As it stands now, if I want to be a DJ or I am into robots, I am not watching another video you put out on a completely different subject unless you bring something of value as a person.

When everybody is already in the niche, it's probably not worth starting. Also, kids want someone they can relate to in the videos, if you have a child to put in front of the cam, that could help a lot.

Wonderful example, I changed my header based in that model. Is much better. What do you think? I like it more thank before.

How's that resume?
- High school drop out.
- Played games online.
- Can do the simplist of editing.

not your personal army faggot

No, but most of the people here is amazing. I enjoy come here and read your opinions about lots of amazing topics. I'm sorry if you feel offended.

"I like it more THAN before", sorry for the grammar.

It is indeed much better.
I am out, got things to do but best of luck.

Thank you, you have helped me a lot

While this example seems shitty, it is crazy how much JewTube is trying to keep finding ways to not pay people. I don't have a channel or anything, so no horse in the race, but as an observer it seems like they will keep throwing more and more obstacles until only a handful of people make money. Who cares if the person only earned $2 in a month. Pay then $2. If it's about the administration costs of paying low level earners it's BS because humans don't do that shit anymore.

A couple of months ago there was a restriction of 10.000 views, now this. You are right in your observation.

Yo consumo varias horas diarias en Youtube y este canal no me ofrece ningún contenido de interés ni me parece llamativo de ninguna manera.
¿Quieres hacer vídeos sobre tópicos curiosos, cursos, relfexiones? Mira lo que canales como RealLifeLore o HalfAsInteresting hacen. Hay demasiados canales con este tipo de contenidos, y solo algunos destacan, más que nada por la calidad del vídeo y qué tan entretenido puedes hacerlo para la audiencia.
Te recomiendo no hacer vídeos de vloggin hasta que seas al menos al menos algo conocido, o que tengas seguidores a los que les interese, porque si no van a ser vídeos que no van a ser de interés de nadie.
Por favor deja de poner la misma foto tuya en todas partes. Si quieres que asocien tu canal a tu persona, haz un logo, un dibujo, una caricatura de ti, algo, pero no una simple foto.

Considera empezar de nuevo aplicando las recomendaciones. En serio. El canal se ve muy cringy, si eres familiar con el término. Inventa un nombre. No a todos les va bien usando su nombre personal como nombre de canal.

Si vienes a Sup Forums a pedir ayuda en esto, parece que no estás muy conectado con este lado del internet realmente. Mejor apégate a reddit. Sup Forums no es para este tipo de cosas. Considera que la sacaste barato ahora. Que te digan que te mates y que este no es tu lugar es lo menos que podrían hacer.


You must be a guy who once had big dreams, but you choose to be lazy stupid person.

The issue I have with this, as a viewer only, is that it discourages new people. They're cementing the existing YouTube "stars" and protecting them against competition, Maybe not just yet, but when they're added more restrictions and only people with a million subs and 5 million hours of views can make any money, you'll have this massive gap between the mega-channels and the garbage.

>obvious bait is obvious, yet none of you newfag Sup Forumstards realize it

Make videos in English you fucking soyboy Mexicafag

make better content or gtfo

lol. listen up kiddo, a youtube channel is a huge asset in todays world. if you have a relevant youtube channel for a company and have >10k subs, this might be more valuable for a company than your skills.

I speak from experience and know that having a healthy youtube channel or an insta profile is very valuable. those who can master those platforms will go much farther in live with much less hassle than those who don't and keep rationalizing their mediocre opinions.

let me lean out of the window and even claim that in 5 years, a youtube channel with >50k is more valuable than a college degree.

Not the same user, but Youtube is not a real job man. Its only for those people who dont have life outside their basement.

You mean tax dodger.

Muy buenos consejos. Voy a echarle un ojo a esos canales. Es lo que tú dices, trabajan contenido similar a varios de mis vídeos, pero de forma distinta. Supongo que puedo llevar mi contenido un poco más al campo del entretenimiento. Lo tendré en cuenta ¡Gracias!

Long story, but you have some reason in that. However I do other stuff apart YouTube

Sadly that's the situation

i want to know what other stuff you do?

No bait intended, I'm sorry if you see it this way.

What about subtitles?

Very good observation, I'm 100% agree

Here in Spain we pay taxed even if we doesn't earn money that month. And If we do, we pay even more. About more than 300€ monthly earning profit or not. Being a freelancer (autónomo) isn't cheap in Spain.