Why do all artists inevitably descend into mediocrity?

why do all artists inevitably descend into mediocrity?

because of the media, competition, greed, etc

They've said all they have or felt the need to and don't have the drive to go above and beyond anymore because they're comfortable.

David Bowie did descend into mediocrity for a short while before releasing a number of underrated classics.

Perfect example is Tyler The Creator, a very mediocre artist, making edgy music for edgy teens. Naturally he is hated by the media then after he fakes being gay and drops a pretty shit but also gay album, the media loves him

Kanye West transformed to auto-tuned inaudible garbage

They run out of ideas.

"Everyone has a finite number of good songs in them and I'm not an exception. Paul McCartney, one of the finest songwriters of the 20th century, has written nothing but manure for over 25 years. Rock stars over the age of 30 do not produce important material."

Nirvana never did, but Cobain left time outside the grey before they ever got the chance to become mediocre.

The Ramones didn't. All of their albums are great, fucking fight me.

I would say artists are milked by the main stream bell curve. It might not be so complixated of answer, but many factors also equate to being a mediocre artist.

>You have released underground work, cool
>gets some recognition
>make a main stream album with a refined underground vibe but add main stream influences to assist growth in audience
>runway succuessful main stream album
>make another mainstream album
>now your free lance promoters (or 'before it was cool' fans) feel divided with the mainstream audience
>mainstream audience doesnt care, they decide when trends faulter
>more albums later
>70% of your original audience has moved on
>almost 70% of the gap is filled with mainstream audiences that now dictate the artist in whats good or not
>years go on and its now 95% of the artist's audience is the bell curve mainstream
>next album
>no bell curve anymore
>next album
>the shell of what once was the original underground artist is now pumping garbage
>artist dies
>everyone cares
>people use the artist's name to inflate their pity ego
>"i loved them before it was viral, cool and/or popular"
>"in the good ole days"
>the artist is now shamed, even after death

It hurts to type this and imagine every artist aith this fate

Take the Frusciante pill.

Because once they're successful they're not longer hungry and they've got everyone on their dick.

>blocks your fucking path

Why try when you have their money?

Name ONE artist who, till the end of their career, were able to constantly one up themself with every project and who desperately strived to improve every time.



Well, that would befor you



I would say this, but their career is not over


because your taste changes

Hasn't made anything good since 1997.

Ringo Starr.

that's a real hot opinion there fagtron

Scott Walker
Kanye West

>what is Chaos and Creation in the Backyard

if you ask me, it's comfort, when people become too comfortable and secure, they know that anything they make will be fine, so their perfectionism gets pushed aside because studio time costs money and a struggling musician knows how important money is

Brains start deteriorating after age 30

Cognitive function in humans is more-or-less steady state from 25 until 60. Typically, there will be a small drop in the 60s and a bigger drop after 70. However, there is quite a bit of variation from person to person and women on average suffer less cognitive deterioration in old age than men.


>Rock stars over the age of 30 do not produce important material.

TCV is the best thing Homme has ever done and ever will do.


They be human, mon

>He cant into any radiohead after alt rock album

Liars just issued a top notch record but I never see it mentionned here

>coming from a literal hack with 2 good songs

All Around The World and Go Let It Out?

They had no truly terrible albums though a few weak ones in the 80s. They were also smart enough to retire rather than keep going when they had gray hair.

because an artist doesn't live to please you.

I guess arcade fire are a good example of this, the last album was horrendous

think about it, your whole life leads up to your first album. only the time between albums leads up to the rest. the richest ideas are all going to be at the start of the career.