Man this episode really showed how to fuck up a relationship. I 'member now

Man this episode really showed how to fuck up a relationship. I 'member now.

Also South Park thread.

I just want Cartman to be his old self again. I don't care much for Heidi desu

Heidi is smart and funny, I like her.

That said, left leaning Cartman shouldn't be all that different from right leaning Cartman as far as personality goes.

There is no left-leaning Cartman. He's merely pretending in order to get pussy.

It's obvious he's planning something despicable.

Heidi has 0 personality. She needs to die and Cartman should return to his normal self.

You're just jelly Cartman got some

I swear if this ends with Kyle ending up with her I'm gonna flip my shit.

Not really. Im just sad Cartman changes his entire personality for a chick. People like that are shit.

He's fucking fat what else is he gonna do?

I still say this is Cartman playing the Long Game to fuck with people over breaking his devices

Cartman is back !

Making up lies to cover his tracks.

Blaming jimmy.

How dumb is Heidi ? Jimmy can't run.

Love makes blind user.

After seeing this I don't want a gf.

Cartman is so dumb. All he had to do was come clean, but his inner sociopath wouldn't let him. Instead he digs deeper.

SP is shit and hasnt been watchable for years

Indeed it does


Why would heidi knowing cartman's internet history make a difference? Shouldn't heidi be fully aware of how evil cartman was in the past?

jesus you sound like a fucking soap opera housewife

He was already in his SJW phase when he made that tweet. Also he lied to her when he just should have told her the truth.

>nobody would suspect it was you!
Uhh except for the 19 seasons when cartman was a dickhead to everybody? What the fuck was that

Because he's been saying chicks are smart and funny non-stop and even that the new GB movie was good when that's not true.

That's just the Sup Forums overlap. Very similar to tumblr.


Great so Heidi is a tumblrina shipper too

The point is that it woudn't.

Heidi knew that Cartman was horrible, but she believes he changed, which to some degree he did.

The point isn't that Cartman said something infact I wouldn't be surprised if Heidi outright stated that the new Ghostbusters was shit the point is that Cartman lied to her now, when she trusted him. When she thought he was beyond that.

He's so bad at lying too, I bet she's just testing him

>implying cartman isnt a pinnacle of morality

This has got to be the worst South Park episode ever

At some point your tumblr-combing adult neckbeard ass probably even found a post she'd made and bitched about it on Sup Forums.

'Member when this season was good?

No that would be 'Great expectations'

This entire season is just mediocre. I haven't laughed hard ONCE.

'Member when South Park had individual story branches that were all hilarious?

Cartman is gay though.

Why is he straight all of a sudden?

I 'member. 'Member when the show didn't try to radical change characters?

Oooh, I 'member!

The vagina with balls symbolizes that he's bisexual

I 'member

I thought it was a reference to his mum being a hermaphrodite

Last season was much better desu.

Steven Seagal, hanging reality, Hot Cosby, Shitty Pa Town, Whole foods etc.

I thought it was just because Cartman was a dumbass.

But she's not.

>Steven Seboom boom

then I pull out and jizz on chris evans's tits

I seriously hate how you guys use the /spoiler/ thing here on this board. The way you've used it in your post is completely stupid, annoying, and unnecessary.

>hurrr let me randomly put a black block of "spoiler alert" in the middle of my sentence. that will make me cool, right Sup Forums?


I didn't quite get the member berries throwing one in the boot of the car. Does Jenner ingesting it mean something? Or are we not meant to know yet?

He'll probably 'member that he's a man and run the campaign alone

Well *I* do it any fucking time I feel like it if I think it's funny, and especially when faggots like you whinge about it.

Hey I liked that episode. In my opinion the breakdown is like this

>Seasons 1-2
New show, kind of silly and random, they were definitely not thinking the show was going to last but it was genuine fun
>seasons 3-10
The best seasons, imho. The prime of South Park
>seasons 10-15
mostly good, but the show's popularity began to weigh down on the quality and there are a lot of 3edgy5me kind of episodes that I just kinda roll my eyes with
>seasons 16-18
literally the worst period of the show
>season 19
beginning to recover....though still not with the charm that made the show good in the beginning. Of course, by now, Matt and Trey are older and the show begins to speak to its core fans, who are also older, on a different level
>season 20
overhyped election stuff. I still like it, and it speaks to me differently now especially in this election year, but the show just isn't funny like it used to. I'll chuckle maybe once or twice per episode, and exhale sharply through my nose with a smirk here and there for the most part.

You guys are reading too much into this.

This guy is right.

Nice way to retroactively claim the highground for being a hive-minded fuck wad. I ain't even mad, just calling it out.

Cartman is gay though.

>regularly crossdresses
>plays with dolls
>sucked butters off
>rarely shows interests in girls
There is loads of little hints if you watch the seasons through.


What about his infatuation with Wendy or fantasizing about kissing Patty Nelson?

I guess you can read anything into it that you want to but you'd have to try really hard to make the case that Cartman is a homosexual using those examples. He's just a sociopath raised by a crackwhore and his plans to make others feel bad often backfire on him because he's pretty stupid.

Honestly, why do you seem to NEED Cartman to be a homosexual? What kind of autism is this?

degenerates on Sup Forums and tumblr ship him with kyle

...there is one Dutch who can stop this madness...

I just watched Season 1 to 9 on a binge. there is a lot of hints. Seriously. Watch them through,

Cartman wants to terraform Mars.
Roller coasters, vaginas, and no minorities.
That's his plan.

So much for being neutral, Trey and Matt literally shouted for people to vote for Hillary at the end, no subtlety, no jokes, they literally asked for votes. What the fuck has happened to South Park?

So you're going to ignore the two things I mentioned that completely negate him being gay? Cartman being bi is reasonable, but he's not full on gay.


Yeah, they should totally support Trumps wall so Mongorians could come tear it down.

>infatuation with Wendy
That was the other way round. He didn't seem bothered at all, just a way to get one up on Stan.

>Patty Nelson
Not mentioned in the seasons I referred to. Haven't got to that point yet.

He's like srewie levels of obvious gay. And even stewie was with a few girls

>He didn't seem bothered at all
Remember that sad sigh he made when Wendy went back to Stan?
>Not mentioned in the seasons I referred to
It still happened.
>being bi is not a thing
Fine, he's gay. I give up.

>Remember that sad sigh he made when Wendy went back to Stan?

Totally means he is straight. Sucking Butters cock doesn't mean anything.

Seriously, rewatch them. It's fucking blatant.

South Park was God-tier in seasons 1-3, good in season 4, okay in season 5, watchable until season 8, and irreedeemable dogshit after seasons 10.

Season 8 is the best season though.

Not a bad episode in that season.

That wasn't even me (I'm )

And it's not a meme. It's just a neater way to go off on a tangent - as you sometimes can do to make an extra point like I'm doing right now - than using the '-' symbol like I did just now.

I don't get why you need to get so uppity about someone using a tool they're given for more than it was intended for, especially in a context/board where clearly no one uses it for its intended purpose.

If Sup Forums gave a shit about spoiling South Park of all things, I'd probably keep spoilers off unless I was talking spoilers. But it's part of the board culture, so I might as well indulge.

Season 1 and 2 fucking sucked, 6 was the best one

10 had the 2 best South Park episodes of all time.

Nah, I get it, mate. It's just annoying when you're trying to read reaction comments that appear on the top right of a post and then you actually have to click and go to the exact post of one responder because his dumbass had to do the spoiler tool to unnecessarily black out half of his post just because he could. And half the time, it's something completely stupid and not really worth the effort it took to black it out as a "spoiler". I know...first world problems, right?

I sincerely doubt he's bi. Some same sex sexual contact doesn't make you gay or bi. Same as how opposite sex sexual contact doesn't make you straight or bi if you're gay. Cartman just doesn't want to believe it like how he doesn't believe he's fat

Not true, it got mediocre, but every now and then got a good episode. This season on the other hand...

If you weren't laughing at dis'memberment and the exodus you're not fucking paying attention.

>why did they have one locked in the trunk

Yeah, I guess I get that.
Still feel it's easier to separate it this way. Usually my eyes slide straight over '-' or ';' or whatever else people use to mark a tangent, so that's my own first world problem I suppose.

Alright sorry... I just thought you guys would find it cool. I mean I'm a pretty cool guy myself most of the time

We still friends?

Same kid that had that weird mental break with the stuffed animals. I don't think Cartman is trying to do anything. I think they're trying to say that the extreme left is basically the new version of what Cartman used to represent.

Or maybe not. Parker and Stone probably has something planned.

what's going on here

user decided it would be fun if instead of being user, he was user, so he replied to user as if he was user, while he's actually not user, but user.

You know, the usual.

This seasons Cartman has been refreshing, Cartman being a bigoted mastermind all the time gets a bit stale.

Yeah, we're cool user. Here is a peace offering.

Trump is gonna lose and it's gonna be so fucking great laughing at all you trumpfags

dude the first 3 seasons ARE south park. theyre what launched it to international acclaim, and they have all the classic gags. everything after the movie is a different show

What about how the only person he got romantically and physically close with was himself a la Cupid Me

learn the difference between an en dash and an em dash you fucking tool

>Haha yeah I mean we elected an objectively worse person but Im glad to see Trump fans angry.

Trump's a proudly ignorant, self interested little brat of a man who's never had to face any real repercussions for anything he's done, including tanking multiple companies. If you think he's a worthy candidate you're deluded.

The problem with the season is that it's the 5 same jokes every episode. Trump/Garrison, Clinton, member berries, trolling and Cartman. There's not much substance to it. Last season did sort of the same thing, but it was more varied with its gags.

Yeah that's one of the things about how he's gay. I was saying he was gay and not bi

>He's soooo mean :'(

You people deserve Hillary.

10/10 episode.
loved it

I blame Sup Forums

>a corrupt pawn or a literal retard
not like I had much of a choice

Wait, are you trying to tell me Cartman is a shitty person? Get out.

>hahaha i unironically want a reduced focus on renewable energy, to have the department of education eliminated, the epa eliminated, tax cuts for millionaires, planned parenthood eliminated so more women can get stds, have children out of wedlock and generally be a burden on the economy, but at least he hates niggers like me! :D
why are you faggots so excited for an orange george w bush?

Nice memebait.

The thing about realeasing your internet comments to the public is really fuckin scary desu