You are given the option to have all Canadians posters banned from Sup Forums...

You are given the option to have all Canadians posters banned from Sup Forums, but it also means all Australian posters are banned as well.

Do you do it?

no because Canada is the new Turkey

leafposters < roaches

Australia is going to have to take one for the team

I couldn't live without Australia's funposting.

And news from Canada is too hilarious to ban.

So everybody wins 'cept for us and the koala fuckers?

I would do it. Sometimes you have to make a sacrifice as part of a wider goal.

get me out of this shithole

I don't like the banning people speech I'm hearing. lets just build a firewall that only lets a few in from each IP range at a time, to keep the shitposting to an enjoyable level. Make Sup Forums Great Again, Build Firewall!

Yeah I'll do it. Then it'll just be majority Americans and minority UK posters along with rares and uncommons.

Where do I have to sign?

Australia and Canada are two sides of the same coin. Ban them. They're pathetic and they try way too hard to be funny.

most posters here are too new to remember back when m00t rangebanned every aussie IP

Sup Forums was a better place then


I'd much prefer a little more moderation to cut down on the obvious sliding threads.

I swear I filtered 6 threads with a picture, one line of text spewing a cliche', and 150+ replies.

I would voluntarily accept exile if it would rid you of the Australians. Sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Where would I get my lulz with the two greatest trolling nations banned?

What do you think wise guy?
Seriously though. Free me!!!


Aussies are inbred fucks that mixed with abos.

Is he quoting himself?

t. canadian on holiday


No doubt.

I could deal with the great white cucks. I'd genuinely miss Aussie funposts.

How'd you guess?


No. Because free speech is free speech. No bans, no limits. Once you start justifying to silence posters, the same might be applied to you in no time.

I think I would add Germans to the ban list.

Kill yourself. Canada is the best.

Everyone here just doesn't like us because MUH FEELINGS and because Canadian posters win every single debate they are in, and BTFO their enemies with precision and cruel brutality.

Canada is the best nation in the damn world. Eat my ass, limey fag.

>You are given the option to get ten troy ounce of gold, but it also means that you have to accept a 5 carat diamond
Of course, what kind of dumb question is this?

This. When I see a fellow Canadian make a thread about something, I'm just like "please don't do this to us". It's really sad behaviour. A lot of attention seeking Australians, Canadians and Germans lately. Some mean well and have good intentions but fuck our image up too much.

I would gladly allow my countrymen removed from this board just so the rest of you guys don't have to deal with Canadians anymore.

Throw in turkroaches and pooinloos and you have a deal.

Ban everyone except americans so you can just yell at each other about american politics in peace.


What's with this corny meme about hating Canadians on Sup Forums?

Not a single one of us on here voted for Trudeau.

I did

>Cucked in real life AND online
>A fucking leaf

You know you don't have to suck international dick when online, right?

The compromise... Is acceptable

Holy fuck, the way you ausfags manage to shitpost right off the bat is astounding.

No, Canadians should have the right to post here.

Sup Forums is a board of peace and is tolerant of all peoples from all walks of life, except blacks and browns lmao