If you had a machine that could stop time, what would Sup Forums do?

If you had a machine that could stop time, what would Sup Forums do?

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amazon.com/Fermata-Vintage-Contemporaries-Nicholson-Baker-ebook/dp/B005GFC0HU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1516391265&sr=8-1&keywords=fermata baker

not press it? if i pressed it i would be frozen and could not unfreeze. i would be stuck for eternity.

go to museums and look at art

Does it freeze me with it?
Can I manipulate things that are frozen?
How big is this machine?
Does it have requirements to use like having to be plugged in?

this, duh!
If I stop time the planet would suddenly stop turning and we would all fly off into space.

this user


Beat Battletoads.

Put people into *sticky situations*

1) rob a bank
2) creep
3) goto 1

Probably never un-freeze things.
It'd be so nice to finally shut everything up for good... Humans make way too much ruckus. A virus to this planet.

rape and rob banks

How do you rape a bank?

with my dick

this guy is on the right track

creep is definitely a must
i wouldnt rob a bank tho. i'd just cheat in a casino
also i'd kill some people that i dont like or at least make sure they died in accidents

can't work. if time stopped, you would have to attain infinite speed to move anywhere is zero time, thereby attaining infinite mass. you'd be everywhere in the universe at once. not good

do a bunch of illegal stuff that I don't want to go into detail about :^)

it doesn't freeze you of course.
you cannot maipulate things
it is very small
yes it has to be plugged in

>you cannot manipulate things
I pass

How the fuck do you unfreeze time when your done but cant manipulate anything?



sry i meant youz can manipulate things

There is a very good movie about this youtube.com/watch?v=L6Z80A-avdA

i would get this gold. get rich and cure this world from corruption in one go

The cool book _The Fermata_ is about exactly this power:
amazon.com/Fermata-Vintage-Contemporaries-Nicholson-Baker-ebook/dp/B005GFC0HU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1516391265&sr=8-1&keywords=fermata baker

I'd stop the time, thats literally the only thing you can do with this shit.

>freeze time
>travel world in peace
>unfreeze from time to time when I'm alone on some mountain or stuff to enjoy the wind and ambient sounds
>kill all niggers, sand-niggers and jews on my travels

but the VERY first thing I would do is attach a wristband and put that thing in a safe container, so i don't accidentally break or lose it in a stupid place

Lobsters. Put them everywhere. Take one or 2 from every place I can find. Pick a random person. Start out small and just leave on there. See what they do. Then ramp up until eventually they have a lobster infestation. After a while, I'd stop with the lobsters. Wait years. Then when they're about to die, I'll just materialize a lobster on their death bed with a note saying "Sory bout snip snips. Hve 1 four teh road."

I'd come to bargain

are you just paraphrasing pineapple guy>?

>Tfw you're such a cuck you shame your own species

>yes it has to be plugged in
But if it freezes time, that means that electricity would be frozen as well, meaning no power!

>I'd come to bargain
I see what you did there.

Probs have sex with my crush if possible

The term human is different in meaning then the genus Homo despite the widely used misconception that they are the same.
One is a biological term, the other (human) is description of a set of behavior by the higher lifeforms with in our species.

Stop using the term human as a synonym of Homo Sapient it is ignorant.

I'd kill myself.

No, I've just always wanted to know what someone would do if they just found a lobster in their house. Like a live lobster. Just chilling out. I wanna see who they'd call if it got to the point of multiple.


Reminds me of this comic...

Among other things, randomly freeze time and undress people, then restart time and suddenly they are naked.

You could pretty much get all the money you needed, since you could freeze time, go anywhere there is cash, grab some, get the heck out of dodge.

You could easily extract revenge on people by fucking up things in their life when time was frozen, then getting the heck out of dodge.

You could snoop and stalk anybody by accessing their personal space, undressing and fondling them, etc, then getting the heck out of dodge.

Of course, after awhile, the fact that these strange things were happening would attract notice, so you'd want to cast a wide geographic net so it wasn't all centered around your area...so many possibilities though.

Don't forget Chinese and Indians...

I would go around cumming in every female, who knows maybe even every male, and watch as the world freaks out when most females give birth in 9months and see how it wrecks the world.

Then once they figure out that I am the father watch them freak out and wonder how I did it.

Sleep, do homework, and practice guitar. Instant productivity boost

And leave time frozen for everyone else forever

>But if it freezes time, that means that electricity would be frozen as well, meaning no power!

think of it like on "Bewitched", when the witches freeze time and everything is in like a 3-D photograph; if the lights were on pre-freeze, they're still on (even though physically, photons wouldn't be moving--you gotta go with suspension of disbelief to a degree here.)

Oh i'd like sauce on that!

Look up ladies skirts and tuck a little note under their knickers, rating their knickers out of ten.

The cool thing is that somebody could already be doing this and we wouldn't know, as long as the freeze EVENTUALLY "thawed". One millisecond to the next in our world might really be 1000000 years but someone is fucking with time and we don't notice and nothing ages.

Wouldn't be able to move as you would be encased in concrete like frozen air

So you would stop time to freeze some fat chick doing a backflip?

Pathetic. Kill yourself.

Good way to become instant permanent property of FBI, no thanks. It wouldn't even take 9 months because when all the people started finding cum inside them, and hadn't had sex, it wouldn't take long to do a genetic analysis...

rape streak
I would stop time forever
fuck time and fuck you

The presumption is that YOU, and anything you touch, can move.

>do homework

Underageb& and reported to mods.

that, my good sir, is what you call a conjecture based on an implication.

Banks barely keep cash on hand. Waste of time.

I report and never worry about the implications.

I would blow up the moon then OD on hydrocodone

Unlike your autistic ass, I decided to pursue a higher education

This is a really shitty deal. The second you stop time, our fucking planet just flies away, and sun stays. You are not touching the sun,remember?

Freeze time, travel around the world, killing every nigger and then starting time again when every nigger is dead.

This is the author. Instant boner killer.

>travel world in peace

How? Walk on water?

I would tickle your mom's clit. That's something.

Stopping time for the entire universe. Some advanced alien race would probably notice and investigate

As the world was stopped, I would travel to Jerusalem and map out a route of which I could attack. I would then kill literal hundreds of thousands of sand niggers in the Middle East so that there's less competition. Then, I would unfreeze, gather troops, then lay siege to Jerusalem and take it back in the name of Christ. If something goes awry, I can just freeze time, leave my men to die, and make a new plan.

kek, they'd prolly think them-self mentally unstable

You're not a Christian.

So for entire universe, or for entire universe but the things you touch?
I won't lie, if you think about it a second stopping time really falls apart instantly.

Equip my walkman
Play the Fallout OST
Infiltrate Russia
Nuke California
Spend a couple of months swimming to America since I'm a waste of space that can't fly an airplane
Kill transgendered ghouls and mutants
Realize this is real life and there's no such thing as "RadAway"
Realize I should have just modded Fallout if I wanted to kill lgbt ghouls

I would freeze time until your jpeg got more pixels.

Why do the OP bots always post thumbnails?

The entire universe would freeze on time at a single thought. Being able to control time and space enables you to move but yes, scratch the surface and stopping time is a bollocks idea

Not if you aren't stopping time, but speeding yourself up. Like the Flash.

>Being able to control time and space enables you to move but yes,
Wouldn't that be a mind blowingly complicated process?
You would need to move air around you, air in your lungs, food, women you were planning to rape (their labia, heartbeat and muscle stiffness but keep processing parts of brain shut, etc.). Also, you wouldn't be able to sleep or you would suffocate.

I would like the ability to generate gravity waves however. That way you would be able to speed up and slow down time

Well, then you would just burn, like an asteroid in the atmosphere.

Exactly, it's all bollocks. but it's nice to fantasise about early in the mornings when you can't bare to get out of bed and face the world

This guy has it. Play blackjack, freeze time, stack the deck, win, repeat as necessary.

s m h

hmmm.....probably steal some stuff and play some video games without anyone else playing so i can win

Oh hi President Trump.

Yeah, I guess.
I could go with mind control instead. Inception style, not full remote control.
Spilled a lot of cum to this one though.

I would use it to stop t

..stop time I guess.