with all the talk about daca and shit, I think we are due a QnA.

ask away. I reserve the right to ignore idiotic questions tho.

How'd your cousin smuggle you in?

Would you be mad if you were deported? Do you feel bad you don't contribute the same level to taxes?

Came legally. Multiple times at that.

Is this an idiotic question?

Considering im independently wealthy and all im doing is giving this country money, I don't give 2 fucks I no longer file for taxes. I've paid taxes for years while I worked (legally)

What's your plan when you get deported?

Don't have a plan. That's the problem. Got nowhere to go

I guess I don't have too much of a problem with that, if you don't earn money what would you be paying taxes on anyways?

Do you rape because you're Mexican, because you're illegal, or both?

Right, no income taxes. Still pay all other taxes like property taxes and what not. Odd isn't it...

In what country are you a citizen?

Your English seems fairly fluent, at what age did you first enter the U.S.?

Have you ever applied for U.S. citizenship? Why or why not?

Would you attempt re-entry if you were deported?

not a spic nor a nigger :) but to go further on that line, I have 0 anchor children. nor plan to.

If you're not a moslim or an Indian either then we'll probably just let you stay.

when are you going back jose?


im a citizen of what would now be defined as a NON shithole country. However I will not specify the country.

I would have been a citizen this year if shit didn't melt down in 2012. The details are nasty and im still not to terms with them....

There is no point to reenter. Ideally leaving or getting sent out might be the best thing to happen in a while as i'll be able to in theory try to piece a new life elsewhere... throwing everything here to the shits. That's the worst part.. leaving everything you've made.

Why not just become a citizen? There's a process for it and you wouldn't have to worry about being deported.

Yes you probably would let me stay, but no legal status i'll be literally a prisoner in my own home.

I was in the process for 10+ years but due to circumstances out of my control (my lawyer fucked me big time) I became ineligible after lapsing on paperwork I found that out 2 months before I was due to become a permanent resident. You can imagine my reaction at the time..

After that occurred, all my chances were out. I cannot restart that process again, ever.

I'm guessing you're Asian. Have you thought about moving to Canada? If you have cash and no police record, you could probably get Canadian citizenship and come back to the U.S. all you want, and not lose any property or holdings you might have.

Are you a chink?

I have been looking into that. No, not Asian either. And that hurts my chances to go to glorious communist and politically correct Canada.

Because I have not been working (out of status eh) for years I get heavily downgraded on the Canadian system where they really want 20+ years of work experience.... Also I do not know French which also screws that up.

But yes, im looking into Canada and then just doing 6 months there and 6 months here down the road

How you became ineligible?. what the lawyer did to fucked you like that?.

My legal status lapsed and lawyer did not inform me I had 30 days to leave after that happened or im fucked. She did not file in time to change my legal status to another category.

After being out of status I could not adjust to a permanent resident, which requires you to be in the country legally or be out of the country at the time you apply for that.

The problem is I couldn't leave and file overseas because there is an automatic 10 year BAN on me that takes effect only after I leave the country. Isnt it awesome??? If I stay here I don't trigger the 10 year ban. If I leave, it gets triggered and then I cant do shit..

What is your favorite scary movie? If your answer is good I may offer you a pardon.

Thank you for keeping our economy going.

>glorious communist and politically correct Canada.

kek, Go to Vancouver. The Canucks are a great bunch, and are unusually friendly to potential immigrants with money. French is not an issue on the West coast, and Vancouver is a great town.

the descent

French is part of the eligibility to being approved to Canada in general. Point system and all that

Get the fuck out of my country.

thanks frend. glad to do my part to give a country stupid amounts of money and not even being able to renew my drivers license anymore :) that hurts lol

not a question.

I know, I was letting you know that you will not be pardoned due to poor taste in horror movies. Furthermore your choice was so bad that I've reported you.

We're full, dont come here.

hey whats wrong with the movie. it has caves, hot chicks, stabby things in the dark, genetically altered creatures (in lieu of zombies) and good acting.

>French is part of the eligibility to being approved to Canada in general. Point system and all that

I didn't know that. Get a French tutor. I had an exGF who had one semester of Intro to French, and she managed to have what seemed like involved conversations with the locals on a trip to Paris.

Yeah, even the nice neighbors to the north don't want to be overrun by the world's filth.

yeah not really breaking my legs to go to trudeau's playground. however as others have said, getting Canadian citizenship will enable me to live 6 months in the usa which is all I care about. its also feasible to commute between the two.

(sorry Canada, that's all I view you as)

You have to go back Paco

Why do you hate your country?

if you are so successful willing to pay taxes, why are you stupid enough not to file for citizenship or file a work visa.
also whos identity did you steal to apply for work

Yeah, but I say it's dece at best which means it objectively sucks.

Im too old and stressed to learn French. I did some of it when I was... uhmm well shit 8 years old?

In more recent times I had to do Spanish because America was being overrun by spics and everybody wanted Spanish speakers. Im glad that craze is over now. still my Spanish is limited to cursing people in online games. Which I play a lot of given I have epic free time

so what would be your idea of a god tier horror flick..

explained already. scroll and read.

Do Americans rape your women, knowing that they won't go to the police?

Asking for a friend.

nvm question has been answered

Funny how the sandniggers and beaners never try to fix the shit in their home country, instead they insist on bring their bullshit and problems to ours.

Grow a pair and stop running from your problems

main thing? I do not agree with my country's gun control and personal liberty policies (and taxes wasted on welfare.

also I was taken out of "my country" when I was 11. my family roamed with the UN for 7 years. when I was old enough to be on my own I came to the usa legally.

so im not sure if that's a reason to hate a country I hardly know but its a big reason for me not wanting to go there.

I honestly wouldn't know.

If you were brought here that young shouldn't you be eligible for DACA?

Either way, good luck.

no as said above I entered the USA when I was 18, legally. I am not eligible for daca. If I had gone through the bushes I would be. Irony.

My family left my country when I was 11. I said it because I wanted to highlight I don't actually have a home to go to.

Classics are classics for a reason, though some are nearly unwatchable due to how outdated they are like Alfred Hitchcock movies and original monster movies. Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th Part IV, The Excorcist(Original Directors Cut), Childs Play, etc.

As an actual Mexican, I laugh at that image. Just look at that fucker's smile.

i'll agree with Hitchcock tho those are primarily thrillers vs pure horror.

The rest imo have been stained by sequels not needed and completely fucked by remakes.

But im mainly a sci fi fan. Though I think I did watch every C and D tier horror movie Netflix has to offer

Once we clear out all the tranny's, fags, muslims, spics, and blacks there'll be plenty of room for you. Until then you might have to lay low in some shithole.

how many american jobs have you stolen?

How do we solve illegal immigration?

lol yes. I used it because that's what people associate illegal with. Which is so false its sad but it is what it is.

What a larping fool is this OP.
"His" story mirrors actual news of a illegal alien,
who sat on his ass for thirty plus years and then
fails in his feeble attempt to get right.
Guess what? He had to go back.

Here to hoping. But whatever happens to me, if you can clean your country up all the best. I guess im a racist illegal because I see the shit Haitians and Cubans did to south fl and Somalis to Minnesota. Ive travelled a lot

Is your lawyer aware how badly she fucked you??

1 :)

Purely illegal as in people just coming in unannounced? Put the damn army across the border at 500ft intervals and tell them to shoot shit on sight, north korea style. walls are retarded and are not a substitute for manpower authorized to do what is needed.

But that will never happen, so you will never solve it. You might marginally reduce it but not significantly. It will always be a game of catch em and remove over and over and over

Yeah, she's pregnant now.

Yes. Her response was literally "stay and wait till they change the laws". goddammit I almost committed murder that day. probably should have.

I'm ok with racism. When racism points a gun at you, point one back, and modify it with racial slurs about niggers, jews, and how white people are elitist, even if they're non of those.

you are obviously brain damaged but ill use your raving rant to illustrate that illegals will essentially always be in one of the following groups

1. came in the country illegally. either as minors or adults
2. came in country legally with no path to remain indefinitely and just never left (pure visa overstays)
3. came legally and were at some point eligible to become residents (and from there citizens) but could not complete the process for one or more of literally millions of reasons.

only a stupid motherfucker like you will think all 3 groups are the same and carry the same risk to people. ive had more checks on me than your average NSA employee..

however what is common for all 3 is that under the law, they are viewed the same with SOME significant differences when it comes to removing them

Well. You can apply for Swedish citizenship claiming you are a political refugee from Trump. They're throwing away their culture and most people on the street speak English. Bit chilly up there, but it's possible

Sweden/Norway. Same policies more less.

I can already reside and work in Sweden indefinitely. no desire to go to that shithole tho

What was she wearing when you decided to rape her?

Legit question: if you were brought here as a child and given amnesty 30 years ago, why wouldn't you take the fucking test and become a naturalized citizen? that asshat who just got deported lived here from age 10 to 40 and didn't do a thing to stay here legally. fuck him.

legit answer: you are bad at reading

I mean. Given the UN visas and all. There's not many options of long term or indefinite. You're either going to live with the hues or someplace that hasn't decided to become a welfare hell plus a shithole.....wait.....something seems wrong. But Sweden hasn't become a complete shithole. Don't feel like fixing since just got off work, pls no bully.

The vast majority are visa overstays. Hell, a lot of Irish, Italian, and Polish Americans are descended from illegal immigrants.

Yes and no. There were cases. But nowhere near the numbers. Most were processed through Staten Island and more less granted citizenship upon arrival, though they had to apply before arrival.

Czech republic would be my choice however the language barrier is real.

the problem is I cant leave this country and explore. well I can, 1 way. which isn't of much help in making a decision whether to just leave or try to stay here till I don't even know what the fuck im doing anymore. I truly don't.

that was before 1967 when they made that impossible. then in 1987 they further clusterfucked the system against proper migrants and opened the flood gates to the shits you let in today (dacas, refugees etc),

How can I become a citizen of Mexico or whatever shithole you pretend to come from. I really want to live there for the rest of my life.

Well. Is it wrong Trump finally is ending the (temporary) visa program for refugees to supplement the face the refugee quotas "may not be enough" in "times of crises".

1st gen immigrant legal, not through amnesty, I don't like the fact SS is just another welfare tax since I probably won't see a 10th of what I contribute if that. Plus Dems always shout more gibs, Hospitals/Clinics are almost criminal, courtesy of Repubs. Fuck insurances.

there are plenty of gringos living the rest of their lifes in mexico, some are illegal. Nobody cares. You can get citizenship after some years living here if you want to.

Do you think Trump is bad man? (OP)

as a fellow illegal spic, i want to know if you are like the others who are against trump? tbh i don't hate the guy.

I myself are just learning about all those damn programs... The first thing that ran through my mind is why are there 20 different TEMPORARY programs that let people stay here for years for absolutely no damn reason. So of course it will be a problem ending those programs... shoot whoever thought it was a good idea to institute them in the first place..

Nothing trump has done has affected me. I don't like him because he is a fake manipulator who uses hate to rile up the idiots in flyover states, just like hitler did. One used the joooos the other uses immigrants (legal AND illegal)

define "bad". I think he is a narcissist and will sell his own mother to a pack of wild niggers if it suits him.

Implying hitlers hate speech was unjustified. The things I could redpill you about concerning jews would make your taco covered knees shiver.

Casi todo mundo aquí en México tenemos un familiar que se fue a gringolandia, ya sea de legal o ilegal. Lo que yo he observado es que mucha gente se va y trabaja de conserjes, limpiando casas, meseros, etc. Realmente vale la pena cruzar el río para terminar trabajando de algo que pudiste haber trabajado aquí?