Fuck yes! I shut down my own government!

Fuck yes! I shut down my own government!

>> cannot stop winning

Other urls found in this thread:


and by I you mean the democratic party


Yeah, try to spin that one. Best of luck.

can't lose if there's no government to lose in

Unironically approve of this. Let the government shutdown for as long as it takes for 50% of the people to realize that they can live just fine without it.

It’s not a spin you are just retarded

You have the majority of every branch of government you dumb fuck

>controls entire government
>government shuts down
>it's the people who aren't in control's fault!

and yet you call others retarded...


right, who needs things like passports. or to you know pay the troops

How fucking high are you?

It takes 60 votes to pass a spending bill, dumb nigger. They can't do this without the dems.

what's this even mean?

> can't do this without dems
> drafts CR bill without any dems, no compromise whatsoever
> why didn't dems vote for my CR? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

They needed every vote they could get, and yet 5 repubs voted to shut it down. seems like cuckservatives can't get their shit together, again.

I constantly make jokes about killing myself, however, Trump tk'd really hard. Mad props my dude. Even if you are a racist.

>retard calling others retarded
I seen it all potato

They insulted dems, wrote the spending bill without them and then refused to compromise. Why the fuck would the dems cooperate? Republicans fucked themselves because they don't know how to properly govern.

>implying that's a good thing

>Now I hat a sport I used to love
Gets me every time.

Every ass-blasted thread you faggots start proves to me that voting Trump was a good choice.


But why you mad tho

you guys dont even know how bad you fucked up

honestly, lets abolish the 2 term limit. 15 more years!!!! how long can this god keep winning?!!

Why would we be mad were winning


You're right you "were winning" not anymore.

>“When they talk about the government shutdown, they’re going to be talking about the president of the United States, who the president was at that time. They’re not going to be talking about who was the head of the House, the head the Senate, who’s running things in Washington”

No were still winning nice try hippie

Its defiantly odd considering he has the senate and the house

> mfw trumpcucks still blame democrats, even though GOP has control over everything right now.

Is that really the word you're looking for?

Mitch Mcturtle even said you can't just ram a bill through even though that retard rammed his shitty tax reforms through because his donors demanded tax cuts for wealthy people.

> Fuck GOP

oh no! the obstructionist democrats shut down the government!
How will we ever survive without big brother being funded!?!?!?

They hate a deal with the dems, but Trumptard refused it, even though he prior said he would sign any bill they come up with. The GOP is failing so hard right now.

A Hero Denied By His Homeland.

Trumplestiltskin even said, himself, if any govt. shuts down, it's the head of the govt. that's to blame. He accepted responsibility before election.

Stay mad, you cis gendered white males.

libtards are dumb .you should all be praising trump

> triggered

I'd really like Trump for Emperor, for the rest of his life. Not because I like him, but because they, and you know who *they* are, don't.

The butthurt is just too fantastic.

I hope that is your face, complete with the rope because you need to hang yourself faggot.


bollocks .I popped my cherry at 14 years old....also KYS libturd

> Trump for Emperor
Look how much this little faggot needs a daddy.

Repugs are winning so much, lol

How big was he? And did you call him daddy?

Tremendous shutdown. No government has ever been shut down quite like this. It was a 'uge success.

drumpf has alzhiemers, will be pissing himself in public in a year

Excuse me? That's like, not even possible. My face is LITERALLY frozen this way. So ya, watch your mouth devil.

> obstructionist democrats
Trumpcucks will blame democrats or everything. This is so pathetic. You can't even see that your GOP masters might have something to do with this too. Fucking Sheep.

How do you know user is alt-right? Maybe user just think Libs are faggots, like I do, because they are. Huge faggots.

Anyways, I'll let user speak for user.

The fact that politicians, corporations, and bureaucrats that hold too much power and want America stuck in consumerism and regulation hate him so much makes me love him. It's the first real big selling point he had and it continues to hold true as they spew constant lies. Even if he does do something wrong by this point it doesn't matter because libtards have cried wolf since before he even ran.

Hi! I’m William user Devane, and right now, there’s a serious discussion about who our next president will be. A Republican? A Democrat? An Independent? The future of our country is hanging in the balance, which is why as a good American, I’m going to do two things: I’m going to vote, and I’m going to buy gold from Rosland Capital.

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Whether you want new or old gold or premium collector coins, Rosland has them all. And what you order is what you get. No gimmicks, no nonsense, no hassle. So do your part to protect your future. Vote and buy gold from Rosland Capital.

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"I didn't like my upstairs neighbour so I burned my apartment building down!"

be nice, the russians grasp of the english language is shit, not his fault that their teachers are horses

considering I lost mine at 18 and all my friends lost it before me this doesn't surprise me. Should I feel bad that other kids had sex as soon as they hit puberty? Not at all, if anything it should be the exception but it's closer to the rule.

American troops = terrorist soldiers (this is common knowledge nowadays) I think the rest of the world will do just fine without funding the largest terrorist organization on the planet.

He's a douche.

Na, I'm already a father, to men. Mine is long dead. Don't need another thanks you faggots libtards. FFS, you people used to be better than those consecutive faggots, now look at you. The worst American party in history. What a fucking embarrassment. Delusional faggots.

And I don't mean hur, faggot, I mean you homosexual motherfuckers. You guys are obsessed with faggots. If you're not one of them, you're putting them in every show, movie, fucking commercial, just everywhere. Faggots everywhere. Left up you retards, a visitor from another planet would think the human species is made up of woman, a few men and faggots. That's how you flaming faggots portray humanity, as if 1 out every 3 people are actually gay.

What disappointment you fuckers turned out to be. So bad, I actually hope Muslims take over your countries. Maybe you'll learn how not to a bunch of emasculated faggots. They may be a lot of things, but at least they're not a bunch of faggots. Look how they're taking over Europe, you know why? Because most of it is emasculated and ran by woman and faggots. All emasculated societies fall. If America goes that way, it'll for sure be the fault of you faggot enabling libtards.

Well said.

> triggered trumpcuck


sounds like you're a little homophobic and racist buddy

I don't live in apartments you poor bastard. Fuck living in a tiny box. That's for the common where I'm from.


You're the majority party you piece of shit, and yet nothing noteworthy has gotten done yet.

Oh man, looks like I'm with Her* now.

*Not in the white house.

drumpf paid hush money to porn star.

Muh repug family values!

How is this different than any other time Republicans are in power? Even with a Democratic president, the Republicans forced a shutdown because they couldn't compromise their "principles" and make nice with the president elect. It's nothing new.....AT ALL.

this how i imagine it

> Look how they're taking over Europe
Yeah 95% of Sweden gets raped everyday. At least Fox news said it so it has to be true, am i right trumptard.

Yes, but this time Faux News and the GOP can't blame Obama or the Dems. I mean they still try but only cuckservatives believe them anymore. Everybody knows its on the Republicans

these are borderline retards that have grown up in a country that has benefited from functioning government. they think nice roads, bridges, economy, easy shopping for nearly any dumb shit they want is the natural order of things in this world.


It's been the republicans every time, provably. It's obvious and unchanging. Always shuttign down the government to force those concessions and screw over everyone else. They still get paid, of course. It literally does nothing but hurt the people. But that's okay, because they get their concessions and bribes.

Government was shut down because our elected politicians who are supposed to represent US citizens threw a fit that there was no compromise for those illegals under DACA and refused to cooperate.

Only in America do we fuck over actual citizens for non-citizens, how autistic is this.

Look how embarrassing you retards are. You can't stand it that someone who did not vote for Trump, who doesn't like Trump at all, has never been a conservative or Republican, will sit here and tell you faggots how it is. You have to assume that I must be for Trump and watch FOX or whatever other assumptive non-sense. Well wrong faggots. You're wrong, gain, and again. You're just always wrong. I don't watch Fox, or TV in fact. I certainly didn't vote for that retard. That said, that retard is preferable to you ludicrous delusional faggots. Fuck you people. Seriously, you're the worst possible people to give power to at this moment. You've lost it. Like crazy lost it. I used to think those righting creationist types were the most batshit people I'd see in my life, turns out it you fucker. Fucking hell, what a bunch lunatics.

I even seen Heraldo on FOX say the people getting fucked the most by this are the DACA kids. What a total piece of garbage. Dems wanted to add DACA to a completely irrelevant bill when DACA kids got until March, yet they blame the right.

yeeah if obamma had shot guverment wen usa had most of racists in the country i dont think so evven a littl

This. Even CNN couldn’t tweak their polls to blame Trump. The Democrats choose Illegals over own Citizens headline is what people will remember no matter how hard they spin it.

The best part is they aren't even children, the average age of them is 24. Apparently it's okay to be ignorant of the law if you're a non-citizen.

Yes. And that one was because of Obama’s health care so they’ll remember him for it.
This was on Schumer and his DACA bull shit and he’ll be remembered for it.

Remember when Obama was blamed for 9/11 by a trumpcuck? imgur.com/qyp6DDC

Internet polls are the least credible as they are anonymous and an russian troll farm could just spam these, not saying it definitely happened a lot of alt-right nutjobs look for something like this to abuse and then post "oh look even cnn agrees its the dems fault" not how a poll works dumbfucks.

>Russians did it

Can't even hold all of the mad

Do you blame Russia for everything? For fucks sake, you Russian collusion fucks are worse than the religious nutjobs.

>Left up you retards, a visitor from another planet would think the human species is made up of woman, a few men and faggots. That's how you flaming faggots portray humanity, as if 1 out every 3 people are actually gay.

I honestly don't give a crap about the DACA people as long as we don't get a wall. The wall is the worst thing this admin could do, aside from outlaw abortion and revoked legal marijuana. Immigrant's right are lower on my priority list than other fellow libs. You have to fund CHIP though, thats a no brainer.

>internet poll
It was conducted by cnns go to polling company which means they polled probably a 2 to 1 ratio democrats to republicans like always.

What's the weather like in Moscow?

>implying aliens even have any similar genetics to human beings

We sure are, Ivan.

You act like this shit didn't go down every other year with Obummer you fucking joke.

government has no control

That poll says that 57% of those polled believe either Trump or the GOP is at least partly at fault for causing the shutdown, while 41% believe it's at least partly the Dem's fault.

are you retarded?

no, i'm Jewish

What's the difference?

Who cares what a bunch of brainless monies think?
The executive branch wasn't involved in this shit so when these buffoons blame Trump, it shows how ignorant their viewers are or whomever it is they polled. Even then, these media corps have lost all polling credibility in my opinion so anytime I see polls, I don't even care.