All of my real life friends are telling me this is the greatest thing ever and they laughed their heads off

All of my real life friends are telling me this is the greatest thing ever and they laughed their heads off.

Is it really as great as they say?

its essential viewing for the Dude Weed Lmao Cinematic Universe, but as a standalone film it is OK. saturated in crude humour.
Id say the best part is when they mock Saving Private Ryan I guess.

The AMazing world of Gumball did it better and earlier. Seth Rogan probably was high watching it then completely ripped it off


No it sucked, I was pretty dissapointed.

Even my liberal as fuck gf thought it sucked.

that orgy at the end was the dumbest thing on earth

It really sucks. Just like the last 5 Seth Rogen movies.

get out reeee

>that orgy at the end was the dumbest thing on earth
Quoting my friend last night: The last ten minutes were the best part.
It's like I'm thrown in some weird sort of trickery.

No. But it's also not as bad as people say.


Anything it says actually gets stepped on by the movie itself like some weird self-parody.

if i was on the fence about whether there was a god or not this would solidify my disbelief in a higher power

don't worry i'm tipping as i type

>Is it really as great as they say?
Watched it a couple days ago. It's just boring. Like The Interview it isn't really edgy or vulgar as it is dull and banal.

>last 5 Seth Rogen movies

But This is the End was decent


it was unfunny, if you watched the trailer you saw all it has to offer


This is the End was more than 5 films ago

I chuckled once throughout the entire movie.

Would have been better if it was just a short film that followed Michael Cera's character and ignored Seth Rogen/Kristin Wiig entirely.

it's a mix of cringe, unfunny filler and occassional chuckle

I guess it's worth the watch for a few really good scenes

Zero subtlety and shit tier humour. Wouldn't recommend it.