Did I just break my finger? It’s s swollen

Did I just break my finger? It’s s swollen

if its numb as shit and then in a couple of hours starts hurting like a bitch then yes

Can I handle it myself or do I need to go to the hospital?

I broke my ring finger, was a spiral break on the digit close to the knuckle
it was facing the wrong way slightly really swollen and I could bend it but not rlly move it that well.
I waited 2 days before going to the doctor with no reduction in swelling.

what did you do that makes you think you broke it?

It’s just getting swollen. I punched a center console in my car multiple times

recommend hospital they'll see what the damage is and patch it up
there is a chance of infection and you don't want that trust me

just go faggot

I can’t afford hospital. Thanks for the advice.

put neosporin / hydrogen peroxide on the cut, apply a bandaid and wait overnight

if the swelling goes down and you can move it normally its prolly a fracture at worst

and I should add, if it stays swollen and you can't move it very well, go to a local clinic before going to a hospital so you dont get robbed

>a cut this size

are you people really this fucking vulnerable to infections?

if you can bend your finger right now, you will be fine OP

Thanks. Yes I can bend

Probably sprained or something then

>if you can bend your finger right now, you will be fine OP
Thats not true I broke my finger and could still bend it

and OP is the kind of guy who asks for medical advice on Sup Forums and can't afford health insurance, it is highly likely that he lives in a filthy environment were he would be vulnerable to infection

It doesn’t hurt too much. Though I am drunk...

Lol. I cleaned it with some snow. I’m sure I’m good lol

time stamp or gtfo faggot

wipe that bloody booger off and do something productive you fag

if you can bend it its nothing serious

just make sure not to use this hand the coming week and wrap it up in bandage, possibly add popsicle stick if it hurts to bend

>speaking out of experience being a slav for the past 24 years

Too lazy to grab a pen. I cleaned it a little

I just took an x-ray of your finger.

There is no bone damage. Take 2 advil and stop being a faggot

Thank you for using Sup Forums medical services

Did I get stabby dabbed?
Feels like maybe