When will this cryptocurrency meme die so I can get a GPU at an affordable price?

When will this cryptocurrency meme die so I can get a GPU at an affordable price?

This shit's ridiculous. GTX 1070s skyrocketed to $1,000 and even the GTX 1060s are sitting at $500-600 right now. God damn you fucking cryptocurrency meme mining shitheads.

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I'll sell you this r9 270 that I bought 5 years ago and have mined ever since for $200.


I have a 280x and an hd 7970

how much can I sell for?

1k for a gtx 1070?

Wasnt that shit like 400 dollars and less the other day?

Seems about right. I knew that people were trying to buy up a bunch of GPUs to mine but I didn't realize there was a severe shortage of GPUs due to so many people buying into this shit.

I have no clue. I'm just trying to put a part list together, I'm looking up GTX 1070 on different sites and the only ones that are priced decently are out of stock.

I'd say those are worth 300 a piece now.
Honestly if it wasn't for Sup Forums I probably wouldn't be mining right now.
Learned about silk road and bitcoin here back in 2012/13 and its been diamonds ever since.

Just get a nintendo switch, PCfag.

Dude, keep checking Amazon in the middle of the night. I shit you not, I got a EVGA 1080 FTW last week for $580, sold by Amazon themselves. Delivered in about 6 days. Couldn't believe it.

Luck, I guess.

Mineing ain't really the way to go. I mean you got that kinda money to spend on a computer, your better off buying.

That was right before prices skyrocketed. I got 2 MSI 1080 Armor OC 8gb for 535 each and they showed up on the 5th

I know I heard about bit coin, but too lazy to get into deep web and research, my family has plenty of money so I not much regret like others that didn't get into it.

How much did you make so far? Do you just have 1 computer mining for you?

Stupid question but what is the AMD equivalent to a 1080 ftw edition ?

A 5 year wait.

The Radeon Rx Vega 64, maybe?

In the beginning it was Dogecoin that made me a good amount. my portfolios now are around 4k all off of 2 GPU's. Didn't run them for several years (early 14 - late 17) because it just wasn't profitable. Oh yeah and scams like Gox, Cryptsy got me heated.
Idealy i'd like to snowball this thing and get some investors in my farm then quit my day job.

So I haven't read up about the whole crypto-mining apocalypse, last time it happened it mostly effected radeon GPU's since they were better than Nvidia ones, has this like reverse or something this time around?

Keep checking massdrop. I got a 1080 for $460.

That was about a month ago

The funniest part about this is that rx580's are still way better for the money compared to Nvidia. You realize that the AMD cards are better for mining vs the Nvidia cards right? Just because Nvidia owns most of the gpu market, lots of you idiots are losing more money for shittier mining performance.

>tfw I wanted to upgrade to a 1070 from a 1050ti

Now I gotta fucking wait until prices come back down. Thanks cryptominers.

Ok what is the latest AMD card that is close to the 1080, only asking because I haven't upgraded my comp in abit

2 gpus as in 2 seperate desktops mining? besides that nice, hopefully you can quit your job and just maintain the mining rigs in the future, gets some family as investors lol

Something like 400-500 I only remember because I was just about to build my first pc. I'm pissed.

rx580 for mining is better performance than nvidia. Not the same for gaming.

Kill yourself faggot.

How about you take advantage of the
>cryptocurrency meme
so that your GPU practically pays for itself?

Has to crash some more. Nvidia isn't stupid, and they're laughing that people will buy them in hopes of jumping on the crypto train wreck...erhm....bandwagon after they've jacked them up.

Hell, they can just release cards dedicated to it instead of boosting the graphics or anything like the TI's "Could be powered by a potato" like advances.

How about ordering a gpu somewhere the mining fad hasn't taken yet : kakaku.com/pc/videocard/itemlist.aspx?pdf_Spec101=1&pdf_Spec103=420,450&pdf_so=p1

mining isnt profitable at all
you spend a lot on overhead just to mine .0000001% of 1 BTC. whats the point

I got a 1080ti a couple days ago for 840. Lucky me.

I think it depends on the currency. I had read that the run on 1070s was mostly due to ethereum, but don't take my word for it.

i've got a quick question, arent mining basically doing the hard work of every money system that is making sure that every transaction is in order and correct? bitcoin does this using complex mathematical equations that can be done by any computer around the world, and if you do it for them you get rewarded a few bitcoins for it, but a read a while back that the amount of bitcoin given to miners will constantly drop down until there is no more. wont the whole system crash down once no more bitcoins are given away to miners because no one else will do the transactions?

Holy shit, I'm glad I got my 1080ti back in march for 699....

mobo capable of 6 GPU, only ever bought 2. Until recently. has 3 on it now and i'm trying to stick #4 in tonight. original cards are in less capable machines so have 3 seperate miners.

Pic related. Its a power mac g5 PSU that I hacked PCIe connectors onto earlier today because 1000w is near its max already


What would you say the latest with amd for gaming?

Oh i see, cool

And neato with converting that psu.

The whole thing is just pretend.
Eventually people will figure it out and it will collapse.
There's no infrastructure keeping it running. Its not liquid enough for easy transactions so its easily manipulated in terms of pricing.
If you add the cost of electricity/cooling/cards, most people aren't making much money.

Yeah I meant for mining anyway.

Bitcoin mining is no longer affordable. The electricity costs more than the coin itself.

So your notion that videocards are expensive because of coins is bullshit.

I have a veritable museum of old comp hardware that I should really throw away but then every so often I need some of it for a project like this.
Would have been cooler if I hadn't sliced the skin off 2 knuckles on my left hand with the utility knife cutting that 24 pin ATX down to 6 and 8 for those connectors.

>mfw nerd thread turned into gore thread before my eyes

interesting, for some reason i was randomly thinking about it and my brain just clicked and i realized that, at least some people will get really rich with it.

Serious Crypto Nerds are using custom gear.
Must be people doing it on the cheap.

Too bad I missed the wave, I played so much Vidya my wife destroyed my Tower....Was just about to start mining....

Even with the recent drop in price, I'd have made out like a bandit.

I figure that the demand for crypto's anonymity (near anonymity) will eventually drive the price higher again, and again...

So buy the gear and mine on the side... don't get crazy... a few coins a year will set you up for retirement in 20 years.

>your notion that videocards are expensive because of coins is bullshit.
It's been reported on everywhere and Nvidia has acknowledged it themselves.
I have seen several mining rigs for sale on craigslist lately, though, so I believe you as to the affordability.


if ever the present price of bitcoin falls below the mining cost, keep mining. coins will NEVER be mined fast enough to keep up woth legitimate demand.

Speculators will drive the cost up and down, but over time its value will continue to rise, because it is the ability to nearly anonymously perform transactions using a scarce resource.

The magic is, you can transact in fractions of a bitcoin, so there is always enough to facilitate transactions, but the value of a fraction has to ride to equal the value of the transactions.

Given demand, and price not set by any central bank, the value will rise along with demand, unless some genius finds a way to mine coins orders of magnitude faster.... not gonna happen without time-travel.

That would be like Rick setting the value of a Blemflart to Zero

The ones that get rich are the ones that get out.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

the only asus 1080 ti is $1099, was like 800

They affordable or over priced rigs. This whole crap can't make money from mining is a lie.

Over time, the value only rises if there is continuous increase in demand.
If the demand is being pushed by speculators, and that element of the demand goes away, why would demand always increase, resulting in increasing prices?
You're making a lot of assumptions Skippy.
You could run the bitcoin system without ever finding another bitcoin-their price would just adjust to whatever demand there was. The issue is if the network doesn't keep actively looking for bitcoins, even though they are getting harder and more expensive to find, the network collapses and the value goes to zero.

So, harder and more expensive to mine, prices determined by speculators. Not liquid.

Also, reddit spacing, friend.

I'm so happy I basically stopped giving any shit about gaming in a recent year. Playing nothing but Doom 2 and wads once a month serves me well.

The other thing challenging bitcoin is a proliferation of SUCCESSFUL competitor cryptocurrencies, or a new wrinkle : Vendor captured cryptocurrencies.

Like ancient-days trading-stamps (Blue Chip, S&H Green Stamps, Company Scrip). A company or vendor or a Mining Town's Company Store can mine and issue its own blockchain based currency to be redeemed against cash, and awarded on purchases and 'favors' like airline miles.

This means companies can drain transaction traffic from the pool of general cryptocurrencies (bitcoin, ethereum, etc) by capturing traffic for those customer transactions in their own currency.

so.... Vendor based, and General Competitor currencies will drain demand away from any General Usage Cryptocurrency like Ethereum or Bitcoin.

That traffic drain, if it grows to a large fraction of transactions and promises to keep growing will cap the growth in value of general cryptocurrencies.

Oh... and there's the FBI and NSA and Aliens tracking down Currency Exchanges and Nuking the... that would hurt.

otherwise, nothing to worry about... mine away


Speculation is like waves on the ocean. Legitimate demand is like an ever rising tide
My efforts to focus your attention properly have now ceased..

Pardon me, not "cap the growth in value", rather cap the "rate of growth", leading to a slower appreciation in value.


If i understand correctly (and chances are I dont) Bitmain is currently developing an Antminer for GPU based blocks. Ltc, eth, zcash... Think its supposed to drop in May. My 8gpu rig costs about $5,000 usd and gets 3500h/s. This new asic is supposed to do the same and cost only $1,500. Much better deal. Once this happens i imagine the market will get flooded with higher end gpu again and you will have your pick of used on ebay for near pennies.

I bought my GIGABYTE 1070 for like 400 a year ago

Assumptions about growth in demand are just that, assumptions.

Bitcoins are not as liquid as other currencies, are not backed by tangibles or states. Their supposed crypto nature is likely useful only to a modest handful of people. They're a minor pain to get and deal with.

Where exactly do you think there is going to be sustainable growth in demand? I don't see a clamoring for this.

Remember this: China has lots of cheap electricity in hook-up range of the new massive hydro project they finished.

Most of the fast money will be made there. Just mine your share and sit on the coins.... you'll be fine.

I provided references to known impactors of supply and demand.

the law of supply and demand, itself, is not an assumption, but a fact.

so if you don't like my facts, supply better, more impactful ones.

Otherwise you are supplying FAKE CRITICISM.

I'm not debating that if demand goes up, with a fixed supply and an efficient market, that price will go up.

The issues aremany. the biggest is you haven't proven that demand will go up. You're saying that the demand will go up because (reasons not stated) but very few people want to use a novelty currency that takes several steps to get and exchange and has as its only advantage that it is semi-anonymous when for the bulk of people and transactions this isn't worth either jack or squat. Also, it is completely replaceable with bitcoin 2.0 or 3.0 or whatever.

If if's and but's were candy and nuts, it would be christmas every day. If demand always increases prices will rise. If.


>Bitcoins are not as liquid as other currencies, are not backed by tangibles or states. Their supposed crypto nature is likely useful only to a modest handful of people

demand for cell phones was pretty lame, in the beginning

demand for cars was pretty lame, in the beginning

demand for "The Silver Beetles was relatively lame, in the beginning

... I first remind you I cited reasons why the rate of growth might eventually be capped, so it shows I am not a rah-rah pyrimid scheme thinker....

I cited that the value was near-anonymous transactions, and speculative value is just that, a transient phenomenon. Think like Buffett... Buy and Hold, or like a Jew, lend it out for interest if there is a legit market for that.....

however many people want to use it now will increase as people discover the utility of the currency and overcome the "newness" and "awkwardness" of the initial means of trading.

initial cell phones really sucked
"The Silver Beetles" needed more exposure, better marketing, including a name change to "The Beatles" and their demand and value exploded.

Things change once you tune the fundamentals to fit the larger market.

There are plenty of crytpcurrency actors who are motivated to expand accessibility of their products.

>hurr durr nintendo numba juan

Demand for tulips was awesome in 1637

Demand for the South sea trading company was great in the 1700's

You could have done great with Japanese real estate in the 80's.

At least at the end of those bubbles you had tulips, or a condo in Tokyo.

With bitcoins, all you'll have is a soon-to-be out of date video card that's been overclocked for the past 2 years.

Another cap on grown, or killer of the market entirely is the lack of integrity of some exchanges.

It seems pretty clear that unscrupulous exchange managers are able to "make wallets disappear".

I don't know if they are getting the coin from the wallets, or saving the wallets till methods permit the extraction....

.. or maybe they are simply incompetent.

So unscrupulous or incompetent exchange managers are endangering the entire currency.

dat's bad.

>Demand for tulips was awesome in 1637
There was no underlying enduring utility for Tulips.

>You could have done great with Japanese real estate in the 80's.
Any fool could see that Feudal banking and business structure made investment in business awful, so Real Estate was the escape from bad investments. However the amount of money invested exceeded the fundamental value of the real estate, just as happened in the 2000's in USA.

That was just stupid lending, out of sync with the fundamentals.

>With bitcoins, all you'll have is a soon-to-be out of date video card that's been overclocked for the past 2 years.
There are all kinds of people making predictions of boom and doom on the television and internet. You may be joining their ranks, if only for the life of this thread.

Bitcoin has a meaningful utility. Competing equivalent utilities may cap its rate of increase in demand, but will not erase it. Speculation may transiently inflate or deflate its value with the speculative boom/bust cycles.

The fundamentals are valid, and remain.

Kneel peasants, as I got this shit before SHTF and cryptocucks shot 1080s up to $1000+

>1080 for only $530
That is fucking baffling


yea i'm in the same boat. I have every piece of my rig except the GPU which i can't get because they are either
A: Out of Stock
B: Overpriced
C: All of the above assuming I want to try and back order one.

Concurrency has basically killed my goal of building a gaming rig until the prices come down or I somehow get a ton of money to dump on an overpriced card.

fucking meant cryptocurrency, i don't know why I typed Concurrency but i suppose if you say it Con Currency it is basically the same thing

Bought a 1070 last year for 400, also not bad