Thoughts on Elliot Rodger? Why didn't he fuck a prostitute?

thoughts on Elliot Rodger? Why didn't he fuck a prostitute?

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he's always been a mystery to me. he had everything in life- good looking, rich, went to a good school, etc. and threw it all away in some autistic fit because he wasn't getting laid (yet). his time would have come, i just don't get it.


if you pay a prostitute, then she's only doing it for the money. he wanted a woman to fuck him for who he was.

unfortunately who he was, was an asshole.

I think he was gay or too autistic,

i don't know how to explain it, it's not complicated. he was just an average insecure guy. girls are stupid, and that's that.

Puberty HIT HARD

i've been reading his manifesto. he thinks so much like you're average guy. he wrote in that naive way i used to write when i was a kid, like i didn't realize i was boring people.
also i'm sure he didn't find himself attractive. he was probably sensitive. and this dumb bitch culture maybe.

Probably a combination of pride and lack of self-confidence. The dude thought he should have been a pussy magnet because he had a bmw(or what ever car he had. Dude probably hung around Sup Forums too long and took all the self-deprecating shit we say about ourselves to heart and it affected his self-esteem.

Then again when I watched his videos, he comes off as a total "nice guy", the type that believe after going through some imaginary checklist with some chick. he's suppose to get pussy.

he only wanted tall blondes, also his narcissism led him to believe that girls should've been approaching him.

Extreme Blue pill loser who blames the world for his inability to get laid. Unaware that his narcissism was the source of his misery.

Rather than admitting fault, he kept pointing fingers and took out his rage on people who had nothing to do with it.

In short, a total faggit.

what's the difference between a faggit and a phaggot?

So he wanted to get pegged in the asshole?

poor elliot. :(

And you never will. I was in his exact same position as him. The world is a miserable shit hole.

as an expert on elliot rodger I can tell you its because he wanted intimacy and for years he just felt loneliness and depression

I think I found the next Elliot

A person who saw external validation as a sense of self-worth. He had unrealistic expectations from women due to lack of experience and he definitely had some sort of personality disorder.


because even they have standards


he had no chin.

multiple girls have confirmed his jawline was fucked.

poor elliot

he was inept

I read his whole, 100+ page manifesto about a year ago. VERY interesting stuff, but the whole overarching argument for why he did what he did was mostly a feeling of inferiority.

He had:
>A mixrace life, no cultural heritage or sense of belonging
>A playboy tier movie director father, who had divorced his real mother
>SHIT genetics, he was a manlet of all manlets, borderline 4 foot
>No real or close S.O.
>A feeling of inferiority to white, blonde haired people. In his youth (he wrote this himself) he dyed his hair blonde and tried to get into skating in order to belong with the "cool kids."

But throughout his manifesto, you get the feeling that he REALLY wanted a girlfriend, to the point that he got an unhealthy obsess with it and an extreme jealousy for taller, more attractive MEN AND WOMEN, as he felt the better women were betraying him.

Basically this.

Too worried about being thought of as bad at sex, probably.

Obviously, he had some hang ups.

>Too worried about being thought of as bad at sex

Never stopped me.