Be 13

>be 13

>jedi academy

>really cute girl who’s 2 yrs older is weirdly nice to me

>“girls are never nice to me wtf”

>think maybe she’s into me

>go up after Force training

>”h-hey GirlName, great job with the rock throw! do you wanna go get some uh snacks from the canteen?

>”yeah sure Ben! thanks!”


>walking across field

>shoe flies at my head

>hits me in the face

>it’s this douchebag from class behind a bush

>“hey Ben that was the easiest nose shot I’ve ever made, the target is huge”

>GirlName says “let it go”


>throw that fucking prick 10 feet back

>hear snap

>GirlName screams and runs over to douchebag

>arm is broken and he’s crying


>”Ben I can’t believe you’d do that, that’s terrible, I’m gonna go get Master Luke”

>she opens her mouth to yell and starts running

>spaz with negative level social skills panic mode engage

>I force-grab her by the throat and am holding her in mid air as she thrashes

>snap-to and realize what I’m doing


>drop her and run over to where she’s lying on the grass

>”Are you okay??”

>suddenly other kids running over

>”Ben what the fuck did you do this time?”

>“What the hell is wrong with you, man?!”

>Master Luke is racing over all concerned

>meanwhile GirlName is groaning with eyes closed

>“Ben, what is the meaning of this???”

>Luke strides over

>he pissed

>literally everyone staring at me in a huge clearing and I have no clue what to say

>”I was drunk”

>complete lie but my scumbag smuggler dad always used it to get out of trouble with my mom and I thought it would work

>Luke lecturing me about how alcohol is forbidden by the Jedi and so is Force-choking people while other staff members attend to injured and traumatized students

>”What do you have to say for yourself Ben?”

>complete meltdown mode, blurt out first thing I think of

“Are you gonna call my mommy?”

>Everybody laughs “LMAO Ben calls his mom ‘mommy,” what a retard

>gotta say something badass to make a save

>”you’re all just mad because my mom is hot”

>wait no that’s way worse

>everybody staring at me with disgust

>Luke tells me to go sit outside his cabin and wait for him before things get even more out of hand

>don’t have to tell me twice

>GTFO of there

>Luke lectures me and assigns me community service as punishment

>GirlName avoids me at all costs

>some rando keeps drawing pictures of my mom in a bikini and leaving them on my bed

>3 years later I kill all of them

>tfw still socially disabled and no qt 3.14 gf to rule the galaxy with


















