How can I lure banned shitposters into a discord server? so they can shitpost other shitposters

How can I lure banned shitposters into a discord server? so they can shitpost other shitposters.

Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


fucking christ





That's gotta be some next level shitposting to get banned from Sup Forums


I was one of you kiddy servers, I got banned for cussing

It's not hard these days unfortunately. I'd say it's gotten to the point bans are a large reason why this place feels like re-ddit. It's like they really are trying to style the user base to be more internet friendly.





i kept track of shitposts, assigned ranks to the most active shitposters, and they ate it up. i think i got at least 100 of em banned on Sup Forums back in the day (myself included).

good jorb

of course Sup Forums didnt know it was a honeypot, decided i was the leader of the shitpost illuminati, doxed me, and made my life hell for a week. that part wasnt as fun.

less then three



Omg off by 1snd you use grampy cat!!