How do you stop him?

How do you stop him?

an immovable object

>Capture him
>Tie him up
>Drop pants
>Press my ass on his plastic mask
>Let out a long wet fart to get things started
>Stand over his head and take massive turds over his fake hair
>Eventually his whole head is covered in feces and I don't plan on stopping
>He's not yelling or swearing at me, but I can tell he's in silent tears
>make him my personal poo poo slave

Cut his head off.
Resurrection isn't canon.

So is he a supernatural entity?
I remember that in one of the Halloween movies he gets bombarded with bullets but he still survived

Movie fact: That mask is made from a William Shatner Halloween mask.

I'd Fuck him to death! Lets make this country great again![\spoiler]

It wasn't him though

It's a real shame what became of that franchise from the 4th movie onwards.

slice him in two with my sword

shitpost him to death

Yes it was.

When you shoot him or stab him and he falls down, don't throw down your weapon and walk away, keep shooting him or stabbing him on the ground. Grab something extremely heavy and bash him with it until he is mush.

But don't ever just knock him down and assume he's done.

Climb a tall tree

I've seen all the movies, he has never climbed anything or thrown anything. Therefore he can't

He's a literal supernatural bullshit manifestation of evil. You could cut him up, lock the pieces in a coffin and bury it underground, but he'd still appear at your window the next day because that's the kind of supernatural bullshit he is. I'm not sure there is a way to stop him.

To be fair he falls into a river after that, and once he washes ashore he is actually crawling and near death, then collapses. But a hermit nearby saved him and nursed him back to health, otherwise he presumably would actually have died from the gunshot wounds.

Laurie just cuts his head off with an axe in H20 and kills him dead. He's supernaturally strong but not invincible.

No there was no shitty film after that with any absurd retcon.

He climbed up onto the roof in number 4, chasing Jamie.

Advise him to get a better mask. I suggest the Halloween 1 or Sam Winston one from H20.

Also I forgot to say I would run away and get on a flight to a faraway country while he is off getting said new mask.

Get an assassin called Chigurh to find and kill him?

>asks Michael to call the coin toss
>Michael grabs the coin and somehow stabs Chigurh in the throat with it
>tilts head


Walk briskly away from him

Regardless of that, who's going to live through decapitation other than the Return of the Living Dead zombies?