What's his endgame?

What's his endgame?

being funny as hell

Not get killed by his wife.

Looking at you Phil Hartman.

is there a new episode yet? fuck

>He hasn't seen it

Liquid Morphine.

becoming /old jack/

>that Larry King interview a week ago where he BTFO Hillary

>ywn be rich and famous and get to grow out your oddly jewish looking beard (despite being white) and just rock it

i gotta become famous... fuck
i could maybe be an actor but more likely be good at improv and then parlay that to bit roles

Do you still watch SNL?
>Yeah, I watch it.

What do you think of it?
>I don't like agenda comedy. I guess I could say that.

That's what you feel the show's turned into?
>Yeah, it's too big to fail. But there's something distasteful when you watch — I don't know how they're gonna do it this season, but if Donald Trump is displayed as an idiot all the time and Hillary's not, then it shows they're out of touch with what people think, and it's just not fair.

There are a couple times in the book where you have these sort of blatantly old-fashioned and casually, ironically sexist remarks. Stuff like,"My publisher is a girl and it's about time, I say." Do you ever worry that kind of material, which you perform a lot in your stand-up too, gets misunderstood?
>A lot of people misunderstand making fun of sexism as sexism. But who cares? I remember I was on some show where they were asking me about women and I said, "Women are the greatest thing in the world because without women there wouldn't be any cookies." So if you took that serious, that doesn't mean I'm sexist; that means you're fucking retarded. Of course if I said that and I was serious, I wouldn't be sexist — I would be mentally retarded.

What are you reading now?

is he our guy?

That latest interview with Larry King was great.

Also not killing his wife like Patton Oswalt.

My god was his book awful. I honestly don't know if I hate his memoir more, or Margaret Atwood books. Because, straight up, it was like reading Alias Grace all over again.


>if Donald Trump is displayed as an idiot all the time and Hillary's not, then it shows they're out of touch with what people think

Well, it's not like they're pulling the shit out of thin air.

Not An Heroing for the sake of his son.

I really liked Oryx and Crake

If you don't know anything about politics why do you bother commenting on it?

>is he our guy?

Yes! This seems pretty well established desu.

He needs a daily late night show

Wow, he was ruggedly good-looking back in the day.

>smart, savvy politician who is borderline autistic about safeguarding her public image to the point she shrouds her life in secrecy
>man who can be easily baited into immature outbursts on national television by poking him with verbal banter

Alright, you know where to go back to if you want to discuss one-sided politics.

Oryx and Crake was golden compared to the two sequels it got that were 100% retarded.

is this real life?

>Wow, he was ruggedly good-looking back in the day.

It's the Brando thing. You're handsome and the world is your whore then you put on some pounds and the world ain't your whore no more and you realise the world is just a big old whore who doesn't care about you personally, it just wants you to be the john who turns the whore on.

Is this for real? When will it be out?

>Alright, you know where to go back to if you want to discuss one-sided politics.