Why is lesbianism very prominent in a catholic country like Hungary?

why is lesbianism very prominent in a catholic country like Hungary?

L is the only acceptable letter in LGBT

Lesbians are hot asf

t. Has never seen a real lesbian

I want to believe.

this too.


Name 1 (one) purer form of love.


dumb post by 12 year old

shoo shoo canadian leaf

>he thinks the female monkeys in brazil represent all the women

I want a Magyar user to answer why Magyar girls are major lesbos?


>he thinks the female monkeys in brazil represent all the women
It actually does since we got women from literally every part of the world

> Brazilians
> People

Пoмoгитe пepeвecти нa aнглийcкий, пoжaлyйcтa

Oтдeльнaя cтaтья - мoнcтpы. Caмoe бoльшoe paзoчapoвaниe. Гдe мoи хyлдpы, cкoгcpы, нeки и дecять copтoв тpoллeй? Toлькo двa aбcoлютнo нoвых мoнcтpa - пaнциpнaя чepeпaхa и дpaкoн.


>catholic country
it's just the old farts

They're too hot even women can't resist

Hungarian men are shit, so they switch to women

Didn't they grow up under state atheism or something?

It's also very prominent in the Catholic Philipines.

There's a lot of porn produced in that region (at least from my experience)