Post really bad horror movies

Post really bad horror movies.

Pic related.



>inb4 muh practicals

Pretty good.

What is this from?

>make practical effects for the thing prequel that look even better then JC's the thing

>cover it up with shitty cgi

why are movie execs so fucking retarded

The practical effects wouldn't have prevented the horrible characters and script

The Thing 2011

Looks like the shitty remake of The Thing to me.

They need to appeal to the 15 year old audience

>>inb4 muh practicals
so? that just makes you smart. "muh practicals" means that the user is insightful enough to realize that practical effects are better in almost every way than CGI that will look like shit in a couple years anyways if it already doesn't.

No but they would have provided something fresh and interesting to look at while not enjoying the horrible characters and script. That is a fact whether you agree or not. That's why trash b-horror films and found footage are so popular among Redbox and rental viewers.

The behind the scenes stuff for that movie are fantastic... Whatever fucking producer made them CGI it to oblivion should be shot.




I won this as an incentive at work. I quit my job soon after.



That was a perfectly decent movie.

nuh uh

Fuck this pos.

What? This was good though.


Yeah, I really enjoy watching a movie that is complied from youtube clips.

that shit is stupid fun tho

What the fuck, Tobe Hooper?

How could they fuck it up so bad?


You're wrong.

I tried to forget this existed. Thanks for reminding me, faglord.

>look at me, I'm edgy as shit: the movie


They just did what Sam Raimi and Tobe Hooper did with their sequels to Evil Dead and Texas Chainsaw. Make it a self-parody.

That's some obvious bait, senpai.

Did Playboy co-produce this or what?


The grave robbing opening was the only good part. After that it started descent into shit.

Well...really good CGI can be pretty amazing, the thing is movies rarely spend enough time to make it look like real life, there are some movies that I had no idea used CGI until I looked at the behind the scenes

I don't understand why Raimi allows his company to produce only shit movies.

I kind of liked this one. I kind of liked the House on Haunted Hill remake and Ghost Ship also. Not that I'm saying they're good movies. I just found them entertaining.

Found footage rip-off of Descent without the monsters. And all the characters are assholes. I never wanted a movie to end sooner than this.

I didn't even know there was a 3rd one!

Worst of the French horrors.

Maybe because he is shit.

Original is a raw, political exploitation. Normies can't handle that.

Remake is a stupid as fuck jump scares, loud noises, action movie.

Most modern Jap horror is fucking awful.

The original sucks, too.

Sup Forums has a hard on for this. Dunno why. It was a complete shit.

More sequels that suck ass.

Never understood the praise for this.

Awful opinion.

Nor this.


The series went even worse with 4 and 5!

3 was actually good!


I enjoyed this 2014 movie of the same title.

Other than the CGI and the shit inside the spaceship this was a perfectly fine movie. Not as good as the original but a nice connecting piece to setup the first.

If you want bad, let's talk bad.

It's hard to pick just one, because most horror movies are shit. But this one certainly has a place.

Stitches was fucking great!

Sequels shouldn't even be counted for this thread because horror sequels are awful 99% of the time. Jack Frost 1 is perfectly good.



You guys need to watch more horror movies.

Swedish Evil Dead ripoff. Really fucking bad, apart from good splatter effects.

Protip: If you have to put what movie the person was in beneath their name, their role in that movie didn't actually matter.

aka The Devil's Dolls

What do they do? Just make you really worried about stuff?

>Hey Cube 1 and 2 were both pretty good, can't wait to check this out

An hour and a half later I wanted to send a bill to the director for wasting my time.

Contrary to popular opinion, The 2011 Thing prequel (it's not a remake) is a serviceable companion piece to the Carpenter classic. This in spite of the regrettable effects-scrapping which is commonly referred to on Sup Forums, because, in direct contradiction to what these anons assert, , , the characters and script of the prequel are perfectly interesting and satisfactory in their own right.

The "muh women" canard fails on every level, and I had my own initial skepticism about a female lead. If you actually watch the movie and pay attention to what is going on, there is no love interest bullshit or vagina power nonsense going on, apart from a simple and benign opening line warning the lead about being cooped up with a bunch of men in winter. The events of the film unfold so quickly and everything goes to hell so much more rapidly (three days as opposed to Carpenter's six, of which two are unshown) that there is no /time/ for any tiresome sexism, SJW-dom, or related identity politics. Instead, Kate Lloyd corresponds usefully to Ripley in that her character is not taken seriously (despite being proven 100% right) until eveything goes to hell. The script's permutation on the "test" is an interesting and welcome variation on the theme, and we get Norway rounded out in a wholly logical fashion. A vagina-presence in a camp around this time is also historically feasible, and does not stretch credulity.

Finally, a personal note which will invite mockery, but it ought to convince you of my sincerity: five years ago I watched the movie in a theater, not knowing quite what to expect, but I came away generally liking what I'd seen, so much so that I've watched it a few times since. There were two or three moments where I experienced genuine (good) dread.

I write this knowing full well that I will not convince others. My object is simply to let you know that there is a minority viewpoint, and that you are wrong.

Make people murder!

The second film is the worst of the bunch, having the most boring primary set, and especially hackneyed characters. It's like a 90s movie, in the bad way.

Cube Zero is also of course completely unnecessary, but it has a few redeeming qualities, and some camp-factor going for it. The basic idea of exploring the private life of the lower bureaucracy which makes the death-prison function is a very interesting permutation on the original idea, despite doing much to kill its mystery. Also, that "head-boss" guy who comes downstairs turns in a very cute B-movie performance as a villain.

I'm not sure if this is pasta but I completely agree.

This got really good reviews, but was actually a fucking shit!


I liked Hypercube's setting because it led to a lot of interesting deaths and ideas. The one guy going crazy and collecting trophies from each version of the people he killed was especially neat.

>The Grudge 2
>who's the main character?
>don't need one, just have twenty different main characters
>how will we have twenty different character arcs in a 90 minute film?
>we wont bother, we'll just kill off each character before we can establish them, then move onto a new character, and then kill that one off
>so what are Kayako's powers?
>she can go anywhere and do anything
>how do you defeat Kayako?
>you can't. If she wants you dead there's nothing you can do. This way the victims don't have anything to do but be scared and die.
>why does Kayako kill these people?
>I don't know. She just likes killing random people for no reason.
>no story, no characters, no rules. Brilliant.

I will never get those four hours of my life back.

I hope this is pasta, that second paragraph is pure cringe

Sounds like every horror movie sequel ever made.

Same goes for this.

Except he's right.

Any horror movie that fits the naming scheme of "The _____ of "Person's Name"

You have shit taste, senpai.

Overhyped wannabe cult classic shit.

That's fine. Now, give it ten minutes and try to substantively refute something that had been written in it.

At least the remake had Jessica Biel in dat outfit, not to say that it was a quality movie in any way.

At least the other guys used bait. You basically just said, "Damn, a juicy worm looks like THAT?!?

I don't even...

Is this the one where she says "Do your thing, cuz!" and throws him the chainsaw?

No, this is the prequel to the remake.

>prequel to the remake.

Zombie actually believes he made a good film.



I remember requesting this. Based user.

>Caspar Van Dien will never be in a good movie ever again

More like Jason goes on a cruise, and all the gore has been cut out to avoid X rating, and we didn't restore them for any of the home releases.

This could have been fun, but it wasn't.
