Why does the Ameritard government go on the verge of shutting down once a year?

Why does the Ameritard government go on the verge of shutting down once a year?

Partisan politics.

and why aren't you on pol?

Because I'm not retarded and I like trolling Ameritards.

our overlords find it beneath them to work on behalf of the plebeians. After all they are content with their meager wages and shitty McDonalds food.

Because dysfunction works to Republicans' advantage for the most part

because of this also lobbyists and ignorant voters, but mainly lobbyists. Who knew that allowing your politicians to basically take bribes leads to corruption?

and the Dems don't want to give Trump another win after the tax deal. Neither side care about us, only their corporate donors

Our government was designed to be barely functional to slow down the gradual march towards tyranny and collapse.
We are a lot older than most countries in the world and the most powerful so apparently it's worked out pretty good.


Real answer:
The US government has not had a balanced budget for over 20 years, and that was for a whole 2 year stretch. The last time the government had a balanced budget for any considerable time, a guy named Eisenhower was president. That’s older shit than most of your grandparents.

The cumulative effect of generation after generation of deficit spending has created a debt burden on the government that is exceptional. The reliance on high finance to make ends meet is a requirement at this point, and it erodes the quality of government that we can have. It also puts the country is real danger.

For example, ”official” interest rates have been essentially zero for nearly 10 years. This coincided with the largest increase in US debt in history, because hey if money is free, why not take as much as you can? The problem is, if interest rates are ever NOT zero, it becomes impossible for the government to finance anything. Literally 100%+ of all taxes collected would have to go to interest payments if the rates ever normalize. Not to the military, not to health care, not to education, just paying money NOW because we once borrowed money IN THE PAST. This is a real hazard, and one that we will surely face in our lifetimes.

In addition, the reliance on high finance to both suppress interest rates (to keep borrowing costs low) and to make sure liquidity remains (to guarantee there is more money that can be borrowed) means that the government is shackled to the likes of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, the BOJ, et al. Crossing them means that they can strike back at the US government by reallocating cash buys, waiting out TBil auctions, leaning on Moody’s et al to downgrade US debt (thus making it impossible to buy on certain markets) and so on. These sorts of companies don’t have your interests at heart, and frankly give no fuck about whether government is fair or enlightened or even functional.

>A lot older than most


Attempts to balance the budget are fraught with politicing, because everyone wants their piece. But without balancing the budget, everyone’s pieces get thrown in the trash, just at some later date. Everyone agrees that it must be done before the doomsday scenario, but when that will be and who should carry the burden of the cut spending is the largest question.

The Congress is tasked with passing a budget every year, in theory. The slow accumulation of debt has conditioned everyone to expect that their spending is just fine, but the recent and dramatic increase in debt makes addressing the issue more and more pressing.

Anyways, that’s my 2-part post on why budgets never get passed. Has nothing to do with this recent episode, though. This episode is, ”Dems: we want more illegal aliens or we drive the country off a cliff”. Thanks Obama!

Name a country older than the US

To give the us another annual Holiday! It supports our economy by giving all our citizens an excuse to get shitty drunk and shoot off fireworks, it's great. I know I always through government shutdown parties. Anyone else?

That's a solid ass reason, friend

Ask Carter

That first half was true

Just stay in the truck, and don't touch the radio

Trump (talking to himself on phone that isn't plugged in): "You know, I really don't like those people"
Also liberals: "Lol Drumpf is so stupid, nobody will listen to him"

Really? Greece Italy France England All of the Middle east, Far East, Asia etc


Name one

You take a pessimistic view of the situation, user. The business of America is business, so the USA has the best government that money can buy!

Greece’s governement dates to 1976 iirc, Italy’s to 1946 or thereabouts. Most of the ME countries did not even exist until 1918, Egypt’s government dates to just before Sadat in the 1950’s.

Keep going

>the USA has the best government that money can buy
I think the European Union has the US beaten thoroughly in that department.



Dems keep finding it harder to come up with enough money to pay to lazy niggers and faggots to keep their jobs.

The Ayy Republic of Antarctica lmao

i think you mean "name a government older than that of the US" in which case, you're right. they're pretty rare.

China’s government dates to 1949, if you mean PR China. Rep of China has a good claim to have started in the early 1800’s which would be one of the oldest, if not for lack of recognition. Japan has
Had their government since the early 1950s
England is not a country, and hasn’t been since the union with Wales, but if you mean the UNited Kingdom of Great Britain, Wales and Northern Ireland, that came out in 1923 or about

>United Kingdom of Great Britain, Wales and Northern Ireland and a Seemingly Endless Influx of Towel Heads and other Terrorists

England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are all countries under the rule of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The United Kingdom of Great Britain is a Kingdom, not a country.

San Marino


That is a hilltop, not country.

Most countries that aren't in north america.

name some. Japan totally swapped governments after WWII. China had Mao's revolution. Russia switched from USSR just within the last century. Africa's constantly changing so that's out. The Ottoman empire fell after WWI.

thanks obama..

It's a budget thing. If you don't pass a budget, you don't have any find to allocate to pay people. Since the gov is made up of people, that pretty much brings operations to a halt.
Btw, it's only the "necessary" ones that still get paid no matter what, so you can bet the Senate will still meet and most cops will still be in the street.
Also this isn't some eurotard country where if the government stopped working the whole society would stop. The government is not that involved in daily life here. Private electricity will still power the stop lights and my computer and most of us will still make it to work and continue paying for movie tickets and new iPhones. Aside from infrastructure maintenance and school funding, I doubt a long term shut down would really hurt anything else in a meaningful way.
Welfare monkeys and the guy who fixes printers at the local University are SOL for a bit tho

>It's a budget thing. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

Wow. Thank you, Schoolhouse Rock.
Now do How a Bill Becomes a Law.

Glad you could clear that up for yourself. Can the rest of us get on with the conversation at hand?

No no, your absolutely right, Sup Forums is the place to write out your 10pg thesis before the thread 404s

This is what a triggered rightwing kid looks like.