I am a massive fucking faggot

I am a massive fucking faggot

Please rape my face

>> Also, you will shut down your own government, me!

Racist in 3..2..




That's cute. Baby's first election loss?

I appreciate the fact that even lying pussies can post on Sup Forums such as yourself..

You're cute, m'lady

How about I swing by the gulag with some paint thinner and crocodile and we can have a good ole time?

Dems deliberately shutting down the Gubmint to ransom in their pwescious DACA pork bill ruling.

does trump still have sex with his wife?

Dems took down the Trump government.

>> Who is wearing the pants in this marriage?

Just what I thought. It was your first election and first loss. Get over it and enjoy life you fucking crybaby.

No but the word on the street is that he still gets handies from Ivanka

Пyтинcкaя шлюхa

No you're confused. Obama was the one getting handjobs from his kids


Excellent shitpost but sooner or later you're going to have to face up to the fact that you have fucked up by supporting this shit head. Maybe when your relatives food stamps and Welfare cut. Still really quality shitpost Jefthro.

i would let her fart on my face

Literally a photo of lil Donnie about to get a handjob from his own daughter...

>> she is dead inside

Horsetrump. Congress had struck a deal and then Donny Dummkopf, via a tweet, orders his party off because of DACA.
Fucking loser. Put 'em all up against a wall and shoot 'em.

You call my post a shitpost, but you wrote m'lady, in yours. Now I know why you hate Trump.

>about to get a handjob
Do you have the handjob pic or are you just a fucking retard?

Look at how he sucks up to the jews!

He's more likely bisexual, but definitely loves to suck cock. Roy Cohn trained him well.

Jesus Christ your ignorance is astounding.


Every one of those points are valid becuse if you lived in reality you'd notice the bullshit #44 was pulling...the fucking musrag was having monthly addresses telling use were are a muslim founded nation and all sorts of other bullshit claims.


Stay mad kids

вce oни знaют, чтo oн тpaхaл cвoю дoчь, тoвapищ.

>stay mad


I can't imagine what it's like being this disgruntled and delusional. Personally, I'm apathetic, suicidal and don't like either party, but your party lost the election and is currently losing the culture war. This has been your first cultural defeat in decades and your people are totally demoralized, as is evident by the way your public figureheads are behaving. Your party is also the worse party by all objective standards. One of the few things I can still find enjoyment in is watching you turds get destroyed by the turds in red.