Traps are gay. There's no way a guy who likes a trap is not a faggot

Traps are gay. There's no way a guy who likes a trap is not a faggot.

I don't know why there's even a discussion.
Traps and guys who like traps are gay.

Who are you trying to convince?

There is nothing to discuss. You are correct on every point.

What if chad likes smashin pussy but also boi pussy

If it has a dick, it's not a chick

the only thing to clarify is this

do you like this girl? yes? okay, straight.

this girl has a penis, do you still like her? yes? gay! / no? straight.

If it's its pretty, fuck it. Who cares about labels?


Theres no way someone, that cares so much about what other ppl do and spends so much time telling other ppl they are losers, has any kind of belief in themselves as a strong and open minded human beings. Weak ppl are the ones that are destroying society with their money hungry, my view is better than your view mentality

He never said you faggots were losers just that you are gay af.
Fucking losers

>boi pussy
The term used instead of "guy ass" by those who can't admit to themselves they are gay.

Then he's bisexual.

What makes a girl a girl?

Her gurl pucci duh

>Traps and guys who like traps are gay.
Then why arent't I horny for your gay ass?
I mean, I'd fuck a trap, but I wouldn't fuck your pimply ass.
OK, that makes me gay, but what's that make you?

So a vagina? a vagina is just a hole to place your dick in

Truer words have never been spoken, OP

XX chromosomes + vagina

Yeah, just like a boi pucci then you understand now

Soon enough the only difference will be the chromosomes, maybe even that will change in the distant future, but then i guess they aren't traps anymore

Theyre not traps in the first place theyre men you fucking retard

What if the trap is just an asshole who starts a “relationship” with a guy (or lesbian) and goes on several dates with the guy, but when the time comes, the trap just removes his pants and says “Ha ha, I had a dick the whole time, faggot!”

"they're not traps they're men hur dur "

Guys who like traps are either gay or bi. Just fess up to it.

It's the current year. No one cares about being Declared Gay. I really want a femmy little BF.

I never directed it at him

less discussing, moar fapping


What if I like traps that fuck girls?

Nobody cares. How mahy threads are you morons going to make?

what a fucking retard. He divided mass by gravity. kilograms is mass, mass * gravity = weight. How pathetic. Probably a virgin AND he's dumb as fuck.
He's off by a factor of 10, also the rest of his numbers don't match commonly accepted values so he's just wrong. But I'd say it's likely that he's in the right ballpark with the %