Late night snackaroo what are you normies eating?

Late night snackaroo what are you normies eating?

Why are you eating all the eggs?
Did you wake up after passing out drunk at some guy's house?

Your mother's ass

>2 slices of bread, one slice of cheese, one lettuce leaf, one slice of turkey
you have about 25 cents worth of food for $5.50

Reasonable taste.

I went to a Midwestern restaurant a little before midnight. I didn't pig out but seven hours later I'm not hungry again yet.

mostly my own soul

i tried to bargain with it once

still not sure...

hopefully my business partner likes swiss soul

I'm out of everything but coffee and ramen. I'll probably go shopping tomorrow because there is a blizzard going on right now.

also just bought a pack of bread wraps, carton of eggs(85 cents for 12 eggs), tomatoes, onion, cheese. i'm going to have delicious toasted cheese wraps for a week, cost me about $9

Real food I prepared myself not made in a factory by clowns.

I'm making eggs and bacon. Because it isn't late night here, it's five in the fucking morning and that's called breakfast. I have to drag my ass to work in an hour.

Ayyyeee I'm also getting hit by a blizzard. I hope it shits on me so I can stay home all day.

Make a massive egg salad sandwich by combining your goods.

fuck I love egg salad. and Amish potato salad

You must be way east of me. Its gonna shit down for another hour and then just be windy here.


Welcome to South Dakota.

I'm in western Iowa. We've only gotten like an inch so far but they're calling for at least a foot. I fucking hope so.

looks like pussy


Looks like it. Have fun and watch for idiots on the road if you do have to go out.

I wish bro I'm down to some cans of soup, half loaf of bread some crackers and about a quarter block of cheese. Paydays Friday though! Always a bright side lol

I've never seen snow yet in my life I heard in some places you have to wear a thing around your mouth and nose was told you can die if you don't apparently they say your lungs will freeze.

Des Moines reporting in. Glad I'm about to go to bed since I work nights.


I don't think you'll have to worry about your lungs at the temps you'll get but if its windy as shit pic related is pretty nice to have.

ayyy florida boi. im from the 813. florida represent

only if you aren't a man capable of growing facial hair.

I'm planning to go Bass fishing over the weekend if I still feel like it.

Its Wet as FUCK