Red pill me Sup Forums

red pill me Sup Forums

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Milo Yiannopolous was installed into right wing to naturalize jewish nigger lover pedophiles amongst conservatives.

niggers wuz everything

Pictures are for fags, thats why this is now an only text board

hitler did nothing wrong

Human beings are able to convince themselves of anything. Use this to your advantage.

OP was fag

niggers were kangs until they sold themselves into slavery

Leftist policy is specifically designed to benefit the poor, destroy and discourage the middle, and establish a clear and defined line between the plebs and the ruling class; communism cannot exist with a strong middle class and without this distinction...

Just watch the left from an outsider's view, and you'll see this with every move they make...

the sun isn't hot. if it were then why is space cold?

then why can i use it to burn ants with a magnifying glass?

Fuck your gf during the winter.There you go...

take both pills. trip BALLS


that is actually an ant committing suicide because it's location has been compromised by the giants.

earth is flat

>and establish a clear and defined line between the plebs and the ruling class
>this isn't a conservative thing apparently

this, also outer space doesn't exist

the current 'image error' is actually long awated the chemo
it'll stay like this for a week or two
cancer will leave
some will stay gone when they 'fix' it

thanks chinkmoot

suicide by fire, those fucking muslims

You have good intentions, but you must know that "earth is flat" is a meme created by the zionist jews on NASA to mock people who talks about the Moonlanding being obviously fake and make you look insane, so they can still steal your money through taxes under idiotic claims like "global warming is near!"
Long story shor, Earth is not flath, NASA is a scam.

this better be bait.

what about the moon niggers?

think about it, heat evenly distributes itself and the sun is an estimated 3 million C. there is no way a ball of fission can create that much heat and it not be evenly distributed over 3 billion years

I don't know about this topic

all the red pills are here start with the playlists

People care more about virtue signaling than morals, your culture is head for extinction and you will definetely feel the repercussions of that during your lifetime.

It's not. Conservatives strive for a strong middle class because the middle class are the vast majority of consumers...

The rich are a small niche and have small niche tastes...

The poor have no money for toys and games and vacations and dining out and etc.

The middle class are who buy all the things. And the middle class is what powers a capitalist system.

So republicans invented the trickle down scam but still pretend to give a shit about the middle class?

>can literally see it trickling down right now, but denies it because CNN tells them it doesn't work...