How dumb are you? The coins, the coffee, the simple PEMDAS problem, holy fuck...

How dumb are you? The coins, the coffee, the simple PEMDAS problem, holy fuck. Answer this one write and you’re not an illiterate porch monkey.

1/3. Same as the coins. Op is a faggot.


I hate you


>Answer this one write


>being this fucking stupid


There are almost an infinite possibilities. Decks are random as fuck.

Nice trips


Sets that match known conditions:

Probability of 2 aces, 1/3

>infinite possibilities
>deck has four cards

there are 24 total possibilities

Haven’t you ever heard that a properly shuffled deck is so random that odds are it’s never been in that order before in the history of cards?



Yeah a deck of 52 cards, not a deck of 4 cards you fucking dumbass.

It says deck yo


You can’t be this dumb. Read it again. Slower.

The day I quit drinking Sup Forums breaks and all that’s up are dumbaas threads like this one. Fuck me.

It defines the deck to be those 4 cards.

A standard deck is 52 cards. You can create any deck you want. My deck could have 54 cards (standard plus two jokers). It can be anything.


If not i'm fine with being a porch monkey who cares

But aids doe


100% chance of drawing an ace if you are drawing from 3 aces wtf

Is everyone trolling why isn't this obvious

It says "you draw one (it's ace of spades) what the chance you draw a second ace ( out of 3 aces left ) "


You don’t have 3 aces doe.

2 A’s and 2 2’s yo


Fucking 50% niggers

How do some of you survive on earth?

I don't know if the "you know one card is an ace" and "you know one card is the ace of spades" is just extra info added there to confuse you from the actual probability...I'm reading the question as "you draw 2 cards from the 4...what are the chances you drew the 2 aces from the 4 given"...which if you drew them simultaneously your odds are 50 percent. If you drew one ace from the 4, that would be 1/4 and then if you were required to draw the other after it would be 1/3. If that is the case its 58%...if the information has any relevance other then stating what was already stated in the beginning of the question then it's 1/3...or if the info has any relevance which I don't think it does then there are a few other possibilities. You need to be more specific OP


There are 4 cards.


It's 1/6 btw. Theyre asking you the probability of drawing 2 aces. All the info after that is fucking dumb lmao. Just define the set so it lists all possible equally likely outcomes. Should be twelve of them. Then theres only 2/12 ways to draw two aces. (AS,AC) and (AC,AS)