Why don't the mods make an announcement on what's going on?

Why don't the mods make an announcement on what's going on?

What, and kill the suspense?

W-What suspense?

they wanna see how we react to images being taken away

We improvise obviously


this probably


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>can't post images
>on an image board

There are no mods. This entire site is run by mongolian m00t pedaling a bicycle.

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They aren't making an announcement because their lawyers aren't letting them.

One of my uncles works in D.C. and he said that the current owners of Sup Forums were subpoenaed and are being forced to appear in court to talk about the extent of Russian posting on Sup Forums in regards to the Russia Collusion investigation against Trump. Part of the court order is that Sup Forums must turn over any and all user data they have stored, including all posted images.

Keeping all currently stored data available for the court means they have to severely decrease the number of NEW images being uploaded to Sup Forums's servers, which is why they're eliminating image replies.

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cool. my dad works for nintendo. i swear.

They tried, they can't post either

Australian m00t getting buttfucked on the servers, knocking them over is more believable than that /x/-tier conspiracy.

where the fuck is sudo?

In you're mom's pussy.




did gookmoot nuke /sudo/ while i was gone? wtf?



I was on ol and they said that everyone who has posted there or r9k within 24 hrs was flagged and range banned from bpstin on other boards? Invasion or what I havent evben lurked in like 2 weeks wtf is going on?



I posted on /r9k/ didn't do anything wrong so what the fuck?

fucked up again

@Anonymous lol newfag

I have a Jewess Queen X_X
I have a Jewess Queen X_X
I have a Jewess Queen X_X
I have a Jewess Queen X_X

When I close my eyes and lay my little head down on the pillow...
I want to dream of Emma. My Jewess Queen.
Please Jewess Queen!
I love you.

All this ASCII art on Sup Forums just makes me horny.

You newfags have never beat off to ASCII porn from a dot matrix printer because that's all there was.


Sup Forums minus images equals Slashdot. why stay here?

did this happen because of Q? is Sup Forums compromised?

>I have a Jewess Queen X_X
You mean Agatha (threemilkT)?

it's called a DDOS attack faggots

we'll be back in working order soon

then you can post all the feminine penises your heart desires

there's an Australian moot? shit, i need to look him up and KICK HIS FUCKIN' ARSE.

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I wish you were a mod

Because they don't know what's going on.

you've never tried to cancel an ascii porn print job from a line printer the size of a grand piano because some stupid bastard tried to print out a thousand of them.

fucking Pr1mos

Is that samus?

Any proof for your claims?

looks like it.

You... you're mah nigga.