I'm in for a lotr marathon

I'm in for a lotr marathon.

Which versiĆ³n is the best looking available right now?

I'd like the extended editions but they look like shit It seems.

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It wasn't that blue when I watched it last week.

the EE Blu-ray is better because the blue conveys a sense of coldness famalam

The green tint was added for the bluray. The DVD extended edition has the old colors (i.e. the picture below).

>blue tint everywhere

Who was the autist who took the name literally?

Isn't there any fan made for something edition for a blu Ray without the blue tint?

Yes. The kk650 recolor release.

Why is this allowed?

just watch extended edition dvd

also don't do it overnight, you will forget half of the scenes

>tfw didn't fall for the bluray meme and have the proper colored dvd release

Is there a site to compare versions?

yes,its called Sup Forums.
other sites dont reach this level of autism.

Is Hackson the new Lucas?

I was worried about the weird filter before I sprung for the extended Blu Rays, but as others pointed out to me, it really isn't noticeable outside of the snow shots. The picture quality and, more importantly the audio quality, more than make up for any quirks you might have with the coloration.

thats bullshit,it has been compared in a lot of threads and there are some scenes that are specially hideous in the BR,fo example the scene with the forge of the rings.

>not having every scene memorized
You pleb

no it doesn't fuck face


Has been ever since the Hobbit.

Those images are super fucking exaggerated. In the real blu-ray, the tint is nowhere near that. And it's only sightly blue-corrected in the snowy scenes, which amounts to about 7 minutes of an 11 hour movie. Don't be autistic, and go for Blu-ray, it overall looks amazing.

Why is everyone saying blue tint? It's clearly green, cyan at most.

ths tint is noticeable especially if u want ot project the movie, however I do agree it is like 7 minutes of 11 hours so if u are just watching on a tv no big deal, get the BluRay. But, if you want to project it, go original

Yeah it actually does though

but fucking where it's not even on spleen anymore

They aren't exaggerated. Fuck the EE bluray.

Do you live in a desert or something? The one on the bottom looks way colder if you've ever experienced winter.
