How do i get my girlfriend to work out? she's getting really fat

how do i get my girlfriend to work out? she's getting really fat.

Well, first, she needs to be shamed in to it somehow, either by her friends or complete strangers (never you, because it'll just piss her off, so let others do it for you). My sister lost 80lbs just by cutting down to 30 carbs or so a day, so it's not even about food intake, it's just about watching what you eat. She can eat as much as she wants as long as it doesn't have a whole lot of carbs.

The second thing to help get her along is for you to take her out with you when you exercise (and if you don't, quit being a selfish faggot and exercise). It's a lot easier to convince someone to do something if it's under the guise of doing it together.

Fuck her friends, then it doesn't matter if she loses weight because you've already traded up

Honestly, it's not even the body fat which makes this unattractive. It's the slobbish attitude.

An overweight girl who is actively losing weight is already more attractive than a thin girl who is laying about eating like shit and starting to put on the pounds. It's about what direction you are heading in. If she is heading downhill, you should begin looking for exit routes as eventually she will try to drag you down with her.

Explain that it is more attractive to be fat and losing weight than it is to be slim and putting on the pounds because you're lazy.


>Explain that it is more attractive to be fat and losing weight than it is to be slim and putting on the pounds because you're lazy
The flip side to this is that the lazy, slim girl is already there, so it's mostly just about convincing her that she will be more happy being slim than being fat.

You could also find an activity you both enjoy and do it together. You know, as if you were a couple.

she does say that she needs to lose weight but she isn't really making any progress

Dump her.

When she asks why, tell her it's because she's fat.
>you're girlfriend will now begin to work out.

The most important thing to do user is put her in a position where she feels uncomfortable with who she is. Woman are full of themselves and hate being judged, even if they don't outwardly express it.

If you want to be conniving about it, a good way to make her feel like shit about herself is to buy her clothes, either with her or just presents, but always get two pairs of the same item; one that fits her, and one that is a size smaller, or more and hold on to it (if you get it with her, just remember to go back later and get a smaller pair). After she wears it once, take it and swap it for the size smaller and pay attention to when she tries to wear it again. Not only will it make you laugh, but it'll start her down the road of shame.


I'll try, i don't mind fat shaming at all. i think it's good. she kinda pisses me off because she used to be pretty hot

Pic of body?

i don't wanna post pics of her, she's probably around 250lb now. she was around 140 when i first got with her

Let her ride you 3 times a day

No thanks, i don't wanna be crushed

>250 lb
The point of no return has long passed mang

>30 carbs a day
What fucking unit of measurement is this


i know, it happened so slowly. i can still get her to lose weight though

god i wish she looked like that

Measurement that works, as far as my sister goes. I don't her too often, but she swears on it, and the results show.


If she's losing 110 pounds, regardless of weight, you're not going to be dealing with an attractive body anymore. I mean, of course it's better to be healthy, but loose skin isn't a pretty sight.

why bother. She's 250lb. She is almost eligible to get her own area code for her phone.

I was getting at that you missed the word calories, sorry, I'll never do it again.

It's not calories, it's carbs. The two might go hand in hand, though.

fuck sake. He is clearly asking what unit of masurement the "30" relates to.

30 cal of carbs? 30lb?

I have no idea how people get that fat.
My record was 87 kg at 177cm height.
I couldn't look at myself in the mirror without wanting to put a knife through my belly.

Hey man, it's not my shit, she just said whatever she eats, she looks at how many carbs it has per serving, and she doesn't exceed 30 carbs or so total.

It's probably not much different than the atkins diet, tbqh.

30 grams maybe

Yeah, grams. My bad. I'm retarded.

30 crabs

so what's the best way of telling her that I'm not attracted to her anymore?

30 grabs

Why does Taylor Swift look so sad? Her last album wasn't that ba-

Don't be a faggot and beat around the bush. Just say it. Yeah, there might be more "sensitive" ways to do it, but if you're saying it to begin with, it's likely not going to continue on for very long unless she gets her shit straight.


Dump her. She'll try to lose weight afterwords to make you jealous.

There is literally nothing you can do. If you make any mention about it, she's just going to hate you and herself and keep getting fat. There is no external push at all that can make a fat person begin to get fit (besides those meme anecdotes of "I was bullied and got fit because of it" - that's an exception not the rule). It has to come from them. Just hope it comes at all and that it's before her body is permanently ruined. Also you're obviously not obligated to stick around for her blimping up

Are you fat? Change your lifestyle. She'll join you.

She obviously felt bad because she was out of your league so decided to even things up. If she loses weight, she'll leave you.

Hit the gym yourself more if you don't already. Keep offering her a chance to go with you. Make fat jokes around her a lot (Not necessarily about her,but in general).

Or just dump her and go for a more fit bitch.

Nevermind, fuck what I said, that's really bad.

250 lbs? That's fat as fuck for a woman. 140 is healthy, but pushing it too.

Maybe play on the health factor? Appearing to be concerned about her health rather than her looks, might go over better (whether true or not)

Diet mother fucker. Going to the gym is not gonna be enough if she stuffs her face.

250lbs?! I train MMA 5 times a week and im 245lbs, how the fuck.

Lead by example. YOU hit the gym, and YOU eat right. If she doesn't follow along, then she's a lost cause. Leave her in the rear view mirror.

Dude pictures please i love fat

I like this idea OP. Pleasantly diabolical and should totally work!

this is genius