I'm getting fat and I need to save myself. I'm currently pretty chubby and I've been out of shape for a while...

I'm getting fat and I need to save myself. I'm currently pretty chubby and I've been out of shape for a while. How lose weight /b?

Not OP, but I am looking aswell. Changing diet is not an option due to reasons that I can't say here or i'll be banned.

Stop wanting to eat shit.

Kys, then get cremated, then you'll have 0% body fat. Problem solved.

I saw a video of a dude only drink that for a week, 4 days in he felt like a piece of shit but on the 5th day he supposedly felt tons of energy, he also said something about how his body is using up his fat as an energy source. He had considerable results but depriving yourself of food for a week probably isn't the healthiest thing to do

Eat your parents food, just eat less of it.

I found cutting out beer and soda helped me a lot without any real "working out." I don't diet aside from that really, just work and travel a lot.

Read the sticky

Quit eating junk and drink more water. I'm a truck driver who literally sits all day and ive not gained weight with this method.

*I saw a video of a dude that only drank water

I live in my grandfather's basement with no stove and I am not allowed upstairs, so we eat fast food daily and I live a sedentary lifestyle not by choice. I've been cutting out any sugary drinks though.

Why would you get banned for saying those reasons? Sounds misterious


I get pissed off with all these diet plans... Burn off more than you put in and you'll lose weight. Simple.

#2, all I am going to say

Eat a bit less and move more. Buy yourself a cheap pedometer/activity tracker from eBay or a Fitbit if you can afford it. Ignore special diets, just eat healthier and look at what you're eating. Eat more salads and healthy foods and if you do have a big meal, don't take it to heart. One big meal in a few weeks of weight loss won't make any difference. Try to walk (powerwalk if you can) a few miles a day. Put a podcast app on your phone, put your headphones in and just walk - the conversation in the background from the podcast makes it far easier to do and it's easy to rack up miles this way. Ditch as much sugar from your diet as you can and make more foods yourself - that way you know exactly what you're eating. Stick to 3 meals a day too. I allow myself 1 snack only. It took a few weeks to get into but now I'm completely used to it.

I've lost 45lbs in the 9 months by doing this.

Only way to lose weight is a calorie deficit. Burn more than you consume.

you will die soon, ur fucked if u eat that shit daily

1.) go out jogging
2.) stop drinking soda, drink coffee/tea instead

the pounds will melt off in no time.

I would do that, but I am afraid I will not grow to my full potential by not eaitng as much

Underage ban

To be honest, the way my life's been recently, I'd be fine with that

No, not that sorry

Been cutting since January 2nd; down from 221 to 209. My advice, no fast food, no soft drinks, very limited alcohol, very limited juice, very limited candy. If you don't need it for survival, or to maintain enough protein to keep gains, don't eat it. If you follow this as close as you can, you will be successful.

literally kys

I'm going to actually do that, this post has inspired me to change my habits I currently weigh like 200 and im 5'9 but im still growing but i dont wanna use that as an excuse to be a fatass.

Consume less calories than you expend OR expend more calories than you consume. You're welcome.

Isn't #2 not talking about Sup Forums?

>I live in my grandfather's basement with no stove and I am not allowed upstairs

your family name fritzl by any chance son

no, just stop looking into it lol mods wont even get it anyways

shhh, you're not supposed to talk about it


Clenbuterol and exercise and diet.

>fucking works

decent diet and exercise fatso. there is no other way.

If you are going online to find a way to slim down, accept that you are going to get fat. You are looking for an easy way to stop getting fat or to slim down. There really isn't an easy and healthy way. The healthy way is to balance your consumption with activity. The easy way is one of those stupid diet fads. The right way is also a healthy way, increase your activity cycle (burn more calories) while switching to a healthier menu (eat better, not less).

Merican' Fritzl I guess you could say

That sounds like you skim read the ketogenic diet.

protein sparing modified fast. google it and you will find a 90 page pdf. i lost 13 lbs in 3 weeks

do a no food only water fast for 10 days and you lose the weight

can you go outside or are you literally stuck in a basement 24/7

good way to fuck yourself up unless you are getting vitamins and minerals from supplements

>literally kys

what kind of faggot doesn't like coffee?

OP, eat more fruits and vegetables and cut soda entirely. Once your diet is acclimated to this start running. Run a mile a day until that's too easy and you start doing two and so on and so forth

I don't trust anyone who doesn't start their day with a cup of coffee.

It's currently winter here in Chicago, so I can go outside for 6 hours at the most

Drinks (soda, juice, tea, etc) are the big ones so try to drink them to accent your meals with flavor and drink water to sate your thirst. Low calorie gatorade is also pretty good. I'm also hitting abs every time I'm in the gym (6 days a week) so they're coming in decently. Should be looking nice in another 10-15 pounds

Yeah, I'm going to honestly try that, it's just so tempting to drink a nice coke and I'm a pussy when it comes to self control, but I am going to try it. I've got nothing going on in my life anyways so why not try

Small glass of coke + full glass of water. Drink the coke slowly and you'll enjoy it way more than you would if you just saturated your taste buds with the sugar.

workout like a mother fucker in your basement

>Small glass of coke + full glass of water.

i dont think "drink coke" is good advice for not drinking coke, bub. just sayin'

Cold turkey can be difficult since sugar is highly addictive. Can be easier to go from a bottle to, a small glass, and then to nothing instead

Smoke crack. Loose weight fast.


1) Look up intermittent fasting, and start doing it. If you're too lazy to look this up, you're too lazy to lose weight. The general idea of it, though, is that you only eat in certain time blocks everyday (for example, noon to 8pm). Your goal should be getting to the point where you're eating one meal a day. If you don't know why, take an hour to look it up.

2) Drink water

3) Exercise every day

If you do these three things, you will shed fat like it's nothing.

Thank you, I am currently drinking some nasty shit called apple cider vinegar dilluted in 8 oz of water, as the internet told me I dont think im gonna do this though. But yeah about addictive every time I have a case I drink 2-3 cokes a day and I also eat fast so I don't feel full even if I am. I am going to instead maybe drink 1 coke a day throughout the day to satisfy my sugary needs

I quit drinking beer and eating bread. Lost 17lbs in 2 months.

>Cold turkey can be difficult since sugar is highly addictive

thanks for that tidbit, mr. wizard.

>if you cant manage to stop drinking coke you should probably just neck yourself

What I've gotten from this thread is no bread and no sugary drinks, I am going to try this I really need to lose weight because I have aroudn 2 inches of overhang fat and 2 long boobs and im a male I also have nasty red stretch marks on my arms

eat lean meat, and veggies

cut out booze

drink lots of water

exercise daily

walk to work

start simple

Limit your alcohol consumption as well, especially beer

Alcohol is no problem, I saw how it ruined my dad's life as well as mine due to him drinking. I've never touched a bottle ever

Anways, I'm off to go work out a bit before I go to bed It's already 4 AM

Paleo diet and work out 3x a week.

Cant guarantee you an olympian's body, but you'll lose some weight. Plus paleo is pretty easy to stick to. just don't eat any super processed foods.

I do an 80% paleo 20% non paleo approach so that I can eat some meals per week that aren't paleo, and i can keep my gut from getting devastated should i have to eat non paleo food (at a family dinner, party, etc)

Good luck my friend

If you're a heavy drinker, account for those calories and adjust your meals accordingly. For example, if I think I might have 12 vodka drinks over the course of the day (about 1200 calories) then I will eat super light that day so I don't go over 2000 calories.

just testing if images are back

cook for you and gramps

save money for groceries

get a job kid

what is a hot plate?

>Been cutting since January 2nd; down from 221 to 209. My advice, no fast food, no soft drinks, very limited alcohol, very limited juice, very limited candy. If you don't need it for survival, to maintain enough protein to keep gains, don't eat it. If you follow this as close as you can, you will be successful.

I already don't eat fast food, never drink soft drinks, never drink alcohol, never drink juice, and I'm still overweight never eat candy

>If you don't know why

Just tell me why

Also I already do this

Not op by the way

calculate basal metabolic rate (google it).
count calories and eat less than bmr

5'7" male, went from 200 lbs to 170 in 4 months. My motto is just "run from the fat". Whenever you feel overweight just start running and the fat will burn off in no time.

A good way to combat the sugary drinks is either use some fruits to flavor water (though it won't be very potent since you're used to the sugar) or whenever you crave your sugar drink, immediately go drink water until you're not thirsty anymore. Do this for about 2-3 weeks and suddenly, you'll no longer crave any sugary drinks. Sucks for that 2-3 weeks but eventually your body gives in and makes you crave water instead.

>"run from the fat"

>also you're still fat

Nite all, not OP, but Id like to say thank you to all of the good advice before this gets pruned. I saved this in a Notepad and kept the things I want to remember.

for starters, put that fucking pack of chips away.


Every single diet routine in the world comes down to one basic principle

>Eat less, work out more

Its literally that simple. Eat healthy meals and don't over indulge (leave every meal feeling like you could have eaten a little more) and do more physical shit.

Personally, I'd suggest a hobby over the gym for working out, most people go to the gym a couple of times and stop going because they don't find it fun. Don't get me wrong, if you love pumping weights then more power to you, but indoor working out on the same 6 machines isn't for everyone. I much prefer hiking/cycling in nature, going swimming and climbing for my workout, because its more engaging. Others prefer fighting classes, some enjoy kayaking, you get the point. Go find something physical you enjoy and go do it.

Tell doctor you have adhd and want to get back on Vyvanse it boosts matabilisum and kills apitite it's legal meth