Lets get a Sup Forumsroventure bread going in here! Choose your class, your party, and let fuck some shit up!

lets get a Sup Forumsroventure bread going in here! Choose your class, your party, and let fuck some shit up!

Gnome Necro/Thief lfw

You find yourself among the dead. Headstones litter the damp upturned ground and little in the way of life surrounds you. Your only solace is the halfling skele/b/ro you recently resurrected. What do you do?

Magical Negro enters the game.
Uses dark magic and can't be caught by anyone.

Also, he's able to by pass the rules by using affirmative magic.

>Gnome necro

Magical Negro eats the skele/b/ro. Smokes 10lbs of kush and casts anti-dungeonmaster. Dungeon master now has to suck a dick to continue.

Unfortunately you failed a perception check on your way in and managed to walk into a trump rally filled with nazis and kkk members. You get shot serveral times and die due to blood loss.

Magical Negro stabs you in the heart. If this post is < 50, you die. If this post is >50, you live, but now you have remain in a magical wheel chair.

Magical Negro is immortal due to affirmative magic. He summons 10000 Mexicans to encase the trump rally into a wall. Everyone within the wall will die if the last 2 digits in this post is

Mexicans don't want to pay for the wall at a trump rally and decide to put it off until they can't get more work at the home depot. Visibly outraged at an immortal negro Trump and his followers drink the cool-aide. What do you do?

Magical Negro is now bored. Since the DM is sucking dick, and the gnome is dead; the Magical Negro starts eating KFC. The more KFC he eats, the stronger his magic gets.

Sell the Mexicans to Asians, let them dumb down their society with their """"culture"""".

your already strong negro magiks get stronger and cause a negro eruption. Great mount negro has just been declared a national treasure. How do you proceed?

Still eating chicken. Sitting at the Trump Rally listing to Demi Lovatto.

The Asians buy the mexicans and use them to begin cross breeding to make their penises bigger. In other news white supremacy in the west falls and scientific progress is at an all time low.

Magical Negro only understood the word treasure and tries to steal the mountain. There is a strange message on at the base of this mountain, but I can't read.

your power is to much for one rally to handle and mount negro erupts again and again showering the surrounding states in buji ass and pussy.

This is a really good idea, but this site's too chaotic, what with magical negros and such

Magical Negro knows this is false, because Mexicans aren't known for dick size. Magical Negro secretly cast Lvl. 55 White power to save the west so he can have more reparations and 40oz. We need the white man.

long lost mystic magiks come to mind as you grow stronger. You don't need to read yo understand the sign at the bottom of mount negro. You clearly understand as U NOE DA WAE!

Magical Negro recommends you check out /qst/ if you don't like his sense of humor on Sup Forums. Also He casts lvl 1 dickfire on you, aka "the clap".

you save white power and your industry of 40oz is saved. You easily smell out the filthy lie the Asians came up with. they assembled the mexicans to steal your 40oz and women!

Halfling thief that looks like Danny Devito.


Magical negro falls asleep from the itis. Wakes up and return to the sign that points out. Magical negro's weakness is reading and grows frustrated.

are you implying danny devito isn't a halfling thief?

Blue mage human.

Magical negro doesn't care about his own women. They are often loud and scream at him about money.

Instead, Magical negro buys an ale, and akes him to join his gang of thieves. We mainly steal bikes.

the sign taunts you and spits in the face of all your magic negro power. You gunna sit there and just take that?

Magical Negro rubs your face with baby oil. You are now a shiny blue mage.

Danny accepts and buys your gang a round of grape cigarillos.

Nah. He stole my heart.

Magical Negro gets confused at the spit from the sign, and starts swinging his arms frantically around in circles attempting to find reason in the spit. Last 2 digits determines the amount of innocent people accidentally hit in the flailing.


a strange negro rubs you shiny. You're now rare like a pokemon not involved in porn. Almost nonexistent to be precise. How do you proceed?

Magical Negro and Danny are now high af.

I'm not saying it don't like it, it just seems like there would be too many quests going on at once and it would get too muddled
....Oh, almost forgot
*clears throat
"Ahhhh! My dick! It burns!
What do I roll to cut my dick off?
I'm a lvl. 20 potted ficus plant....with a dick

you brutaly murder 35 children in a freak accident. 5 O is on the way!

I use my 3rd level spell reverse gender on the negro then rub my shiny oil covered face all over HER body then throw her to the lonely wizards via my 4th level dimension door spell.

you ficcus a way outta it and now have a severed dick in potted hand

soooo high

Fuck. The 5-O has the power to imprison the Magical Negro and temporarily revoke his powers. He blends into a crowd of African Orcs.

/qst/ is actually pretty cool, its like reading a story written by people that genuinely enjoy DND style narrative and games. Their is a way to keep your character stats and play the game well.

Also it only burns when you pee.

you feed the sex changed negro to the wolves! You gain access to the Sup Forums book of negro magics. What do?

Magical Negro just realized he used the wrong there.

this just in you are now a fem you can use this against the corrupt 5-O and get these fucking virgin faggots off you. A wizard has stolen your negro magics with underlying jew tactics.

Magical Negro just realized his gender has been reversed. Now I am magical Negress. Magical Negress can't be killed by wolves. Magical Negress deep fries the wolves and sells them to the Asians as food.

Find spell of gibs and ungabunga in oohoohnga spell. I'll spend the next round studying this book for these spells. Once found I'd like to use the gibs spell to gibs dubs plox. Once dubs are got wander around to figure out where the fuck I am that I'm being attacked by niggers with magic books.

you make mad cash as that shit sells super hot to the Asians. 10000 cash money get!

Elven Concubine enters the game.

Magical Negress is now just known as Shaniqua since her powers have been stolen.

Shaniqua uses BLM protest call (twitter) to evade the police and help find the wizard. If last 2 digits are

your gets impress all who see and realize you're now standing in Austin texas. It appears to be an abandoned trump rally next to graveyard and a negro mountain raining buji ass and pussy.

Shaniqua rubs you with baby oil. You are now a shiny Elven Concubine.

your on the market for top dollar rich fags everywhere trying to get a pizza dat elf ass

child support is 700 direct transfer from wizards gold pouch

you now shiny and even more sought after

Shiny Elven Concubine slips over due to the excessive application of baby oil.
5 lands ass up

Shaniqua spends her 10000 cash money on a purse she thinks is Gucci, but its really some Chinese knock off called playboy.

Shaniqua gives 2% of that to the wizard's child for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Wizards son's name is Malfoy.

Wizard leaves Shaniqua for Shiny Elven Concubine, but has to continue paying Child support.

you sat down on a disembodied penis next to a potted ficcus plant

Dragonrought Loredrake Kobold with bought off Winged Creature LA, and Sorc5/Dracolexi10

your son goes to school knowing his momma didn't raise no bitch and murders harry potter first year. He ascends and userps the dark lord.

*Shaniqua's finds the book of 1000 genderspells*
*Shaniqua can't turn into Magical Negro back until Wizard returns its magic.*

dat ass is to refined tho

Malfoy is now a lvl.9000 Dark Wizard.
Malfoy enter the game.

you are greeted to this world by and explosion of negresses looking for d and money what do you do?

Shaniqua rubs you with Olive Oil. You are now a shiny Sorcerer.

you see a bunch of stuppid little shits who need to know who their big daddy dark wizard is.

Shaniqua rubs you with Vegetable Oil, you are now a shiny Dark Wizard.

i hear by declare that shaniqua oils all entering characters from here on out regardless of posts.

I, THE DARK WIZARD LVL.9000 can not procreate until my balls decent from the mighty DARK WIZARDS underlienthings. Who spawned these mini wizards?


Shaniqua pulls you by the ear and beats you like most black youths get disciplined in public.

Shaniqua covers you in coconut butter, cuz nigga you ashy.

the kkk used a ritual to summon anti negro juju demons which tricked unsuspecting wizards to do their dirty work. These are all of your targets as no one is safe from the dark lords power,

Shaniqua rubs you with coconut oil. It takes a really long time because of the price per volume.

Doublecast maximized fireball and fireball on them every turn

I cast Permanency on the oil

dark lord just got his dark ass beat
-20 hp to dark lord
+500 respecs to shaniqua



the negress burn pure and forever thanks to the everburning oils you created. Level up! Gain one new Sup Forums perk!

Shaniqua rubs you with her bloody nubs.

Shanqua stares at your hands and offers you a trade. If you can return her powers, she will give you her first born son, the dark wizard.


it gets so dark its spoopy
there is a 100% chance of skeletans
you dun fucked up this time boi

The DARK WIZARD faces the army of spooky skeletons, and cast lvl.1 heal on the dead, causing them pain. if I roll doubles, the skeletons are now attacking OP.

afrikkans jegus use get gibes and dun gotten your hands a back
shaniqua +2 hands

checked em but didn't get em
Skeletans get pissed and rip your face off
-35 hp and your bleeding out 10 hp per post.

Tabaxi ranger

you enter this world at a sort of party the likes you have never seen before. many of your kind parade around in vibrant colours however something seems very off.

I shoot a flaming arrow at the gay parafe

they were humans in tabaxi suits! you set them on fire with your arrow and all the tabaxi suits catch fast. You murdered a furry con gain a level!

I loot the corpses and search for a tavern to celebrate my level up

however, the only taverns left in this realm are karaoke bars. Do you take a night off and sing the songs of old while smelling of mead and loneliness, or sleep on the cold ground outside, where at least you have the peace for company

you find several hundred somehow intact dollars and find The Bust Wenches open on 6th street. It has just opened so the crowd is light and seemingly well mannered for now.

you know i've never had someone try and take the reigns from me haha. not because i'm good but because no one usually likes to.

Nice. I take my tabaxi ass to the bust whenches.

I try to score coke

coke is hella hot right now but you manage to get some good shit from a cool dealer smoking from a hooka. He presents a hookers ass for you to do your line with one of his.

I snort the coke then I check for stds

you check and find no stds this dealers hookers are fresh out the house and a good time. She offers you a bottle of jack before giving you a lap dance.

since you got quads, she offers you a BJ too, you bust a nut right in her throat


I now inform the hooked that she will never donate blood again due to the aids I just given her.
I do more coke

hooker is to high to care and shrugs
she does a line off another hooker while you do one on her. Hookers want a gang bang in the vip room do you take the offer?

I take the special quest, even though my dick doesnt even work anymore

the hooker reveals that she is really a godess in disguise and you have been cured of your aides and ed. If you can please her with your new found powers you get 1 wish.