Looking for DB links

Looking for DB links



You could start by posting one


still waiting for good dropboxes without cheesepizza, without traps, without old shit everyone already know... waiting for years now

never going to happen

why not ?

try mine

Instead of waiting perhaps let us know what you consider good?

for example a private dropbox of a random hot girl. also amateur-stuff.
If I had links I would post em.

babies getting skinned and roasted by racoons


Find a railway timetable?

You can find random hot girls anywhere on the net. Literally nothing changes about them if you find them from someone's stash. Amateur as in blurry, badly lit and boringly shot couples doing 'the usual'? No thanks, I'd rather go with something original, taboo and hard to find like

This would come close


This is gold

reportiere rein

Fick die DB

Hey, we LOVE subsidising state-owned railways in England, just as long as they're German state-owned!

Explain how that is happening


Fuck knows. A joke isn't it. We're not allowed to run our own.

So the brits pay for railways in england, which are owned by germany and arent allowed to use them?
Sounds unbelivable

No, of course we must use them, there's no choice. But they're very heavily subsided which goes straight back to support the vastly superior German networks of course.
I meant we're not allowed to run our own publicly owned railways, is either DB, SNCF, or private leeches like Richard Branson.

Oh, and I believe that ALL English rail freight services are run by an arm of DB, though I may be mistaken about that, not an expert

Well in germany its not like that, but the DB has the monopol on the rails, so they can set any price they want for tickets.
This goes up to 400€ at christmas for a trip of 3 hours and back.
And if you want to use the railwaysystem in all Berlin areas you have to pay ~1000€ per year

It may seem bad to you but trust me, I've travelled all over Europe by train (also in GB when the state USED to own it) and I promise you it's far more reliable, frequent, co-ordinated, and at least half the price of Britain. Some places it gets near one-tenth the price!

love the amature dog stuff

I know, its complaining on a high level.
Compared to other countries its very good but compared to the possibilities and money the DB has, the system is bad

you fag need to book a month ahead- sparpreisfinder DB

Even then its this expensive, but only bothers me once per year

DB is run by people who travel on, and know about trains (including worker representatives on the board, yes?), plus any profit is reinvested into the network.
Ticket prices are political; you can't blame DB for those.
Here, the only consideration is that must make enough money to satisfy directors shareholders, NOT travellers, we're just a money source

i dont blame the DB for that, i know they are statefunded and its a problem of the politics.

I mean i dont blame (primary) the people who rent flats for absurd high prices, i blame the politics cause they dont establish a law which prevents people from doing it.

Agree, though here the trouble is an obsession with owning not renting, and no security here. We used to have a Fair Rent Act, Tories ended it many years ago, lot of them are landlords.
Real problem is here EVERYTHING is run by capitalists ONLY for short-term profit. German industry thinks decades ahead.
Bored stupid with Capctha so ending now.


Fare well then and good luck.
Having a good discussion here is rare these days