Teams that should be relocated

I'll start

none because i don't want to make people sad

LA Clippers

why? raiders are leaving, warriors are going across the bay. They will have oakland all to themselves and build a shiny new stadium there in downtown oakland.

Arizona Coyotes

Every Florida NFL team.

None. It hurts the sport.

don't you mean "teams that should be sold to owners that actually give half a shit"?

Where is the room for a stadium in downtown Oakland?

>shiny new stadium

Every floridian team you mean

>build a shiny new stadium there in downtown oakland.

every team in LA and half the teams in the bay

Jack London Square
t. Chris Farris from Bedford, Ohio

Downtown Oakland is the most genetrified place in California. It's not what it was 10 yrs ago

Why can't they just refurbish the current one? Any amount that would cost is less than a new one.

>*Teams that should be disbanded


I love my sports teams

Las Vegas Golden Knights

Fuck that, I hope they stay at the coliseum after the Raiders leave and paint the football lines on the field for the fuck of it.

One city doesn't need two teams.

Harrison, New Jersey is really a city

Funny, I swear the Jets and Giants are based in East Rutherford?

Too bad no one else loves the Rays

t. rural & suburban retard