Who is the greatest philosopher in your country?

Who is the greatest philosopher in your country?

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Calvin or perhaps August Comte i guess

Probably Hegel or Kant

>not Voltaire

Voltaire is a VERY HUGE meme, trust me

St Augustine

How comes?
Don't the French literally call Enlightenment the age of Voltaire?

toss up between sam harris, joe rogan, and jordan peterson


Or Apuleius

wasn't Nietzsche German?

for you

I cannot dwell in too much details but i can "resume" the two hour conference that i watched

Basically Voltaire was just a huge bourgeois with a lot of money and connection and pretty much used these to carve a good name for himself, the real theorician of the Enligntnemen philosophyt(human's right, reason above all, good savage, progress, and so on) is Rousseau that Voltaire hated

Anyway Volaire was more like a popularizer of the Enlightenment philosophy while Rousseau was its theorician

As far as I am aware, Voltaire got rich through his own talents and not through inheritence.
Also, he was highly influential because he had contact to powerful people like Frederick II or Catherine the Great.

Also, I dont really understand whats so great about Rosseau. I mean, that guy thought that civilization is evil and humans are better off without it.

It is called l'Age des Lumières in French aka The Age of the Lights

I mean Siècle aka Century*

He was a Polaboo

Dzsusztin Trúdow

And nietzsche

Non-meme answer is Charles Taylor

>Missään asiassa järjetön ja itsetuhoinen ihminen ei niin puhdaspiirteisesti ja yksiselitteisesti kaiva omaa hautaansa kuin pakolaisten vastaanotossa. Ennen kaikkea muuta kansainvälistä yhteistyötä olisi kaikkien valtioiden solmittava sopimus, joka kieltää kuolleen maan väestön uudelleensijoittamisen, joka takaa myös väestön menehtymisen sitä mukaa kuin tuottava maa-ala menetetään.

nick land

Arthur Prior


I know this is a joke but it still makes me angry