Just checking for illegal dubs

Just checking for illegal dubs.


Evening Officer, No illegal cargo aboard

i'm innocent officer


Am i beeing detained?

Nothing to see here



No dubs here officer

don't worry, i have a permit

trying to rollio

nothing to check here

No, I'm clear sir!
I have nothing to hide.

Spin around boi, ten fingers on the fenda'

Fuck you officer

I'm clean officer, this is unfair.

Nothing here

Is that a dog in the drivers seat?

No dubsss here sssir

da dubs went elsewhen thataway ossifer


surrender now

Wanna explain yourself?

nothing to see here

if dubs OP will do sharpie in pooper

check em

>op an hero


OP is a faggot

OP is a faggot!!


we need a reform in this country for corruption. possession of dubs should not be illegal!

coming through

None here officer

I have a permit for these dubs, officer.

nada amigo

None here officer just some singles

I can't go back to jail, you'll never catch me alive.

Nothing here sir

Got no dubs
But here some suspicious PENTA PENTS

emergency unit dispatched

Nothing to see here officer


I ain't got shit nigga

My dubs are more powerful than any law enforcement