Prove to me that you're not all god in disguise

prove to me that you're not all god in disguise
>protip: you can't

Other urls found in this thread:

I watch you touch yourself and you're going to hell for it.

i cant make fresh boiled lobster appear in my house

God doesn't exist
My proof is: I mean just look around


“So you’re saying we should structure our society like the lobsters?”

Is that shoot recent? I have to know if this is in connection to his recent CH4 interview. If it is then the meme factor is strong with him. I didn't think he could be so dank.

God is omnipotent, and thus literally able to do anything.
I cannot prove to you that I am not God in disguise.
Therefore, I am not omnipotent.
Therefore, I am not God.

You are right I can't, because I am

I'd like to think that if I were god, I wouldn't be living in this shithole apartment on this shithole city with a shithole job.


It’s for his book launch. There’s a chapter about lobsters, but in the shoot he posed with some other props that reference the book like a skateboard and a cat.

solipsism is the provable answer

Ah. I see. Thanks for the info. It seemed a bit much to do a shoot over an example he made during the interview. This makes more sense.

Sounds like someone's in the early stages of psychosis

Have fun!

Solipsism is a fun mental exercise, but living your life as if solipsism were true (whether it is or not) will lead you to be distant from others, and by extension to misery.

Well fuck.

So...could God create a weight so heavy he couldn't lift it?

Come on why would God ever browse Sup Forums.
>Dick rates
God is omnipresent. God can watch these things live whenever I want.

In his classes, his students all had these running memes about lobsters, like when one made a joke, they’d follow it up by snapping their fingers like pincers. He’s had an “affinity for lobsters” for a long time.

>all these people lost in the illusion of their ego
>they actually think they're separate

>i mean just look around
>literally god experiencing god as just user

Every person has inherent value as man, but they need to capitalise on it rather than wasting all day in “pics you shouldn’t share threads”.
>Harness your shadow.

that interview was so facepalming

>whenever I want.
>Sensible chuckle.gif

we need communism and Hitler is love

more like enlightenment

It was infuriating. So many times I wanted to shout at my monitor over the way she tried to spin everything he was saying. I can't imagine the level of patience he had in conducting himself. Several times she just threw her cards on the table and asked "c'mon, throw me a bone, tell people you're just trying to troll them and rile them up". Like what kind of interview skills are those? No wonder everyone hates liberals now.

I think people now over accuse their opponents of using straw man arguments, as in often when people aren’t using straw men at all, their adversary shouts “that’s a strawman” because they can’t defeat the argument otherwise, and want to sound like well versed debaters.

But this was the very definition of straw manning. The mischaracterisation of an adversary’s argument into an easily defeatable characateur that can be easily knocked down, and I’m glad he called her out on it.

I assume what happened was she was told before the interview that she was debating a Milo Yiannopolous type figure, where these tactics would be met by laughter and further trolling, rather than Peterson’s calm and collected rebuttal. Truly fantastic work by Peterson, and very poor work by CH4’s executives.