Whatup poorfags

whatup poorfags

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>as if

still playing csgay

Let me get a knife?

>Tfw you just spend everything on mummies credit card for not getting you tendies

poorfags lul

shitty game, your argument is invalid because of that fact.

Jealous because you're poor?

google search it fags

Find the exact same image, just fucking try

>Csgo richest inventory
>Literally second pic

so you're poor and have no skill?

Not even the same inventory lol

>tfw you post you inspecting your knife


>stattrak dragon lore


i dont care unless you send me something steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170098378/

good photoshop skills. and on the off chance that these are real, wtf are you doing wasting all that money on something that has no real value? like,,, they look nice but... y tho?

Bitch what you say?

Some people really want these skins more than anything, mommy's credit card is one hell of a drug.

ONLY respect for my local Minecraft Youtubers.

indeed it is... and look at that, the captcha gods have spared me from having to do their BS in order to post. I would take skins if I could get them, but I'd rather not spend my life's savings. literally I haven't bought anything (got them all from trading) and here is what I have steamcommunity.com/id/EpicBlaze420/inventory/

Your collection of vidya guns is impressive. Not sad at all.

also, why two howls? like there is no need.

>Screenshot of maximum potato level, expects us to believe its real
>"Emerald Chaos"
>"Bloody Heck"
Edgelord harder fag, also if you spend 10,000+ dollars on CS:GO you are a fucking pathetic wretch. Kill yourself, please.

eh no no no, let him give us his stuff and THEN he can become an hero. I'm not opposed to free stuff xD

This is the nicest skin I own (also the only one I own)

The nicest skin I have ever owned was a Field-tested AWP asiimov

tbh, I want that ak now because of the stickers xD it's a nice ak. not stattrak sadly but hey, not a bad AK.

also, if anyone has stickers, I want to trade for some since almost only my AWP has them.

Sure, divy it up amongst the anons, then off yourself. I honestly find a small respectable collection of modest guns more impressive than a bunch of market bought momma's boy trash.

skins get wins am i rite

agreed. I'm not in it to try and get expensive mommy's credit card guns, but my best one is my M4A1-S attomic alloy stattrak (even though it's field tested)

I got my AK as a gift a couple months ago, I refuse to buy cosmetics for games I have a love-hate relationship with.

pic related. I love Day of infamy so I bought skins for it.

It's a dead game you retard

anyone who wastes money on this shit is a retard

My collection, I mostly buy off the market and I don't like getting anything less than Factory New, but this was my first StatTrak and it will always be my favorite.

now I have to disagree with you there. it isn't really dead, but that doesn't change the fact that it's retarded to waste mom's credit card on those games.

The XM is a pretty good shotgun and not a bad inventory.

>stattrak d lore
nice photoshop

I also have a R8 with 522 kills on it xD (and every single one was after the R8 was nerfed)

oh oh are these those dragon dildos you guys talk about all the time?

yeah, because OP is going to get anal raped when his mommy sees enough debt to make them have to refinance their house again.

Yea, vastly superior to the Nova/Sawn-Off/Mag-7 that needs a pump after every shot, and it can take a person down at mid-range, which for a shotgun isn't easy. Just keep clicking and odds are something will be dead, hence its name tag.

Can afford thousands of dollars worth of shit but can't upload a screenshot that's more than 3 pixels big.

Shopped or retarded.

yeah, also can someone explain to me why the "mag SEVEN" only has 5 shots per mag????

They're gonna move into an apartment soon, he didn't ask mommy's permission last time.

kek nice stat trak dlore

surprisingly both

you mean unsurprisingly

>whatup poorfags
Doing well, You?

Now that I think of it, yes.

the first step to fixing a problem is admitting it.

this thread die?

yeah and lets keep it dead

csgo is a dying game with a dying fanbase.
Get with the times old man. Pubg is the new age of shooty gun memes

I have actual cash
you have pixels on a screen

nah, pubg is also starting to die. fortnite is where the new cancer is.

Blackie Chan
asian guy is profile pic

spare a knife, friend?

have you not read the thread? OP is most likely long gone into homelessness or never had those to begin with.

nobody even noticed the fact he has a stat trak dlore. ya know those things that dont exist

my wealth is in my house, car and bank account. not a dying game.

>"I'm an immature man-child with money who spends his earnings/allowance/trust fund on virtual weapons to feel like a man."
Good job, champ. THAT'LL make the ladies want to give you a succ.

1.2k hours... gtfo dmg

I don't consider that evidence since he could have renamed it to be "stattrak"

well, it will... for his money anyway.

if he renamed it there would be speech marks and all the text would be bold. not just the stat trak awp part

ah, true. photoshop it is then.

My man, that game is so dope

better than insurgency, and absolutely better than CS:GO

And also way worse than red orchestra 2.

is it a solid purchase anons? Need new games but steam recommends cancer most of the time

fucking solid purchase, would you like for me to teach you how to play with more than two brain cells to rub together?

I don’t get it

>calling other people poor when you can't even afford pixels.

Are you fucking kidding me? How much did you spend?

love to. I'll probs buy it tomorrow when i get paid

My inv, havnt played in over a year so im prolly shit now

he spent nothing, he has a gun that by all means shouldn't exist.

give me skins pls steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=131011498&token=rvW5Zbhp

damn, would u mind passing me that water elemental? xD

Haha, spent so long trading for all my skins, think i spent as much time trading as playing

The howl is FT but has a float of like 0.160 think its the 8th best ft in the world

lol same here. I haven't played for too long, but I've never bought anything (cases or otherwise) I just trade.

just out of curiosity what kind of money are we talking about here? 5k? 10k?

gib skins pls user

alright chill, I was begging (me)
but at least I made conversation as well. like damn.

Because it was made by dirty foreigners?

Tbh ive spent around the £500 mark but think my inv is over £1.8k so not a bad return

Its not that expensive compared to alot of csgo inv but at least it aint a shop like

gotta get straight to the point


Add me on Battlenet, I'll send you my discord after that


Any one else going to post their invs?

will do user

Why does your knife collection look like a gay pride parade?

because it's fake, just like them
did I go too far? xD

you can tell this is bullshit because he has a stat trak d-lore

the only knife skin that dosent look like it has been drawed by a 5 y/o child is damascus pattern, and rusty.

i never liked any of those flashy, awkward patterns in CSGO, regardless the weapon. shame we don't have more abstemious skins. or at least some that dosen't look like power rangers bullshit.

also nice bait.
>image search

everyone can.