It's time to choose. Discuss your choices

It's time to choose. Discuss your choices.

id take the hug
or knowledge

15 min sleep, iam old....

Strength +5%


knowledge. No question.

Right now i really want to hug my mom so...

the knowledge sounds fine but immunity to lightning strikes means you don't die no matter how much voltage pass through your body or that lightning never strikes to you?



1. lame
2. super lame
3. super super lame
4. meh, but better than 1.
5. super lame
6. pretty lame
8. second best
9. third best
10. useless

can i ration the knowledge as i need it for example i have this test tomorrow,boom study hours budget goes down by three

The hug, and I would take the opportunity to grab his dick.

eh, never have bad breath again would be nice I guess, could eat all the garlic you want and not give a shit.

have to say sleep. i'm tired as fuck usually. and i've heard that getting enough sleep is the number one correlation to being happy

I'm thinking either the bad breath or the lightning strikes.

The former because I suffer from chronic halitosis and it puts a damper in my love life. I have to brush my teeth 3 minutes before any love-making session or it's game over before it starts. Would be convenient to never have to deal with that. Plus the ability to eat all the garlic I want. Fuck yeah.

The latter could win you some bets. Rig up a tesla coil and say "if I survive this, I get $1 million"

You must use all 50 hours in one go. There is no restriction on what subject/application otherwise.

can you hug dead people

Sleep. If I live about 60 more years, and I save on 15 minutes of sleep that would be 5,475 hours I save over my lifetime. Otherwise I would have gone for 50 hours of knowledge

How badass would it be to just walk around in the middle of the biggest lightning storm on earth though? Bet people who think you won't do it

*mom hugs*

>getting enough sleep is the number one correlation to being happy

I get lots of sleep
it's not

it doesn't cause happiness but it definitely helps

+5% strength

don't need or care about any of the other things, especially if it's not a permanent improvement, like getting a fucking hug; pathetic.

I'll take the knowledge.

Fucking this

When hug turns rape

Free food (saves a lot of money) or hug by pic related.

>get lightning immunity
>walk in a storm with a long metal rod
>get struck multiple times
>Become static shock
Only real answer.

Gain knowledge equal to 50 hours of study. This would probably change my life for the better more than any other choice there. The 5% strength is tempting, but I'm not strong enough right now to make it worth while.