Any raid idea Sup Forums?

any raid idea Sup Forums?

I will drink from your skull!

I wll drink from your skull!

I heard it's almost harvesting season.

To Reyvadin brothers

Infantry, charge!

where do #metoo people meet?

To Dhirim, richest town in Calradia

Veluca but lets do it unsuccessfully

Let's find the FBI's missing texts

How about a feast in Praven ? It's been a while.



I'm trying to think of a game that's free and not too cancerous already.

Fucking rhodok sharpshooters..

I heard of this new game called VRchat

lets sort a band of nord huscarls and stick it to those swadian scum

less talking more raiding

we should raid Sup Forums


how can you clear Sup Forums from those shitty porn posts?

Can we just raid logposters?

sure, specify the battle plan

You want to raid andy sixx's logs?

Nah lets raid vr chat

Swadia are the true Alphas here
fuck off all u lurking niggers of the Sultanate, they're the most uptight twats one can come across, also not good at what they do so arrogant.

let's choose a random non existing meme image and all make threads with that picture


raid their forum?

I'm gonna start it join me if ya like

post it with a random nonsense question

and we`ll join

They really do suck cock but it's not worth the effort to raid them. They're useless.

we`re going on Sup Forums

I would rip out a newborns ribcage right in front of the parents for a vrchat raid

roblox raid

Like with dslreports if there's no gain then there's no point in the effort.

There's really only so much that one can do when dealing with uptight twats like the dslreports ones.
