I need a rapper name, I'm white and the style is that new wave angry stuff

I need a rapper name, I'm white and the style is that new wave angry stuff

lil hangry

Salty Cracker

i like it

$ay Ni$$a Fa$$ot

Itchy ballsack

low T

Lil Tripfag aka Posts Home Alone

Lil fent

Lil iGG

Dammit censored the B Emoji “lil biGG”

Yung Krakka

TeaJay MaxX

Medium Cruise Ship



bitch waffle

b1tch waffle

‘Lil Nigger

Yung Faggot

b!tch w@ffle


Lil Disappointment

Bitch boy ft your dad

bitch tits

DJ Astro Creep

b!+¢ h w@££/ə

mc bitch waffle

Cockswallow McFaggot

DJ cuckD

MC Faux News.