Germoney what the hell?

Armenian genocide is real, millions died.Even turks know it.but they wont accept it, as it would be a straight blow into their ego.

>Thousands of Turkish-Germans
No such thing.

Deport all these kebabs and traitors already

keep telling yourself that

Keep myself telling what? An objective fact?

>Objective fact
Did you at least click on the video?
Second generation turkscum living in germany is German Turk
fuck off Hans

Send em home

Turkey = Armenian genocide
Germany = Turkish Caliphate of Germany

I hate turks

tanned German is the proper term

That's in Turkey

Hyphenated anythings are a cancer. Either you identify as the nation you're living in, or you get the fuck out.

Why don't you do something about it? :^)
You're closer to them than all of us

No refunds.


they have to choose what they are. german citizens or turkish agents? like jews, muslims are a cancer that can never integrate and always defend the interests of their own community. deport them all. killing them is also acceptable.

>Denying the 6 gorillion is a crime because you are desecrating the souls of the victims of such atrocity
>Denying any other genocide in history is perfectly fine and legal

>german turk
No such thing, fucko. You are either turk or german. The cultures are incompatible. Just because our government invented the term 'german-turk' doesn't mean, they exist. Do unicorns exist?

in a box

Only the DPRK says they do and they're delusional but i expect more from the german heads of state.
I don't think you understand your situation, Hans.

Fucking hell not even UN cares for this shit
why should germany even do that? I don't understand, its like they do everything to escalate this arab shit here

>werdende Grossmacht

who else here can't wait for Erdogan to bite the dust and the country running into chaos

>yeah goy, lets ignore that turks ever genocided anyone
>lets only talk about the holocaust as if it were the only genocide ever

How did you get into luxembourg, mehmet?

while they are at it, they should deport low productivity garbage like you as well

A second generation rat living in a stable doesn't become a horse-rat.

muslims are fucked up.

that really doesn't apply and you know it..stop being willingly ignorant.
i'm not saying it's a good thing, fucking gas them all - but don't try to explain how the german govt is not clearly assimilating them forceably into german culture ...(or better yet it's the other way around)

>trying to influence the internal political affairs of the country you're in while waving another country's flag

Why is treason no longer considered a real crime?

>*polishes genocide kit*
>*backtraces ip address*

>that really doesn't apply and you know it..stop being willingly ignorant.
Of course it applies. Being German isn't a quality you get by living on a certain piece of soil or by having a piece of paper.

>but don't try to explain how the german govt is not clearly assimilating them forceably into german culture ...(or better yet it's the other way around)
I'm not. I'm just not going to call them something they aren't. They're Turks.

>Call it what you want, overall turks are degenerate fuckers. No, some kebab doesn't redeem them all.

where is this? is this a german school?

>*holds up spork*
>*calls roach exterminator*

Maybe in Frankfurt or Berlin.

dont worry, other places will get their fair share of culutral enrichement too.

mutti will make it happen, just patience.

>triggered by facts

Seems like turks are really all the same. King roach himself constantly tries to control our government and our justice system just because he thinks the fact that many roaches live here gives him the right to play big bad sultan in Europe too.

well it seems to work doesn't it
which makes it even worse