/ausnz/ + /balt/

Early morning edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Satania is good.

>be Australian sitposter and a weebshit
>5+ years on Sup Forums complaining about tfw no gf
>3+ years on /balt/ craving for my attention
>still virgin with no gf


>ausnz + balt
wait a second...


2D women are not important.

Any of you Aussie types ever try kangaroo? Not really that good

It's too chewy, croc is better

What's a sitposter?

the one who sits and posts on Sup Forums

interesting huh?

Tastes like kielbasa too much, man

Fuck me it's even colder now

Fucking awesome. I cook it all the time. If it's not cooked properly then it will be shit though. Either cut it up into nice chunks and cook it so it cooks evenly, or have the heat low if you want to cook a thick steak.

This. Croc is delicious.

Having earbuds in gives me flashbacks to wearing earplugs in my last job, man... feels funny

Heard people say that croc tastes like chicken

Kinda, I guess
Mostly tepends on the spices used though, lets be real
But the texture is similar to chicken, ye

Hmm, I see

Yeah it's reminiscent of chicken or pork sort of.

Chicken does have an excellent texture, baby, this is true

The poo I just did had great texture.

Shame on you, man

Those ones are the best.

wait what happened to your nametag

Ain't nothin' wrong with it, baby, what're you bending my ear about anyway?

Was it a good, solid poo with pieces of undigested corn in it?

Good post.

thread theme

Looks medieval, sort of

I reject your theme, man

you're not the thread theme song guy.

Someone who posts while sitting on the toilet and taking a shit

It was a pretty soft poo that came out in chunks, but it had a lot of fart pressure behind it and came out very satisfyingly.

Thank you, baby

i can't really say that i care what you have to say about the theme song of this thread

Maybe, man, but you've gotta make a good choice if you're gonna make such a bold claim

Lol that video clip is wicked, but the song is shit.

Actual thread theme

You really are a filthy cunt aren't you, I guess being around tribals has rubbed off on you

Lot of red coloured flags in these threads lately.

Emi takes it up the butt without lube

I do my part to make sure that /balt/ has a healthy presence of one of the best countries on earth, man

nothing wrong with a cheeky shot of nip whiskey in the morning to help digest all the bacon.

Interesting. Louisiananon here, alligator tastes like a more chewy form of chicken.

who has got the juiciest cunt of /balt/ and /ausnz/

Why are we in a general with a bunch of crypto-slavs again?

So you're a man of the swamp, huh?

Do you like Louisiana?

You ever been on a shrimpin' boat, man?

The poo poo smells like my dinner last night. I liked the smell so I still haven't flushed it yet. I'm letting the smell spread into the kitchen. Yum!

Good shit, man. Literally.

doing an angry post

Haha /bant/ more like /bang/ amiright pnganon

I always wondered
Why is it called /ausnz/ and not /anzac/?

You know it.

Most of the time. Love the weather.

Yes, I love boats and going out on the water so much. Probably why I want to be a sailor, there's nothing like the breeze flowing around you on an early morning out on a lake.

Haha ye-yah shiggy-shiggy my main dude!
Low five!

Wasn't Anzac just some kind of military alliance, while Ausnz is the geographical term?
Had me wondering as well though, as the solo-Ausnz threads were always called /anzac/

Still cold lads

Hmmmm... yes, baby, I'm pretty hungry, man, but the hour is too late to go grab a malt or a hamburger or something.

I'll just sleep to fix it instead, man. Good night, /balt/oids.


Good night honey

Feeling down again, lads.

This thread died earlier than usual

What's up?

Exam in 25 minutes lads

Whats it for?

Actuarial modelling

oh fuck that's pretty heavy stuff for this early in the morning, good luck my friend

GL. I loved and then grew to hate statistics at uni.

Woke up an hour ago and I already feel tired.

One of my flatmates managed to the jam the toilet door so I had to take a piss in cold backyard
Not a good start to the morning desu

you should unjam it

I would, but it might be locked on the inside I can't really tell (though I don't know how they would have managed it) and I don't want to be responsible for breaking the door

Just piss on their bed then, that'll teach em


Nothing more cancerous than blogging,feel posting and frogposting desu

Out of all the Lithuanian foods that you can make šaltibarščiai are by far the easiest thing to make

>Polish-""""""Lithuanian"""""" commonwealth

>Tories win
>Inbred island won't be able to post on Sup Forums anymore
>Labour win
>Inbred island becomes a communist state
can't decide which one is better desu


Oh look at the time

time for the /ausnz/ meme to die already

>Napoleon never marched into their capital

>Auckland island
>No where near Auckland

We should invade Bouvet island and claim antarctica

>no one is posting recipes

billions and billions of dollars

Gimme some cunt or I'll shank ya.

why was he so autistic?


drumpfies btfo lmao

>Lietuviai siekė lygiateisių valstybių sąjungos, o lenkai siekė prisijungti Lietuvą. Kilus pavojui, jog karalius Žygimantas Augustas vienšališkai lieps priimti lenkų projektą, kovo 1 d. lietuvių delegacija išvyko iš Liublino.
Gaila, kad sugrįžo...

fuck off pole

Lublin union was a mistake

fuck off russian


>Intensyvūs polonizacijos procesai LDK prasidėjo po 1569 m. pasirašytos Liublino unijos, nors jau iki tol lenkai sunaikino vietinį lietuvių tikėjimą ir įvedė krikščionybę. Jai palaikyti veikė lenkų dvasininkija. Nors unija garantavo LDK ir Lenkijos lygiateisiškumą, pastaroji, turėdama didesnę įtaką greitai nustelbė LDK. Lietuviai lenkų buvo laikomi pagonimis, nemokytais, atsilikusiais, todėl lietuvių bajorija greitai perėmė lenkų kalbą ir papročius, dėl ko ilgainiui sulenkėjo visa aukštuomenė, o lietuviška kultūra išsilaikė tik valstiečių sluoksnyje.

Why do we share a general with countries that have zero history?

because it's fun

When will it start?

OFFICIAL Ranking of /balt + /ausnz/ (temporary):
1.Baltic Prussia
4.New Zealand
5. Australia/Estonia

Right now!