Would y'all suck your papa off?

would y'all suck your papa off?

past yr bedtime

btw this is and my dad, after he got crazy drunk, posed a selfie with his cock

im 19 u fuck

hell yea shit looks like a snackkk

what the fuck bro


What do you think the answer is to your pointless thread you absolute fucking retard?


I'd let you suck my dick, how bout that instead

Dumb underage.


>ur pointless thread you absolute fucking retard?
fuck you faggot

>pointless thread

As opposed to the usual progressive discourse and focused threads that go on here?

Don’t get me wrong, this thread’s retarded and OP is a faggot, but...


OP is literally a faggot on this one, and underage on top of that.

not underage.... im 19



You goofy motherfucker. Why man

yall niggas dont believe sucking your dad off gets u free tendies, u goofy nigags i will smack the goofy off of you

ur such a fucking fag OP

Well? Suck that cock I'd you're so great.
