Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums.
I am a foreigner living in germany and I no longer want to live. By chance does anybody know where to get cyanide in german?

your help is appreciated

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Son Scheiß Leben?

cyanide in german is Zyanid. youre welcome

jap. ich halte es nicht mehr aus

Just jump off a building faggot. Don't jump in front of train. The delay fucking sucks.

Bist du ne Frau? Und wo lebst? Und was bedrückt dich?

Suicide by cyanide? You fucking crazy.
Just grab a light vehicle, go crazy in the road and hit a wall, easier and more fun

how high does the building have to be?

Mach wenigstens livestream :)

nein, und den rest sage ich nicht


Probier es mal da, maybe hilft es

well from other online sources I read that cyanide is 98% lethal, unlike a car crash

halt deine fresse du analkobold. ich brauch keine seelsorge.

Verständlich, dass du dich in einem Drecksland wie Deutschland umbringen willst. Jede Sekunde auf deutschem Boden deprimiert mich mehr und mehr

Ok mach aber wenigstend livestream :)

Are you a refugee or something of the sort
But seriously though why the fuck would you move to New Weimar

I am originally from another first world country thinking that germany would be better. both are equally shit.

Hey can you do a livestream?

Wieso nicht? Hast ja nix zu verlieren... Wenn du es ernst meinst, bestell dir einfach ein fentanyl research chemical im Internet und nimm die 10x Dosis. Ist wahrscheinlich auch die schönste Art.

>First world
Try second world, bucko, soon to be third world
Where are you from, maybe I can give you suggestions
Any German heritage or interest in the culture, or did you just choose it for convenience?

According to the Sup Forums tards, you should just walk down the street in Berlin and one of the many newly arrived refugees will be happy to end your life for you.

Please don't do cyanide. It's apparently the single most painful way to die.

Just tell them you're a devoted Zionist and that "I'm so happy you decided to leave that country of savage fucktards praising a goatfucking pedo"
You'll be dead faster than Hezbollah can reclaim another city from ISIS(rael)

danke für den tipp.

du HS mach livestream!

everything is free here you cuck, just go to a fucking school and get your degrees and do whatever, fucking killing yourself, so fucking brave lol, taking the pussy way out with poison.

I did the same thing, nearly topped myself.
Then I went back to my home country and saw a shrink and a doctor.
I'm alive, I'm better - I'm taking things slow.

Don't kill yourself OP, it's no good.

I actually have a fachabitur but I am not happy as an individual you fucking moron. I ain't working my ass off for your retarded shit ass german cuck government

Denk aber auch an deine Familie und Freunde, Suizid ist immer egoistisch

you dont happen to be austrian?

naja meine familie juckt mich nicht und meine freunde sind alle hypocrites.

nope I am not austrian

so why not get full abi in 1 year, start to study something and finish it in your homecountry, looks good enough on your Lebenslauf to get your shit going, who cares, tramp the eu, get a fucking bike and see if u can cross the russian border, do crazy shit... but dying? cmon, so fucking boring.

damn it. was hoping you were meming hitler sitting in his bunker in berlin planning to kill himself with cyanide.

lol now that you say it.

well I simply don't want to live anymore. I have good reasons. Is it so hard to understand?

Wie alt bist du?

im in the same boat op, wanna be friends?


Eat the little core inside peach stones. Just eat a lot.

Or just hang yourself on the doorhandle

Get yourself Candide from Voltaire asap
Maybe some Herman Hesse
Use your wish to die to leave everything behind and just go crazy, travel, steal, see how far you can get, dont be a "hypocrite" yourself.

If you want to die, die out there, not in your small room lying in your own filth

that's actually a good idea. I will avenge somebody and take my pill afterwards.

Wart Mal nochn paar Jahre mitm Suizid. In dem Alter ging's mir auch Scheisse. Meistens wegen Frauen. Verdien einfach etwas geld und mach dein Leben zu ner Party. Vor 25 sterben ist Verschwendung. Probier alle Drogen aus. Vögel rum. Mach betrunken blödsinn. Reis in der Welt herum. Mach dir eine Liste mit Sachen

ja gut ich vögel schon rum und saufe seit ich 15 bin, ich hab eigentlich so nichts mehr was mir noch Spaß macht. harte Drogen will ich erst nicht anfangen weil ich angst habe dass mich eine abhängigkeit am leben halten wird

was ein ehrenmann

I tell you to die living to the max and you understand it like only a fucking pussy would.

"hehe yeah, I can also destroy some other lifes and flee the consequences like the pussy I am"

Yeah Im done, just get your shit together and stop wasting everyones times with your teen angst.

Stand in front of the old Reichstag building and give the universal "chemistry hand sign" for cyanide. (That is your right arm extended up and out at a 45° angle, fingers extended together.)
Hold this position until the helpful local chemistry guides come along to assist you. (Of course there are chemistry guides; this is Germany we're talking about.)