No YLYL thread?

No YLYL thread?
let’s fix that







It's obvious that the economy died because of Obama.

2016 was one of the worst years in history


>2016 was one of the worst years in history
did you miss out on 2017?

Why was it so bad?

The economy was actually rising then, but obama pretty much ruined the united states in multiple ways


its been rising at the saw rate for the past few years
America is the laughing stock of the world now, should have gone with Jeb

got me piss of shit



>, but obama pretty much ruined the united states in multiple ways
With that kind of deep intellectual analysis, there's no way this dipshit could be wrong.

hitler was a leftist...

Good lord, the stupid is strong with this one.



funniest post in the thread






holy fuck i've seen this a trillion times, but never noticed the dick in the arabian font


It was national "socialist" party, they weren't that socialist tho


>intense dumbassery
Sure kid, and the DPRK is democratic.

Eat shit and live.

Hitler was a homosexual! He died of aids in 1971! The war was just an illusion to defer the fact gays actually ran the world at that time! Why do you think ppl said gay all the time at that era! Stay wome my crackas n niggas



Lost my ost




din do nuffin


This is poasted 90 times a day. And since I have two young kids, I lose every time.


you just had to make it political

This is now a log thread




Government taking control all means of production and becoming a dictatorship.

Sounds pretty socialist to many.

Stop being a nigger

Ja ja me so smart!
But nobody notice at for solder something on or off she needed to turn motherboard upside down.

>Sounds pretty socialist to ignorant morons




Dubs logged, throat clogged


fuck off



new shrek movie confirmed loser


>no but srsly guys, hitler was a right wing dictator!
>remember that time he tried to uproot the traditional religion of his people and replace it with kooky fake aryan mythology that legitimized his power?
>that's totally not a leftist thing!

Why are we arguing about Hitler when there's perfectly good logs to be posted?


Will you faggots take your banter somewhere else

Hurrdurr bad things that happen under a president are their fault. When congress passes a bill it immediately occurs and the president did it. There no delay in implementation, certainly not even written directly into the laws most times, and let's not forget how the president writes laws and makes all the rules, just like a tyrant.


holy fuck really

Fuck off to Sup Forums faggot


How's middle school?

Because Sup Forumskids, despite wearing swastikas, saying Hitler did nothing wrong, seig heiling, and promoting a Nazi agenda while claiming to not actually be Nazis, want to try to say "Nazis are leftists" just because someone said Nazis are bad.


Thinking that giving the government that amount of power and control over industry and individual and expecting them to not become a dictatorship would be for the ignorant morons.

Just look at what happened to Venezuela when they voted in Socialism.

All socialism is for is the lazy and dumb people that can't survive on their own and need big government to take care of them.


Except for according to any and every political science document ever written



Except that niggers would love socialism because that's where government hand outs come from.

The right sucks Hitlers dick and memes about him doing nothing wrong, want him back so bad

But when it comes to claiming his ideology he's a leftist ? Fuck you stupid fucks can't even make sense for longer than a sentence


That's the way white kids see everyone. Those self entitled cunts live in a fantasy world.


>"the right" is whatever MSM tells me it is
>self identification as "right wing" matters more than observed behavior
That's why you'll keep losing. The model in your head does not have predictive value, because it is not aligned with reality.

You seem like a really smart guy

He was lost too

My girlfriends old old friends hate me cause Im a "Nazi" I have blue eyes and blond hair and Im of German decent. I guess that makes me a Nazi


Be silent, Tyrone.


Lol ok we all think you're correct pfffffffffff

getting triggered by a meme kek
fucking cuck

do you wear swastikas, siege heil, or post cringe pepe memes?


Weird to post about yourself like that.

>Implying there's a non white on Sup Forums

Jews are white too idiot

>State Capitalism

nah they'er just feminist SJWs who get triggered by my conservative views. glad she my girlfriend doesnt talk to those stupid cunts anymore

>my conservative views
there we go