Whats the verdict Sup Forums?

>whats the verdict Sup Forums?
personally I've got gorillas and bears

are they coming all at once? if yes its retarded you no matter the choice. if they come sequencially you will die too. i fell for b8

10,000 beavers or otters or whatever the fuck those are
1 gun as long as infinite bullets.

>make shield/barrier to burry myself in out of 10,000 fucking otters.
>shoot gun out and kill waves of random angry animals.
>go home and eat the carcasses of said animals

those are rats m8

how the fuck would one gun be able to handle 50 fucking birds at once?

alligators and wolves

choice has to be 10000 rats, and 50 eagles.. its 100% a numbers game in any animal encounter

There are three appropriate choices, and you have to pick two:

>Eagles (only one with flight advantage, and sufficient numbers to overwhelm the hunger)
>Wolves (easily the most dangerous of the animals and mad pack tactics)
>Rats (10,000 is a big fucking number and can easily overwhelm everyone else. That's 105 rats PER enemy -- good luck fighting off 105 fucking rats)

nvm i fucked up

honestly i had the same plan but now that i look at it i think this guy is correct, those are rats

Thats why you hide in the depth of ehats apparantly a mountain of rats while slowly picking off the 50 birds that are busy trying to work through your 10k rat barrier.

I am 100% positive the gorillas could handle the rats. Not to mention how easily they would swat down the eagles, have you even seen King Kong?

I genuinely doubt anyone on Sup Forums has the shooting ability to take down 50 eagles, their flight speed is like 100 mph

1 gorilla vs 2000 mice

50 eagles
5 Gorillas

the way i see it , eagles and wolf are best bet. wolf for close quarter protection with eagles fly around and rip eyeballs and cocks off of everything else . anything that gets close would be able to take 7 wolves so that leaves me with 7 more for continual defense.

now that i think about it, you still have to take the rats because nothing else could protect you from 10,000 rats at once

but the rats arent attacking the gorillas, they are trying to kill you, how would the gorillas be able to protect you?

gorillas, bears, and lions could all shit stomp those fuckers

stand on a chair like useless housewives

tbh im thinking this impossible if you think about... ur always at a disadvantage

Crocs are literally a throwback to the dinosaurs, you don't survive as a species for 230 million years without being tough so crocs and gorillas

Is this just the gun or does it come with the user?
If so, I'd take the shooter and the wolves

Hunter and rats

Facing of against another human is near impossible if you are using animals to defend you and the hunter is armed. The nigger kills animals for a living.
Also a fuck ton of rats would be impossible to fight against. So I'll take the hunter to defend me and only take the rats to avoid fighting them.

OP here, shooter included

dude has a double barrel, I have 5 gorillas

i'm pretty sure just the 10000 rats would be enough unless the hunter is a sly fucker and just snipes you

Rat zerg rush, with added bonus of spreading disease with attacks

Hunter with a gun

looks like a double barrel, prolly wouldn't snipe you

This and unless its at point blank range firing a shotgun at a 900lb Silverback is just going to piss it off

15 wolfs and 3 bears

But what if the shooter is also Brock Lesnar?

Get bears and ride them and escape

How many bullets does the rifle guy have?

10000 rats and 7 bulls. thats a lot of rats, pretty sure they could handle it without any another animal.
the bulls cause horns are pointy.

What? some faggot who dresses up in tight spandex, covers himself in baby oil and pretends to hit other faggots dressed in tight spandex covered in baby oil?
the crocs have him as a side dish

OP here: 50 rounds, 25 bird, 25 buckshot

Gorillas and Male Lions

The male lion part is important because they only generally fight when they are either very hungry or their life is on the line but watch videos of male lion attacks they are insanely more powerful then the females.

cape buffalo and birds

The rats and birds make this a harder choice.
Rats will fuck your shit up unless you have them or the birds. Nothing really counters the birds other than the hunter and even then you're still probably going to lose an eye or two at best since one guy just isnt enough.
Assuming every animal has access to it's preferred terrain and not every enemy animal will rush the target, crocs in a mote plus hawks would be the safest option.
>crocs have defensive advantage, stealth in water
>other animals slower, easier targets in water
>hawks keep rats at bay
>hopefully can disable hunter by talons to eyeballs, also gorillas or bears
>crocs finish them off

OP here: for logistical purposes let's assume the animals you choose are trained to attack whatever you say, whenever you say but each species can only follow one order at a time