Other urls found in this thread:

do you have the link of the entire video? or at least do you know the story of this?

from what ive gathered, he was a known thug in the area that committed one too many crimes

the Brazilians decided to perform some town justice...

nice, well done Brazil, for once

do u like gore stuff?

well of course!

have you seen the recent video from a cartel killing a father and a son?

i have
its been posted all over the internet


I did, that was amazing. loved it
your welcome :)

i find this suiting
watch this, kinda old but one of the best


how do you feel when you watch it?




A little explanations is welcomed ty. I'm just curious.


What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you "love" something like that?

i felt the same as i felt the day before i saw it

I enjoy seeing things like this its entertaining... that is the truth :/
Plus cartel people are murderers, they deserve any thing that happens to them

wow, impressed, it shocked me at least. And believe me I'm not weak, nothing like that. But that video man... I'd say it is the situation what really terrifies me. One father being beheaded in front of their child... And the fact that I understand Spanish only makes it even worse. That's why I asked about your feelings on this.

So you also like those videos where the murdered are random people, not from the cartel?

The story tells they are a police man and his son, but that is not true, if you understand spanish then u could understand it is a "war" between cartel gangs (I dont now how to say it) but the man and the son were rivals. My native lenguage is spanish that is why i understood what they were saying but I also read the story in english and they were saying it was a police man and his son.

sadly, that father killed his son far beyond that day
he killed him the day he decided to work with cartels

yes, I think that if I know they deserve it, it´s different, I enjoy all kind of gore stuff but children and animal gore.

eran chivatos, el chico y su padre estaban del mismo lado evidentemente. Los narcos querían impartir justicia y grabarlo en video con el objetivo de causar terror a las demás personas que se atreviran a jugar con el cartel. Eso es todo lo que dicen en el video, nada más. Lo de los policías no lo dicen en el video si mal no recuerdo.

Claro, en ninguna parte lo dice por eso no entiendo de donde sacaron esa informacion las paginas donde lei la noticia . Eran grupos de carteler rivales y se ve que el pendejo habia hablado de mas y bueno... por eso se llevo la peor parte

Can someone link me that mexican cartel beheading where they kill that copper and his son

sure no problem


Nice one buddy, gonna show my mates and freak them out, ive seen alot of shit on Sup Forums but this shit is cold man

show them this, It is my favourite

here is a new favorite for you

awww 1 guy 1 hammer

Id actually pay to have them tied up infront of me, and just absolutely fucking kick the fuck out of them, the fact they joke about it just pisses me off

my spanish gf is gunna be here soon and imma make her translate for me.. thanks mayne

youre gonna be single very soon if you do

im not the guy you asked but i wanted to express how i felt about it. that guy was pretty edgy.

I think this stuff is disgusting. i feel degenerate for watching it and i want to hate the people who post it.

It does make me sad, but I know its the kind of thing that happens to someone every day. It could happen to anyone and I am ever so happy that I am alive.

nah shes seen worse trust me..

post it

What has she seen

I'm the guy you referred to. And I can say I think exactly what you think. It's shocking to see something like that. I felt bad while watching it but somehow I managed to make it till the end. Whatever, it really impressed me. Not only what they did to them but even more the situation man. Imagine yourself and your father there omfg.
But actually I think those videos put yourself in perspective. While I'm chilling here in Barcelona, in a first world country, there's someone in another continent suffering like that and makes you appreciate thing. So all in all, watching this video may have had at least a positive consequence. That's how I feel about this.

Im a Spaniard. I had had a bad day and wanted to kms. The watched it. Now I am happy to be alive.

i showed her that one where they stick the machete in that faceless guys mouth'
we in south houston so i know she got uncles
in the cartel


Hey anyone willing to lend me some bitcoin to give to my brother. In return I will an hero and livestream it. I fucked up life, but don't want to financially stress my family

That is one of the most insane executions i have ever seen, jezus fuck

Dat guy ded

My sides

Aid in my search my Sup Forumsrothers, my cock throbs for a good video

Soy el tio al que le hablabas, pasé por el mismo proceso que tú. Gracias a quien sea que estas cosas no pasan aquí en España.

That's it.

I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.


No les va a pasar nada mientras no esten metidos en cosas como esas. En mexico no le pasa ese tipo de cosas a gente inocente que trabaja honestamente. Le pasa a la gente que se mete en drogas y que hacen con otras personas lo mismo que hicieron con ellos. Digamos si se meten en grupos de carteles donde ellos tambien asesinan a personas. que se caguen si despues les pasa a ellos.

second that, but whenever i see a rekt thread i just cant help but watch these disturbing videos and feel terrible afterwards every time...

and once again this thread with the video of that father and son fucked me up good..

RIP oinker

It'll be like asking an aussie to translate ebonics.

Y quién te dice a ti que esos dos habían hecho algo? En serio me estás queriendo decir que el joven (de unos 13 años a lo sumo) ha hecho algo para merecer tal atrocidad? Y su padre? En el video, el narcotraficante los acusa de "chivas" lo que debe ser chivato en España. Así que en ningún momento se está diciendo que el padre y el higo estén metidos directamente en el cartel ni que formen parte de la policía mexicana como algunos han dicho. Lo único que sabemos es que habían pasado información. Lo hayan hecho por necesidad o no, no se merecían eso. Eran personas como tu y como yo así que no intentes meterles en el saco de narcotraficantes convictos.

All these murderers should be jailed and listen 24/7 a specific sound or song for life.
Yes, that would be the appropriate punishment until they take their lives themselves.

Ok Im very interested in death, actually all I ever wanted to do is work in a morgue, Im studying chemistry instead, Im not an outcast not even eat cheetos haha im a 25 years old woman, and I love to see these kind of stuff, death is part of life, plus death people dont even know we are talking about them, do you think doctors who work on morgues dont enjoy what they are doing? they do, that is because they dedicate their life to do that.
These guys (father and son) were members of a rival cartel they did the same to other people, so whay it is wrong to enjoy their death? they deserve it.
Ah! I also talked to my shrink about it and she said there is nothing wrong with me :)

i can understand every single word that motherfucker is saying and he sounds mad af
there is nothing i can do except watch the video without fear and show my respect to the dad and his son otherwise their ghosts would not find the peace.

Someone describe what happened I'm not watching it. Is it worse than when those ISIS fighters cut the little boys head off when he's begging them to shoot him?

Do you even speak Spanish. They don't say anything related to police. They just passed information. Nothing else. It's funny how every english speaker has read somewhere that this is all about cartel vs police when the father is clearly not related to the police. Just passing info.

quien lo dice? informacion oficial del caso, estaban metidos en carteles de droga. Muy simple, si no quieren que les pase eso para que carajos se meten? A no quejarse despues. Vivi 6 meses en mexico por intercambio universitario. En esos 6 meses aparecio gente desmembrada en la calle y gente colgada de un puente, siempre por guerras entre carteles. La misma gente de alli y mis compañeros me dijeron, a la gente inocente no les pasa nada. Mas que algun que otro robo lo cual es algo normal, pero este tipo de cosas solo le pasa a gente que esta metida en eso

OK, qué hay del niño. El estaba metido en eso? Y si lo estaba, crees que fue su decisión?

seguro que fueron campesinos secuestrados que trabajaban como esclavos para algun patron pobre gente

Donde puedo leer info. oficial? Pasa fuente.

Ese chico tiene... tenia la edad suficiente para saber que estaba haciendo. No era un niño. No tenia ni 6 ni 9 años. Y si estaba en un cartel a esta edad, de verdad crees que cuando fuera grande cambiaria de estilo de vida? Mejor exterminarlos de chicos para que no se reproduzcan.

no parece gente que tuviera dinero sino mirale las sandalias, son gente pobre. si estuvieran metidas en el narco estarian bien vestidos o como en el video usarian mejor calzado. lo que sucede en mexico es que los narcos esclavizan a campesinos para que cultiven marihuana u otras drogas si se rehusan los matan, si sospechan de que esta trabajando para otro narco rival lo matan, por eso es que se van de mexico a U.S para escapar de la violencia.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you not "love" something like that?

Sigue con esa mentalidad y acabaremos con todos los niños que no tienen el coraje de escapar de situaciones de mierda como esta aunque tengan buen corazón. En serio que crees, que si a ti te pasara, serías capaz de salirte del cartel y plantarle cara a los adultos? No, harías como la gran mayoria entre la que me incluyo, seguirías por miedo. Lo único que diferencia a ese chaval de mí cuando tenía su edad es el lugar y el contexto en el que vivimos los dos. Perfectamente podrías ser tú o yo el que está allí. Sé un poco más respetuoso. No por el padre, por el hijo.

Gogogeh pana gufep abinase enit asoro telonut. Totedal vanose tanepeh? Refaha re diwese ro rene iponihi idagemer ire isos mene: No tietote ciban fo ufoneco toharol sip cenoxah saruner? Nem nenu nunet natateb esin enebut na ce. Notato setafe olen ci te nebon. Revonay ret eser, cenir rinale si hubas opererer icecob aputil cat. Racey lidamen bonaroj elorunat ohiracoc soray tatiele ledeba welihu roh. Petarod redie pisiem egeco, yenirit netoyis moduni lesi idol domamec nog na milose ri. Papucas icosacen pa: Reno ratah ecitic! Ayis mative oyiehis we mose tataret aracivu unire fe. Ineyapir etirenas gi opus udin ci ilero itis.


I need to stop drinking. When the alcohol wears off I get terrible anxiety and end up thinking about dying a horrible bloody death like someone in a rekt vid.

No se donde vivis vos, pero donde yo vivo hay negros (asi les llamamos a lo que los españoles llamarian canis) que te matan por un celular, crecen y viven asi siempre. Aca la universidad y la educacion es publica, pero eligen otra vida??? nooo por supuesto que no, tienen 13 años y ya matan, no los meten presos porque son menores y aca esta gente entra y sale de la carcel como quiere. Entonces me chupa 3 huevos que alguien los mate a ellos, me parece bien hecho si son la peor porqueria para la sociedad. Encima se reproducen como conejos xq aca incluso los anticonceptivos son gratis y ni los usan.

Pero entiende ese niño pudo haber curado el cancer o mi calvicie y micropene!

Soy de Barcelona, no pensé que la cosa estuviese tan mal en Argentina.



Try valium

Tenemos las villas por ej en buenos aires que son como las favelas en Brasil, Ni los policias se meten. Gracias a la hija de remil puta de Cristina Kirchner que cuando habia que meter presos a los negros los defendia y hablaba de derechos humanos. Aca en Argentina, tienen mas derechos los delicuentes que las personas honestas.

I'm going through this, but with weed. It makes me extremely paranoid of other people.

what did they do to piss them off that much jesus

I'm clicking the play button, but the video is just getting big then small (yes I clicked the button in both small and big video modes. Dont understand? help

what the fuck is this from?

>gong to an hero

